Poland is base--
Poland is base--
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>president Beata Szydło
... what?
dats guite a lot of benefids :DDDD
Read it again, Janusz.
This is the "Good change" for you.
Sup Forums applauded our new government for their vocal conservatism while remaining blissfuly unaware to the fact that they are also the most socialist government we ever had since the 1989.
What does the Prime Minister even do?
Wow how brazen can they be
Oy fucking vey these poles are truly g-d's chosen.
Fucking stupid slavs.
Gibs me dats programs money, we want out brothers to enjoy a 500+ and 1000+ of their own!
The British people desperately need Polish protein to upgrade their gene pool.
So, it means Poland will pay for benefits of their citizen now?
Somewhat ironically your picture resembles a Pole.
Fucking hell. You wouldnt believe the amount of polish who start working where i do, then drop out after a week or so and 50 percent of the words out of their mouths is questions about benefits to coworkers.
its enraging to think they come here with families, mouths to feed, and just want my tax money FOR FREE because THEY CAN GET IT HERE BUT NOT THERE and for all the wrong reasons
fuck off lazy poles
and what is Poland expecting to do about it?
Most of them don't even work they just turn up and still around all day.
This is pretty shameful
We pay out around half a billion in welfare to Polish expats.
Poles and Turks are the two biggest groups of foreign welfare leeches in Germany.
Our government tries to do just that here and it is impossible to close the budget without increasing the deficit.
oh shut up Hans 60k from 1 milion the rest works super hard and you know it
Poles being anything but filthy rat turncoats is the worst Sup Forums-Sup Forums meme. Unless you're some 16 year old phoneposter who only got into politics because of the Trump memes, you probably remember that they were the biggest EU-loving cuckolds for more than a decade while the going was good, so proud that they are becoming a "major EU power" (lel) unlike all the other lowly ex-gommie countries. But the fucking instant the EU started to experience some hardships they're back on the "gib muh sovereignity, le degenerate westerners" bandwagon. Of course they are too cowardly to actually be the leader of that movement as well, and have to hide behind Orbán, the meme PM of a landlocked meme country with a population of 9 million.
Also don't forget that the most beloved person in Polish history is a child molester. They're basically Austrians but without any of the cultural, scientific or economic contributions to the world.
>stealing cars is work
Pavel pls
poles are fucking hilarious, its about time the retards in this country realised we should be copying them and not fantasizing about some bandera faggotry
>the rest works super hard
Yup, low-skilled labor that drives down wages for everyone.
Hilariously, you're now experiencing the same in your own country with Ukranians.
>Stealing cars
you steal our bikes so what?
Stall it and complain about being betrayed by everyone in the world except Hungary.
>low skilled labor
like 20% maybe but the rest is skilled
Maybe nato/eu expansion to eastern europe wasn't a good idea.
>Poles look out for other Poles
>Not based
Of course a German would think looking after your own would a bad thing
>Also don't forget that the most beloved person in Polish history is a child molester.
How dare you besmirch his name!
Same here. It's just INSANE how blind people are to this in my country.
Effectively they've turned from working here while sending money back to Poland to just working illegally and taking welfare.
I live in Bergen, and if you want to get redpilled on the Polish Question just come to Danmarksplass and see the amount of Polish people around during normal work hours.
Why does indonisia like poland?
It's not our fault that Drumpf isn't looking out for us
or what Poland? You'll kick us out of the EU or something?
Don't blame us for liking your government if a single pole can't tell us who the fuck they are...
no free eu market for you
he's a brit the teeth don't lie
>Effectively they've turned from working here while sending money back to Poland to just working illegally and taking welfare.
That's the description of romanians in my country, we've one million of them.
There will be no deal unless you allow poles to cuck you.
Just forget about the deal and there is nothing Poland can do.
This is why White Nationalism is impossible outside of America. These people aren't "White" and they don't give a shit about "White" interests, they're Polish and they care about Polish interests, and if they have to screw over the people whom the average yank on here would would assume they have an inherent bond with because of their skin colour then they will do it with a smile on their face.
Government wants Brits to retain all welfare programs for diaspora because otherwise diaspora will become angry and very displeased with our leaders.
That's all there is to it. Hell, even if it fails, our government will likely announce in national TV that they did everything they could only for Anglo to betray us.
we dont have any welfare here, just stop paying that shit.
fucking poles despite being a minority take up a fuckin huge chunk of UK tax payers money in child benefits that they send back to Poland
send them to Auschwitz.
Just shut up and give us money :D
Auschwitz was always ours
We were in the EU at that time, when we leave it won't be up to them.
That said, I don't see the Tories ever giving welfare the axe it desperately needs.
Head of executive and pretty much the most powerful person in the country.
Not this time, though since Szydło is just Kaczynski's puppet.
If the EU didn't throw bags of money at Poland, they wouldn't have elected a socialist gouvernment.
so much this
it's why civic nationalism is important.
your family and your country above all else.
>too stupid to realise you deserve to be genocided
The plaque there says otherwise
god im gona regret saying this.
Poland is a benithief
its fake you dumbass
>most socialist government we ever had since the 1989.
Like it was a bad thing? The only problem with pis is if Morawiecki won't succeed, country will turn into shit. Basically he's the one and only man in charge of whole economic policies
That would be your caravan dwellers, take them back you little shit.
>Excuse me Mr Orbán, we can only give you 18 billion euros in aid this year
Australians.. Contributions... I'm confused...
