Should everyone be vegetarian?
Should everyone be vegetarian?
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Sure, why not?
Also, have a sage, phamalamadingdongdoodily
No, you fucking toothpaste
Op thinks bananas are vegan
>top kek
>Should everyone kill vegetarian?
Fixed it OP
should anybody?
raising animals is almost always ineffective compared to growing plants
Plants can feel "pain" too, even after you've dismembered it.
You can fuck right off with your virtue signalling bullshit.
How can OP engage in his daily ritual of eating up lots of meat and nuts if everyone is vegetarian?
is suicide a option to just saying
I would vedge her tearian iykwim ;);)
I'm a frutarian and only eat fruit that has fallen from trees. I'm perfectly healthy and actually pretty big.
Can you show me how much I have to eat in a day to get 3000cals from veggies? Hardmode: no peanuts
raw food is the best thing you can possibly eat
but veganism is retarded
Meat tastes better than vegetables.
Prove me wrong (you can't)
If you want everyone to be malnourished unless they supplement and eat massive amounts of food, have stomach problems and horrible gas 24/7 then yes
No. And thats coming from someone who hasnt eaten meat for 8 years or so.
About a soda can's worth of vegetable shortening will do the trick.
Youre a retard m8
That is not sustainable and would ruin the planet very fast.
Implying people won't devolve to asian dwarf height with such a poor diet
tl;dr vegans retarded
You did gud leaf
christ no.
I wouldn't survive that.
You know damn well she'd suck your dick and let you call her mummie for a ribeye steak op.
Eating meat is unironically better for the environment.
People should be frugivores. Our organisms are designed to eat only fruits.
no, we dont need weak people
I only seem to date vegetarian women.mostly lefty hippy dippy girls which is funny considering how far right authoritarian I am. Funnily enough they don't mind my beliefs and eventually convert to some medium. Women are sorta shiftless I guess
>holding fruit
No it isn't, because in your shit country you have to eat snakes so they don't bite you while you are taking a shit or sleeping doesn't mean the rest of the world have to, Juan.
Fact: Vegetarians live longer.
>vegetable shortening
Da fuck user? You want me to eat a can of fat? I don't eat butter straight from the box either, you are awfully close to trigger my autism my good man
They look to men to lead
I am 6,2 and need 80 - 100g of protein a day.
It is very hard to get them only with vegetables.
I have tried and the only thing that happen was that my hair started to fall out. Nowadays i regularly eat once a week meat, once a week fish and once a week goat cheese. The other days are vegetarian on some I take protein supplements like almond supplement (not activated).
Do good so far.
TL;DR: If you are a germanic giant you need your meat.
>Should everyone be vegetarian?
No, only those who feel bad about killing and butchering animals should feel bad.
Ever had any home butchered roasted chicken? It tastes MUCH better than that shit you buy at the supermarket!
Anyway, if you don't have the guts to take the life of the animal you are eating, then you don't deserve to fucking eat it, that is my opinion on the subject.
This, I know some veggies have protein in them but the amount you have to eat them is ridiculous and takes the idea of it being good for the environment completely void. What sense does it make that you stop producing meat and instead grow obscene amounts of vegetables that propably takes even more space and resources than what agriculture does now?
He is right, i mean look at "refugees" in germany
No. What are you, gay?
yes, killing other living beings just for their taste is degenerate
These cunts are defending meat
The rest are going with vegetables.
Am i seeing pol become cocked and triggered?
lord Kek's 7's have spoken
No, but everyone should eat less meat. That way less cattle could be held more localy and in better quality.
No idea about the healthyness of eating more or less meat, but it is defenitly better moraly, ecologically and culturaly to have better food produced localy.
Note that this is only my opinion and I obviously can't force you.
True and let me tell you the amount of shit you produce can not be healthy for your body - I mean literally shit. The time I did this I went 4 times a day on the toilet to do "big" business. This can not be healthy for your colon. I am not kidding.
The only real decision you have to make is whether you take morality into account or not.
