Where to start with Julius Evola? What are some good right wing books? Pls no anti-jew stuff.
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>Pls no anti-jew stuff.
Wrong place "pal"
Even if the Jews are all evil and that's a big if, arent they our allies against extremist Islamist?
Extremist Islam wouldn't be the issue it is today, if it weren't for the jews.
Depends on the jews. Jews that have closer ties to Israel hold anti-islam beliefs. But secular and the majority not living in Israel but in Western and European countries are pro immigration and race mixing only for there host countries but not Israel.
Industrial society and its future
Even before that Islam had extremist. Only in our modern world they are able to project it.
Evola is a turd.
Don't waste your time with his mystic foo foo.
I'd suggest to read Evola chronologically, start with Revolt Against The Modern World, then Men Among The Ruins. Ride The Tiger, The Path Of Cinnabar, Fascism Viewed From The Right
Every red pilled book must be anti-jew by default. Even if it does not refer to the ethernal jew in any way.
But check out some of the pic related. I pesonally recommend starting with Quinn's Ishmael. Wil give you A LOT of insight into everything, even if you come to disagree with its message.
If you two cant spot that you are replying to a JIDF shill you need to get your fucking head checked.
They hate us because we love the jews, extremist islamists are pretty based desu.
Read Anders Breivik manifesto
I hope your parents will die in an oven and (((they))) will make fun of you, subhuman gentile.
How is Mary Wollstonecraft considered red-pill or right-wing?
> (You)
Anybody have a pdf of ride the tiger in italian?
"Red Pilled" books are almost always edgy faggots and meme-ing. Try reading the books and the thoughts that made us great to begin with.
>no Bible
I want nu/pol/ to leave.
/lit/ here. Start with the Greeks, you fucking kindle-owning, genrehamchugger.
The Noble Qu'ran for Beginners :v)
To throw in a few more
On Liberty and Utilitarianism - John Stuart Mill
The Road To Serfdom - Friedrich Hayek
Capitalism and Freedom - Milton Friedman
Easily the best book I've ever discovered on Sup Forums
israel jews maybe
western jews no
doesn't this have an equivalent for women?
would be curious to read it.
if you want a scholar interpretation of judaism you need to go the theological route, it's basically the history rabbinical judaism. Any racial manifesto against judaism has no feet to stand on.
I really enjoyed this book.
I learnt alot about turkroaches
did you know they had harems
this was a good book
i will tell all my friends about it here
newfag. I know you want to be circumcising kids and jerking it with their tiny foreskins. Get back to plebbit
why didnt you listen?
Is it really that good? Iv been planning on ordering it but dont wanna end up on a watchlist. Ill do it if its worth it though.
Which Julius Evola book should I start with?
I saw some Mircea something in the library and thought it was Sup Forums related too.
his analysis of society is interesting and then he starts to ramble about the jews
would not recommend as a first read
The Gorilla Mindset
that's not really the bible of national socialism. It's also very specific to the geopolitics of the time and not that intereting in that regard.
Try A. Rosenberg's myth of the 20th century
Alright thanks, will do.
didn't Henry Ford wrote a book which heavily influenced the Nazi elites?
No. No they are not.
They helped muzzies invade Spain and now they're helping muzzies invade our countries once again.
Source on Spain help. First time I hear that.
they pretty much opened the gates to the moors
2nd these
Reading Nietzsche and some old Stoic philosophers are also great to fie off some of your neurons and maybe change your perspective on life a little.
>Where to start with Julius Evola
You don't. Evola is pretty much Marxim but with a negative sing. Absolutely economically illiterate and i can do economics with philosophy lmao-tier garbage.
(copy pasted from facebook)
Alright guys, I'm putting IQ statistics to bed..... I'm extremely tired of them.
There are only 13 million Jews in the entire world
There are roughly 750,000,000 europeans.....
It's safe to say the top %10 of europeans have a high genius level IQ... well that's 7.5 million, hell the top %20 probably have high genius level IQ as well, that's 15 million... more geniuses than the entire Jewish population.
BUT, who REALLY wins the IQ battle? ASIANS
There are BILLIONS of them, and their average IQ is 105.... for an entire population average... that's REALLY FUCKING GOOD.
So from there you have to admit that both Jews and Europeans contribute a bit more creativity than asians (not much really considering video games and anime)
The entire point is that IT DOESN"T MATTER. IQ is just a fun little statistic to get a good idea of your over all intelligence, It's not supposed to be used to act like your race is superior to others.
The lower IQ races are struggling with poverty, and again you have to take into account the numbers, and what percentage of people are living in poverty.
I'm just posting this here so I can copy paste it every time a Jew tries to rub their high IQ in everyones faces..... It's immature, and statistically Asians have FAR superior IQ over everyone.
"culture of critique" and "a people that shall dwell alone" by Kevin Macdonald are a must read
The Holy Bible, King James Version
He is mystic idiot whose appeal is only because he is right wing edgelord, so edgy others will claim he isn't right wing.
He proposes an idiocy thinking that his way is the only right way, being so up his own ass that ignores the fact that people already do it no matter their political or religious view.
can I have a tl;dr for those belgibro? trying to decide which one to read first.
>Try A. Rosenberg's myth of the 20th century
that book is a fucking joke. endless rambling about gnosticism and cathocuck bashing. 2/10 would not recommend
I made a list of these once:
Some glorious autist uploaded a bunch of book compilations on various topics :
This is the list you need:
Douglass C. North
"The Rise of the Western World"
"Violence and Social Orders"
"The West and the Rest"
"The Rise of the West"
"The Pursuit of Power. Technology, Armed Force and Society since A.D. 1000."
