Why does every left-wing organisation/protest seem to have some sort of connection with him?
Why wouldn't he just live out his golden years in comfort?
Why does every left-wing organisation/protest seem to have some sort of connection with him?
Why wouldn't he just live out his golden years in comfort?
Because hes a bleeding heart oussy. There is no massive unseen jew conspiracy, just a bunch of self righteous faggots trying to dip their hands in the political system.
Because Donald Trump doesn't want his money, so he goes to the opposition.
leave him alone. he only wants the gold
>Why wouldn't he just live out his golden years in comfort?
When people have money, they have influence.
When people have influence, they begin to believe that their view of the world is more correct than others regardless of weather it's shit or not.
That's why people say that power corrupts.
And his view of the world is particularly shit.
There is nothing more comfortable for a jew, than to fuck up a white man.
As long as his heart is pumping, he will continue.
more importantly - if he's so bad for US national security, why hasn't he had the CIA heart attack gun used on him yet? They took out Breitbart with it and he wasn't as dangerous as the giga-kike.
This to be completely honest with you my families. BP is basically the largest jew colony of Israel (other than NYC maybe) and he is like public enemy #1 here, even among jews. He's the same as any self righteous Hollywood faggot, except he has a lot more money = lot more influence.
>bleeding heart pussy
>no jewish conspiracy
he has funded violent transitions of power
Who has more money an influence, dipshit.
He probably geniunely thinks he's doing everything "for the greater good" and is on "le right side of history". You're an american, so I don't have to explain how far liberals are willing to distort reality just to fit their own agenda, right? Ironically, Trump becoming president is more likely to be the result of an actual reptilejew conspiracy. Unlike most heads of state, you don't see "Bibi" weeping about the result, do you?
Soros is just a puppet at this point.
All globalists probably use their influence through him to minimize exposure. Foreign goverments included
he wants to divide us
Leftie organizations these days are nothing more than the brass and knuckles for the capitalists
They're fighting for more migration and open borders, they're unironically fighting for suppression of their own wages and a reduction in living standards
It's sad to see how stupid some people can be
>golden years
>implying this vampiric, organ harvesting cunt is going to die anytime soon
He is a senile sociopath. I never understood why there is no age cap for positions of power, its just basic biology that old people go a bit crazy because human body simply deteoriates as they grow old.
He's an marxist alchemist who enjoys smashing the opposites together and controlling synthesis. Soros also funded neo-nazis in Kiev, he doesn't care about your left/right alignment. He's looking to first create political division and then unification through alchemy, culminating in world government of course. His book is called alchemy of finance, he knows exactly what tradition he is following.
Soros (along with the neocons) have had near dictatorial in control since the 80s
all the degeneracy and depopulation policies Soros promotes existed long before him, he merely continues the policies of the Rockefellers, Carnegies, Fords...
Soft Genocide Measures Promoted by American Eugenics & Planned Parenthood to reduce US population in 1969.
anti-fertility chemicals in the water, air, food
Modify tax policies
Postpone or avoid marriage (via master degree job requirements, economic crisis)
Encourage increased homosexuality
Educate for family limitation
Fertility control agents in water supply
Encourage women to work
Reduce/eliminate paid maternity leave
Reduce/eliminate social benefits
Chronic Depression (via crime rates, economic crisis, social isolation)
Require women to work and provide few child care facilities
Limit/eliminate publicly-financed medical care, scholarships, housing, loans and subsidies to families with more than N children.
Encourage increased homosexuality
Compulsory education of children
make money off his self funded left-wing terrorism
or strip up chaos for shits and giggles
>Soros was 13 years old in March 1944 when Nazi Germany occupied Hungary.[25] Jewish children were barred from attending school by the Nazis, and Soros and the other schoolchildren were made to report to the Judenrat ("Jewish Council") which had been established during the occupation.
was that so hard
>hes a human bean
>he thinks hes doing things for the great good
he has caused economies to crash in smaller countries to turn a dime. he was also at the head of the UK crash in 1992.
While I disagree that Papa Trump is in league with reptiles, I have entertained the thought that he could be, but always fall short on figuring out why an upsurge of state nationalism would be good for a movement that pushes for globalization.
If pol is any indication, his master plan is every white person masturbating to interracial cuck porn