It is very easy just to ignore what you are really eating or you consciously decide to do good as consumer and buy organic gras feed beef for example or demeter and demand something where animals had at least a decent life. It is up to you what impact your decisions have. Morality.
No. But everyone should have a official licensed meat card and should only allowed to buy a limited amount of meat for his and his family. This would absolutly fix many problems
Bruder im Geiste.
No, but people should be conscious consumers and only support places that treat animals humanely.
I love steak, but that doesn't mean I want the animals to suffer.
No, but absolutely no one should eat industrialized meat either.
You'd need to decrease the population of the world to make proper 'food production' possible.
In the end the solution to every problem is decrease of the population..
> It's better for your health - you'll be slimmer and live longer
>Better for the environment, and even if you don't believe in anthropomorphic climate-change, then it is still the more efficient and minimalist diet.
>Less needless violence to animals for "muh burgers"
>Be able to maintain a set of beliefs that isn't riddled with contradictions - E.g. "Eating meat is fine, but don't eat my cat when it dies, and don't eat dogs, even though they have the same intelligence level as pigs"
>Eating meat is a bit mean
>Even if you want to get fit and build mass, the most efficient way to do so is to drink plenty of milk
Are you a lazy Sup Forums?
I said eat less meat so less needs to be produced which can be done my normal farmers localy
The only argument is convenience, from a sociopathic nihilist point of view I suppose it renders viable, but from any other logical stand point I can fathom, a plant based diet is by far superior. You can call yourself a plant based dieter if that makes you feel better, it's going to be omni-present in a decade or two anyways. Look up "beyond meat" supported buy the Bill Goyts himself. Looks like meat, tastes like meat and it's going to be A LOT cheaper than meat in economies of scale once it hits the mainstream, due to production cost.
It's not that it doesn't matter, it is that it just makes sense to do it in modern times. People don't give a shit about what you eat, they whine like little entitled bitches for the first weeks, then they treat you like some sort of jesus "look dude, I ate a banana, aren't you impressed?"
No and you shouldn't control what people eat.
If everyone would be vegetarian the whole meat industry would collapse, killing millions of jobs.
There isn' t even enough space on earth to grow the fruits and vegetables to feed all of this planet.
Also if you are going to feel the need to spread "le vaginan movement" after you start looking at the ingredients of your new food: do not put force upon your friends or family, just lead by example, or start a youtube channel, people just get triggered.
Just for curiosity. What do you think do cows and pigs eat?
Replaced by millions of plant based food chains, farmers, increased import and export of fruits, veggies, a shit tonne of milk substitutes etc.
Do you really think change will happen over night? Things will change radically in a couple of years however
In vitro meat is the final solution to the factory farm problem.
Bro, if we need space in the future, it's not like we will not have the material to built literal atlantises on the vast oceans, that cover the majority of the earth, technology will make all these issues completely irrelevant.
Cows eat grass, city boy. Pigs eat leaves, roots, flowers and small animals.
The retarded shit I hear on a day to day basis almost makes me want to start a fucking jewtube channel and educate people(in a subtle goy way ofc). I might as well do something, being a cultural neet.
>Pigs eat leaves
Are pigs, dare I say, /ourguy/?
Your solution to the factory farm problem is to have everyone get digestive cancers from consuming synthetic meat?
Probably, they also repel Muslims and Jews. Pigs are redpilled af tbqhwu senpai
I am; until dinner. Then it's 4oz portions of whatever meat is for dinner. Acne free, weight is down, relatively in good athletic shape for an old man, and low blood pressure/cholesterol.
Burger thinks Vegan = Vegetarian. Go look up some Freelee the Banana girl vids. Yeah, she's a cunt, but holy shit her body is amazing.
Well played, burger.
Just go on an exclusively Soylent diet. Problem solved.
it might not be good for either your digestive tract, your brain or your ability to chew though.