"Why nations fail"
Deepak Lal
"In Defense of Empires"
"Unintended consequences"
A Farewell to Alms by Gregory Clark
Not having Rene Guenon's 'Crisis of the Modern World' on there.... mate...
>The Economics and Ethics of Private Property (1993; 2006 2nd edition)
>A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline (2015)
>Democracy—The God That Failed (2001)
>A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism (1988; 2010 edition)
>From Aristocracy, to Monarchy, to Democracy (2014)
>The Myth of National Defense: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production (2003)
>The Private Production of Defense (1998; 2006 edition)
>Economic Science and the Austrian Method (1995)
>What Must Be Done (2009)
Reign of Quantity is there, and it's more essential
Also nothing by the man who founded the right wing. REEEE
cumture of critique describes jewish involvement in the 20th century liberalism and (((progressivism))), but also the reasons why they did it, the influence of the holocaust and the paranoia of jews since then. it also describes the dynamic between israel and the diaspora.
a people that shall dwell alone is far broader . it absolutely nails judaism, in that it is seen by macdonald as an evolutionary strategy for survival since its conception. it describes how the jews have managed to survive, their commitment to "being the other", their way fo making sure the jewish people stay together and, how some jews attained such high Iq's,.....
They are both very well written, and actually in a neutral manner.
godspeed goy
Revolt Against the Modern World
Blame the creator of those pics, I merely collected them
god bless that autist
shit nigger you have a lot to learn
God almighty that is glorious. Thanks, frog.
A must read for ausbros. Based Blainey is based.
This. So many people are saying that they hate capitalism but they technically mean to say corporatism
It's got a German name (Vom Kreig - On War).
>says 'Vom Kriege' right there on the cover
>Vom Kreig
you didn't even try
>post julius evola
>no anti jew stuff
Pick one
Dare I say no? It's hard to follow since it's full of digressions and lack of complete arguments. It's all over the place.
>Pls no anti Jew stuff
Don't be a cuck
Meme book. boring as fuck. You won't learn nothing you didn't know already (Hitler was upset as the Versalles treaty was very unfair to germany and the country was poor and down to its knees)
None of your links seems to work, I don't know why, Am I doing something wrong?
they work for me
I just got my copy of The Way of Men in the mail. Every time I turn a page I can feel hair grow on my chest and I get a stronger urge to work out.
I can't decide if I want to read Plato's Republic or Ride the Tiger next.
YES have literally been reading ride the tiger over the last couple of weeks. Glad to see someone apprecatea evola.
I started with men amongst the ruins. I found revolt to be a bit thick and disconnected from the practical. I'd say do men amongst the ruins, ride the tiger, then revolt.
it must be my fault, but I don't know how, I'm just copypasting them. they lead me to mega, but then nothing appears.
>arent they our allies against extremist Islamist?
No. Jews always side with Muslims, even as anti-semitism rises. The Jews sided with the Muslims when the Moors conquered Iberia.
I'm a Russian Jew and yes we are.
i need a link to download the iron pill books
>Not listening to audiobooks
What are you, some kind of NEET?
Also pic related
Just go to bookzz dot org
thanks comrade
>Starship Troopers
Mah Nigga.
I still don't know why people still think this book promotes fascism.
KEK it's telling me to read this book.
Also that pick looks like tetsuo in a mecha crossover between starcraft and evangelion
>where to start with evola
evola isn't a starting place. he's literally endgame-tier purple-pill concentrated truth.
if you don't know what the perennial philosophy is, if you don't understand how rome ordered it's pagan society, if you don't understand basic occultism, if you aren't familiar with norse, greek, and roman pantheons/myths, if you don't understand the ideas behind primitivism, traditionalism, deep ecology, if you aren't familiar with fascism and how evola viewed fascism, if you aren't familiar or don't believe in a spiritual plane, if you aren't familiar with samurai rituals, if you aren't familiar with the concept of honorable warfare, if you aren't familiar with the metaphysics of life and death in primordial societies, if you aren't familiar with the sacred/profane dichotomy, etc etc etc
...then evola won't make sense to you.
if you want a fast track to reading and making sense of evola, i recommend the following course of action:
read a basic primer on hinduism (a very short introduction series is acceptable here)
read a basic primer on paganism (not wiccan or witchcraft) the older the better
find primers on norse/greek/roman myth/pantheon and get familiar with them.
learn what you can about ancient egypt.
read mircea eliade's sacred & profane
read the aeneid
read rene guenon crisis of modernity, and also the reign of quantity
read logic & transcendance by frithjof schuon
read the unabomber's manifesto
be familiar with what fascism actually is (not what Sup Forums has told you it is).
read ernst junger's storm of steel
read oswald spengler's decline of the west.
read patriotism by yukio mishima
understand marxism and understand capitalism. and understand how they both operate from an economic materialist paradigm.
read spengler's man & technics
read ludwig von klages' biocentric worldview
finally read "the golden bough"
ok now you can read evola and you have arrived at the final redpill.
Amazing, thanks alot!
>Take all the pills
A-user, that's crazy! OP won't handle it!
Still can't make the links work.
you can't just highlight and then drag like i normally do in firefox. you have to put it in the search bar legit.
Is pretty gewd
From the little bits about regular society that it mentions it seems kinda fascist, not that its a bad thing. It encourages placing the survive of the group and your people above yourself.