NATO does not intervene in Kosovo.
NATO takes no action against Serbia.
What happens next?
NATO does not intervene in Kosovo.
NATO takes no action against Serbia.
What happens next?
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>What happens next?
Serbia is made great again and kebab is removed forever
Everything goes pretty much the same I believe.
Yugoslavia is broken up anyway. Serbia solidifies it's south border at the very least.
Less crime in EU as a result. Maybe the EU wouldn't crack that hard.
Serbia is left with a big chunk of depopulated useless land that they'll try and repopulate but will probably take like 100 years because their birth rate is so shit
Shitload more Albanian diaspora all over Euorpe
yeah, cause the EU cracked cause of serbian burglars and toilet cleaners.
Serbia loses the war. Srbija je Kosovo.
>yeah, cause the EU cracked cause of serbian burglars and toilet cleaners.
I was thinking about shiptar drug money and illegal immigration
It was an ethnic conflict, not a religious one.
Serbs shelled Catholic villages too. One guy interviewed from the Jackals volunteer group that participated in the massacres said it didn't matter if they were Christians or Muslims or whatever, it was the fact they weren't Serbs.
Austria and Hungary team up with T*rkey and gang rape you, causing you to go bananas and start WW3
>Austria and Hungary team up with T*rkey and gang rape you
That's funny cause AusHun did team up with Germany and tried to do that.
They ended up in a graveyard of monarchies
NATO is disbanded, because anglo cant influence USA trough it.
>Yugoslav army defeats and disarms UCK
>glorious victory
>Slobo is praised
>no 5 October revolution
>albo refugees not allowed to return
>Serbia is now like Belarus today
Could've been good
while serbia is in a graveyard of democracies instead of monarchies
what democracy are you even talking about
yours are the same as ours
*Serbia and Montenegro aka Yugoslavia
We'd be good, probably in EU, probably eurosceptics looking for the way out and the Bosnia would have been unified.
(((They))) would've find a way to fuck us over, I don't trust westerners even when they're bringing gifts.
No memes.
Tho I doubt it would be like that today. After Slobo's death, with prolly no viable successor, people would fling to democratic stuff. Without NATO bombings and so on, Serbia would today be a pro-NATO, or NATO member, state.
But again, at least the shqits would lose.
People in glass houses.....
Hungary reclaim Vajdaság :^)
Someone throws a hatchet and kills Merkel in Sarajevo
serbia was a corrupt shithole under slobodan
at least belarussini is not as corrupt
and nandorfehervar banate pls
rest can go fuck themselves
You should pray to God that we dont pull the 9th offensive on your asses.
The 8th was pretty civil, even to european standards.
There are many mountain dwellers still left here that would like a chance to live on flat lands, to see how it goes.
We liberate Voivodina.
Really, the only thing stopping us from destroying the serbs was the NATO.
wtf am I watching and what does vlast mean?
whats the point of takining voivodina if you still have gypsys in your land
Don't worry, we have plans for Romania too.
It's a shitty song.
All of you who dream about the happiness
Your road leads you to a big city
You are neither first nor third
Everyone dreams about it...
If I were in power
I would change the entire society
Big city would be a village
There wouldn't be any junkies
But I would be glad
(there would be) Even less faggots
I would kill for a rape
And would you tell me wrong
If I cut fingers for lies
Frame me
Put me on your wall
From a rebellion
I'm a symbol of a cult
Your God
Club and God
If I were in power
I wouldn't even give you my dick
If I were in power
I would promise you someone else's
If I were in power
What is tolerance
You don't care about the truth
Hypocrites and thieves
I would throw in chains
There wouldn't be bureaucracy
Nor a sister or a brother
And would it be fair
If I were the main star and the director
Frame me
Put me on your wall
From a rebellion
I'm a symbol of a cult
Your God
Club and God
Can we help?
Serbs and romanians can become allies but voivodina and transylvania should have hungarian as a recognised people along side serbs and romanians. just get gypsies away
Same people on both sides.
Get a gun and lets go boi, time to be a man.
Give us a chance at that sweet hungarian boy pucci again? It's almost been 100 years since we took a shit in mongol territory, just let us know when sweety!
You fucking retard they shell us we shell them?
te quifsha none
Huh,you mean talking Transylvania back....good luck even with Polands help if you take it it will send both our countries in spiral towards a 3rd world shithole and you will be left with a ruin and a grave economic crysis,enjoy.
Roach the time will come you will have to go back to your shitty mountains
fuck you mother dardania is rightful illyrian clay
>They take Kosovo
>It isn't enough
>Try to cross Albania
>Have it easy in the Dukaine Lowlands
>Mountains start
>Lose approx. 50.000 soldiers
>Still not reached Tirana
>Draft in more of their population
>Lose approx 200.000 new recruits
>Still not reached Tirana
The time will come
Nope, your history.
This has nothing to do with you it was ww1 you fucking autist.
It was that you, like many many more idiots, tried crossing the Albanian mountains on foot. Why the fuck do you think the Romans took only the shores? Why the fuck do you think the Ottomans required 700.000+ soldiers to take over? We might not be able to attack, but you'll have a hell of a time against our defenses.
There was no invasion of Albania you retard. They were evacuating to Greece.
You fucking idiot we werent fighting each other.
Kosovo was ours before.
We were retreating from Bulgarians and Austrians to Italy and Greece and later we won and that war costed Austrians and hungarians more then it did to us.
There was no invasion indeed, never claimed that, but to invade you need to cross, and you DO NOT cross the Albanian Mountains.
You're saying it like they had a choice. Bulgaria was coming from the east and the south, the Austro-Hungarians and Germans were coming from the north and the west. Albania was the only option.
I can understand Serbian dw m9, just never heard of the word vlast
>Australian intellectuals
Its true you inbreed