>everyone should x because y
people should mind their own business
Ok for the offchance that you are not baiting and are just stupid: Massproduced cattle never sees daylight or even a maddow in their whole life. They are fed power food to make them grow as fast as possible. This food is mostly made out of soy for which huge areas are needed.
Meat production simply uses more space then growing eatable plants for us in the first place
Who cares. You dont have to think about eating
Soy protein? Yeah - no.
I would rather go with almond or hemp.
Or some eggs do it as well.
Also it has been proven that you have the longest life with a diet high in vegetables and fish (no other meat).
Grass, which grows everywhere.
Does wheat, pineaples and avocados grow everywhere?
I prefer eating meat to living longer.
not a vegetarian, but with hydroponics you can grow fields of veggies stacked in sky scrapers in the middle of fucking Alaska if you feel like it
any girl who makes a duckface is nothing amazing but rather, quite gross.
No, animals are delicious
Cost of water, cost of construction, cost of transporation ...
Who will pay for this shit? Not me.
Ok for the offchance that you are not baiting and are just stupid: Fruits and vegetables are more affected by climate change than animals.
What do you think will happen when hundreds of fields go to waste just because it was to warm or too wet.
Because you libtard got rid of meat production, what will you eat?
you cycle the water thru a pool in the basement containing a controlled number of edible fish, the system fertilizes itself, provides meat, and recycles its own water. power is a sufficient trade off for 100% perfect growing conditions 24 hours a day and all year round.
subscribe to a magazine gramps
Animals are fucking dumb and exist for our consumption.
However, I totally sympathize with people who want to minimize the animals pain.
I don't disagree, fish nor eggies are that bad,
beyond meat style brands is for taste-cucks(majority of earth), the health lies within, nuts, seeds, legumes, fatty veggies and low glycemic fiber fruit.
T. health junkie. top 0.01 percentile healthiest people in europe I would assume.
Don't fall for the raw-food meme, saturated fats are necessary for myeline and general brain health, just in moderation. be careful with omega 6's and for FUCK SAKE, sleep, exercise and get some sunlight.
I recommend, matcha green tea(powdered), chia, pumpkin, flax, sunflower seeds. Walnuts, almonds, coconut oil(cold press) avocados, pineapple, KIWI's(both for fibre and weight loss)
garlic, ginger, sweet potatoes, lemon, ripe bananas, apples, black beans, stay low on salt, high on minerals/metals in general.
the rest is arbitrary and for preferensce
Meat produced the way it is right now needs more land and recources for the same calories then for example wheat or vegetables.
I'm trying to make this as easy for you to understand as possible: You have a field full of wheat. You now have now x amount of food potentially for people to eat. You give now this amount x to a cow for it to eat. After the cow ate for month to no end it gets procecced. The amount of food we have now is y. In the end we had more x then we now have with y because there exists no system where something would gain something out of nothing.
>Meat produced the way it is right now needs more land and recources for the same calories then for example wheat or vegetables.
you're making it seem like meat and wheat or vegetables are equivalent and meat is just more expensive, which isn't true because they provide different kinds of nutrients. Also it depends on the land and climate, you may be able to raise animals but not grow wheat or vegetables.
Count Barron von Trumpengramm?
>Plants can feel "pain" too
The people who fall for the plantsfeelpaintoo, meme are even more illiterate than the actual meat eaters, meat eaters are just conformist nihilists, they're not actually retarded enough to justify killing our earth.
ITT: dieticians argue with weight loss pro's.
Read a book, user.
Thank you user.
I would say we sit in the same boat :^)
I eat no wheat at all and no other refined carbohydrates. And very colorful - that is my creed.
Thank you for your answer. I really think that substantial changes come from within, we as individual affect only litte but as we grow in number - change is inevitable. At someday people will realize that they have been "liberated" from morality and that morality is nothing else than reason in the best self interest.
Neen, pleeg zelfmoord svp
>>Even if you want to get fit and build mass, the most efficient way to do so is to drink plenty of milk
>doing GOMAD
first mistake
last mistake
Fuck off Erich Honecker
>being a veggiecuck