This guy is a fuckin moron.
This guy is a fuckin moron.
Other urls found in this thread:
But it was. Moron.
he's right
It was always the Jews
JIDF is out in force tonight
Can someone link to the thread being slid??
It really was the Jews, though.
The duke still thinks it's "da joos". He hasn't taken the bogpill yet.
Sounds like a reasonable man to me.
evangelicals are fucking ignorant as fuck
>man: It's the jews *gives proof it's the jews*
Fucking proxy leafs trying to hide behind based countries
He's on CIA payroll
BIDF pls go
it was the jews
We found the jew in the room , I'm sorry your Great Grand Parents survived the holocaust
How many children does he have, btw?
Have you listened to his radio show? He blames everything on the jews. He's like those blacks who blames everything on "whitey".
Yes, there's zionist jews who push for wars in the middle east. There's leftist jews who push for immigration to Europe and the US but there's right wing jews who's ideologies are aligned with ours in many respects.
Take Shapiro for example:
>Wants the wall
>Opposes anti-white racism and understands the dems race baiting.
Yeah Gerry Adams is a fuckin moron.
I agree aussie
I agree with your overall point but being pro-life is not necessarily a virtue. The more criminal blacks who get aborted and never get to live to adulthood, the better.
One more thing, though. Didn't Shapiro take a somewhat public stand against Trump at some point?
Tactical buzzcut
Study the flow of usury.
>It was some of the Jews and their goyim pals.
>this guy is a fucking moron
but he's right
all this guy does is point out jewish double standards and gets everybody mad
>at some point
All the Daily Wire kikes were pure NeverTrumpers and still essentially are. I'm still surprised Whittleberg didn't back down.
Anyone who blames the jews is a fucking moron
someone post the comic of the neckbeard saying vikings "showed the world the true power of aryans" and then calling black people uncivilized barbarians in the next frame
I wouldn't expect a Romanian to know any better
when is it ever not the jews
begone jude
>still are
They really aren't. They've dropped a lot of articles defending him. His stances on Israel are everything Shapiro has dreamed of.
Compared to the campaign, Shapiro has really changed his tune. Still pisses me off he pushed that bullshit about that female journalist being assaulted trumps campaign manager or whatever.
so we must put the blacks down
thanks user, saved for future shitposting
nice fake news. John Nolte, the "godking" of the daily wire, was extremely pro trump:
Andrew Klavan voted for him too and constantly sings his praises. i'm sure there are more too.
His podcasts are retty alright desu
>This comic
This I why I love you Sup Forums.
I'm waiting for you to explain yourself then.
Wait a sec people are protectin the jews in /pol?
Bog? Can I get some fast clarification?
He's right though.
It really was the jews
It's just a coincidence goy
I enjoyed his radio shows during the campaign. Never listened to him before that. It's like he focused on Trump during the election then went back to blaming everything on jews.
I think David Duke is 50% based. The 50% left are him being (or pretending) to be christian.
How dare you disrespect a global icon and a national treasure.
The Vikings lived in an anarchic age in which constant wars, frequent epidemics of contagious diseases, and the shortcomings of the feudal system killed off most people long before they could enjoy the full length of their natural lifespans.
In medieval Scandinavia, there were no healthcare subsidies for the poor and disabled, no daddy-government to keep you safe, no food stamps, no colleges that would accept just about anyone and everyone and provide you with a safe middle-class existence, no modern technologies to keep you warm and feed you a regular stream of tendies, no modern housing to keep the elements properly at bay, no modern agricultural methods to prevent a routine crop failure from leading to starvation for you and your family, no truly stable nation-states, and few codified legal systems governing behavior and morality.
Niggers have the benefit of all of the above, and far more, just by being alive today.
Viking savagery is understandable and unsurprising, considering the historical context in which it occurred.
Nigger savagery in the 21st century is intolerable.
The villagers at the top were probably smart enough to not have anyone victimising the vikings and telling other villagers to get along with them, turning a blind eye to their savagery. Vikings also had a sense of beauty, they look awesome and had cool ships.
That bowl cut is pretty based
>being that adamant about snownigger LARPing
>Vikings also had a sense of beauty, they look awesome and had cool ships.
hey look youre the guy in the comic
Kys jew
I think vikings > niggers, I have that in common. I'm thin and good looking though.
goyim leaf
Jidf was totally in favour of trump being elected because muh anti-islam
If anyone had more to do with Sup Forums being manipulated to suck trump's dick it was the jidf
Duke is based, you guys are all shekel sniffing Jew loving faggots. He's 1 of a kind.
ghoul looking creep with fake hair spouting fake news
>"fake news"
His hair really bothers me.
>Wants the wall
>His hair
his wig************
he looks like zombie because he's a hardcore christian.
I love him show. First time i tuned in he said word jew or jewish about 20 times in 5 minutes. Hillarious. But if you really want to see crazy listen to William Pierce going off on that topic.
>comparing something that happened 1000 years ago to nowadays
Stop lying .70% jew vote for hilary. Jidf only start to suck trump dick after they got no choice
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
The ones that voted Trump did so because they thought they can control him.
We all know that.
Shapiro is an Israel-firster kike. He wants to put the interests of Jews and Israel ahead of the interests of his host nation. That's the problem with these Jews. They hold dual-loyalties. But if loyalties should ever clash, they'll side with Israel every single time.
This stuff is poor quality, don't you have better fake sources than these?
Nothing surprising, Since everyone started suckings Donalds dick, they started to also praise him for praising Israel.
You're next Shlomo
JIDF please go.
>they thought
And they were right.
why his eyes look into different direction?
is he a reptile?
Literally was the Jews
Yes, that computes. He's someone with no self-awareness.
stormweenies pls go.
you turned Sup Forums into stormfaggotront 2.0
nobody but other stormweeneies cares about your lunatic conspiracy theories
kys kike
Fuck off kike
Well who was it if not (((them)))?
David Duke is a great man.
Nazicucks BTFO
Remove potato. Irish genocide best day of my life.
Do you really get pleasure from browsing Sup Forums just to shitpost? Or are you just butthurt that Sup Forums gets this much traffic, but it does not align with your views so all you can do is autistically screech?
>punched by (((white people)))