Wikileaks releases leaked information on climate change

huh. turns out climate change isn't real.

Other urls found in this thread:


>be wikileaks
>need an excuse to expose global warming lies without people saying you work for trump/russia
>request people leak climate data from trump gov
>use this as an excuse to release data that says global warming isn't real.

Holy shit this is history.


Make weather nice again

Bullshit loes made up by oil baron supporters because their cucks to the system

wikileaks has a 100% correct information release record.

face it, we've been lied to. we were right to say it wasn't real.

So where's the proof exactly?

can ya point us at the relevant docs?

This is why us saw so many climate shill threads earlier this evening

Delet this

Ionospheric manipulation is such a clutch red pill

The link in the tweet is a search string for the wikileaks site. Not any proof in and of itself

because all i see is old docs saying its real.

Global warming is pushed to make Goldman Sachs rich on trading carbon credits. Libfags are too financially illiterate to know this, and get all their news from Mother Jones and Bill Maher.

>"Glorious Winged Faggot Extraordinaire"

Carbon tax would hurt those who produce and ship things.

Car manufacturers.
Cargo Ship owners.
Airplanes companies.
Oil and gas companies.

Average person won't even notice the tax.

bullshit, the EPA is heavily invested in carbon taxation for the private sector through the selling of "green energy" ie: basic utilities.

that comes from the recently released fbi files on ggate (can we say that in full now?) you should check those out here

As for everyone else in this thread i'm really sorry i was fooled into posting this here when really there had been no smoking gun discovered yet in the global warming files at all.

sorry guys.

Carbon tax depends on the amount of carbon you release.
So private sector don't need to worry unless they produce enormous CO2.

Ban all convicts from posting imo. You can't even bother to back up your trolling with fake news like the yanks do.

Has anyone gone through all this to see if anything interesting has been released because a brief look through it just looks like a bunch of proposals by individual countries?

Are you really this fucking retarded? Who do you think is going to raise prices? Yeah the fucking companies are. And who ends up paying?

Jesus fucking Christ you fucking retards are gullible as fuck. CONSUMERS ALWAYS PAY EVENTUALLY.

So far it's "Hmm, looks like global warming is actually real after all".

It's going to be pretty funny watching the swing from "Julian is ourguy" to "Julian is a puppet of the liberal-scientific conspiracy"

doesn't look like anything interesting in here senpai. I'm gonna activate autist mode and keep looking though

Wow do you have like a PhD in economics? you really seem like a genius, aquafresh

CO2 is released as a result of manufacturing and other high energy industrial processes
So no, 'manufacturers' will pay.

The two most retarded posts on Sup Forums ever?

No you are just being dense as lead.

>Manufacturers will pay!!!!!

And who will the manufacturers charge, in order to recoup their losses from paying the fucking Carbon Tax?

Fuck off braindead roach.

I fucking knew it was odd I was arguing with faggots citing papers left and right on Sup Forums of all places.

It's just a search query pretyped in. Also, no it's not real in the way (((they))) say. Go research it for yourself, and think for yourself.

Jesus Christ you're stupid

then recoup losses and make gains with a more expensive product sold through to consumers

In Canada they have installed the tax, but guess what? Big business is exempt from paying the tax for an indefinite period of time. Turns out us peasants can bear the burden ourselves, and should be proud of it!

I want you and all your kike fucking friends to leave.

Trump Admin controls wiki leaks

They asked for Trumps taxes so Trump could secret police them

Fuck off with your wikileaks crap.

Assange is gone, don't believe a thing what they are saying.

Of course those documents will contain that the global warming is real. Because WikiLeaks is run by CIA now.

Why are they doing this if climate change is real? Because climate change is a scam.

There is some change by humans but it isn't that significant. It's just a mean agenda used to implement globalization.

Better get rid of it ASAP.

1-That's no different than any other tax.

2 - free market.the one who is cheaper will survive.

3 the tax aim is to stop them from polluting.

Free market.

If someone doesnt pay for the carbon they release then it's not a carbon tax is it you retarded leaf.
You are just duped by corrupt politicians.
It's not a problem with tax itself.

Yeah, nah. This is too dumb to contemplate. Can you imagine that GS can't make money on things that are less contentious than this? What defence would they mount if it ever came out? Nope, not credible.

I thought this was Trump's nickname in the secret service? (Possibly without the 'glorious' though.)

>Global warming is pushed to make Goldman Sachs rich on trading carbon credits.

You mean the Goldman Sachs Trump appointed?

Um, Yank-capitalist? Aren't car makers, ship owners, plane companies, etc private enterprise? So you & the China dude are agreeing.

>worked for
I imagine them being able to hire the best people. Why Trump shouldn't do it?

>Adding unnecessary taxes to stagnate your economy due to sky is falling alarmism

A literal hissing cockroach

>You are just duped by corrupt politicians.
>It's not a problem with tax itself.
You don;t see the problem.

A tax has been levied based in an intangible "emission level" and the actual "emitters" do not have to pay The emission level is instead split across the rest of the populace based on the original levels, not on the peasant adjusted non emitter numbers.

This is PRECISELY the system these cockroaches want to implement everywhere else. Maybe not in a Godless hellhole like Turkey. The only thing that has slowed these implementations is public discourse, even though people like yourself are around to browbeat anyone with sense.

>glorious winged faggot
didnt know they interviewd ops

But the Chicom cockroaches are yellow...

How is it unnecessary?
If you are serious, answer or stay silent.
No time to debate science here.

>>You are just duped by corrupt politicians.
>>It's not a problem with tax itself.
>You don;t see the problem.
>A tax has been levied based in an intangible "emission level" and the actual "emitters" do not have to pay.

The tax concerns CO2 release.
Nothing else.
If this passed your Senate them they are corrupt.Bwlieve me I know how corrupt politicians are.
But the tax is supposed ti stop people from polluting.
You are duped. Average citizen don't have much effect on CO2 levels.

>This is PRECISELY the system these cockroaches want to implement everywhere else.

We are two hundred years behind. No carbon tax at the horizon.

>Maybe not in a Godless hellhole like Turkey.

Lots of God here.Too much.

>The only thing that has slowed these implementations is public discourse, even though people like yourself are around to browbeat anyone with sense.

The only thing that stops it from being implemented is that it would mean polluters has to pay for polluting.
Which means they either pay the politicians or dispute global warming.

> being this naive

Top ten list for sure