America would blow your shitty wigger county off the planet.
what do you have? a band of benefit sponges.
Poles just being poles.
White niggers/gypsys.
We dont want them comming back. We send you wort bydlo and we wont them comming back here and shitting up the country.
Want to know more? Fine!
This is our deputy prime minister who holds both the post of a minister of developement and minister of finances.
His goal is to spearhead the civilizational jump of our country.
Recent projects:
-witholding VAT tax returns from 2016 into the start of 2017 so that budget for 2016 would have smaller deficit.
-ongoing project to do a recount of GDP for 2014 and 2015 because count from those years (2015 was the closing year for the previous government) was artificially inflated, therefore giving off the impression that our current GDP is tumbling down.
-postponing tax reform and witholding its details while still expecting businessmen to keep investing.
nobody cares
You sure as hell want the money they send back you disgusting leech.
Poland would collapse if you actually had to take responsibility for your citizens.
Hungary is based as fuck.
> looking for the interests of their own citizens
That is actually based.
we deserve gibs desu because of our massive recent contributions to the world meme economy.
No wonder the toffs wanted out. Paying all those lazy Poles to get rained on while at England's finest rocky beaches.
you mean the tinkers, the fuckers are everywhere we chased them out because there basically niggers in white skin
its also the reason why people hate Irish because they mistake that sub species trash with our race, they even say shite like "WE WUZ THE REAL KINGS" i jest not.
>The only problem with pis is if Morawiecki won't succeed, country will turn into shit.
This is a BIG problem, though. If it werent for this risk of failure, noone would whine about PiS today.
>only polish in the entire thread that isn't writing the literary equivalent of banging rocks together
>gets told by his knuckle dragging countryman no one cares
no wonder you're retarded.
>fake plaque
Like it's made of plastic? Or it's not there?
How many British passport holders have move to Poland?
3 or 4?
What exactly is Polands bargaining chip here?
t.Thinks Poland actually wants them forced to return as cheap labor for expanding economy.
yeah if you want to be a nigger by leeching off of others.
We're not getting that anyway.
Now what?
We also pay for polish kids in poland child welfare when daddy is in germany.
Living costs on poland are lower than in germany but they get the same like german kids. Good deal!
Polish people don't claim benefits.
Fucking neet memelords make me sick.
Is that the Wonderwall guy?
Spotted the Pole
>We're not getting that anyway.
>Now what?
Your son conscripted for psycho tracksuit wearers in British Northern Ireland to shoot at for the next 20 years along with another 24999 other mothers sons..
keep it up!
Fake as in they worked very hard to be free from Poland.
they do the double
spongers of the universe.
You legit the this stupid? Poles claim benefits for children who still live in Poland, see below.
yes they do you polish lying bastard.
>Almost £116 million was paid out to Polish workers claiming for their children, Slovakia migrants were paid £7.3 million in child benefit and those from Lithuania were handed almost £6 million.
Brits should have an offer of lifetime citizenship for any relative or descendant of a Pole who fought in British service in WW2 and fuck off with the rest unless they take British citizenship.
Only dignified way out.
>germany is THE biggest economic partner for poland (there is real economic reason for polish people to end up in germany)
>still turks get almost 5 times more xD
>fucking iraq is chasing us xD
>afganistan, lebanon and syria sum up to much morer than us
i mean i dont think poland is the problem here, hans
>giving people citizenship for 'muh ancestors' while being completely useless
Are you Polish?
>yes they do you polish lying bastard.
>>Almost £116 million was paid out to Polish workers claiming for their children, Slovakia migrants were paid £7.3 million in child benefit and those from Lithuania were handed almost £6 million.
We're loaded with dolehead brits here and the brits are loaded with employed Irish.
No fair.
They come here because our dole pays the british professional scrounger more.
Strangely as we get the Roman Catholic Poles the ones here are fine and work but the ones in the uk seem to be dole central
>and descendants
get rid of all the fucking scroungers.
anyone else who lives and works in Britain is fine.
get rid of all the fuckers that have ruined factory jobs in Britain as well. industry in Britain is crippled because these fuckers would work for the bare minimum and get their friends to go work at places. then they infiltrated management positions so now low skilled British workers who actually have families to feed IN BRITAIN can't find work or get paid enough.
polish truly are the Mexican shitheads of Europe. fuck them.
People who claim benefits in foreign countries are the worst.
You go there to work? Fine. But don't expect to be anything more of a leech if you go there to get free money.
>Like it was a bad thing
Yes it is you mentally retarded, commie loving faggot. The fact that they are rightwing doesn't change the shit. Also they support degeneracy on the scale that is almost unbelievable. Poland is done for know.
>600,000 gibs
>still infinitely more popular than muslims
>Are you Polish?
t. Irish RC for 6 generations on both sides and after that unknown
>still turks get almost 5 times more
Do the math. Holy shit you Polish people are literally white niggers.
>People who claim benefits in foreign countries are the worst.
>You go there to work? Fine. But don't expect to be anything more of a leech if you go there to get free money.
All the brits in france are scroungers to the max
you are right about the scale of the problem, i think pis counted heavily on hilary being president of and further containment of russia via eastern EU proxy that would get their economic share because of that, and now they are a bit puzzled with trump thing. Thanks God im an engineer and in case of shit hitting the fan i can jump next plane and leave to whatever part of the world i want
>noone would whine about PiS today.
you think?