I literally didn't know USA is the worst climate offender in the world. According to my teacher China will be more environmental friendly than America in 10 years
wtf I hate USA now ruining our planet
I literally didn't know USA is the worst climate offender in the world. According to my teacher China will be more environmental friendly than America in 10 years
wtf I hate USA now ruining our planet
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Manmade climate change is a hoax. Stay woke.
U knew what u we're getting into in 1945
>in 10 years
>now ruining our planet
Go back to somalia
We will win the race when the time comes
And you're fucking retarded if you genuinely believe that.
China is the least environmentally friendly country in history.
They've wrecked their own environment almost beyond repair and their pollution problem has gotten so bad countries half way around the world are being effected by it.
There is literally no way for China to fix this shit in 10 years, their entire economy relies on it.
Daily reminder that global warming is a communist hoax. And even if it isn't we in Mother Russia only benefit from it. So please burn more fuel
Do rivers look like that in your country? They don't. That's what the chineses do to their rivers. China is the worst pollution offender in the world and shit isn't going to change anytime soon.
But he said trump don't believe in climate changes, but China is getting better at environmental friendly solutions every year
>per capita
Like lying?
China made it illegal for air monitoring to exceed what the government set as the "maximum" amount of pollution is in the air.
They literally lie about the amount of pollution in the air and set the maximum amount lower every year and try to say that things are improving. Actual readings however show it's gotten worse.
But he said china is building down coal powered plants and focusing more on water and solar energy compared to USA that now under trump will exploit more fossil fuels. Keep in mind china is 4x Americas population, so America would be far worse if they had the same population as China
> According to my teacher China
Do you know anything about the Chinese leadership or the current Chinese cultural model put forth by the CCP? They give absolutely no shit about the environment whatsoever. They view nature and people as nothing but parts or tools in a system to be used for economic/technological advancement and are willing to destroy or harm them horribly in order to bring about their utilitarian goal(s).
China has continually gotten worse over the years environmentally speaking, 1/3-1/2 of the rivers and freshwater sources in the country aren't even drinkable anymore, the visibility at times in large cities is essentially 0 at many times due to smog.
So you're saying Chinese is basically tyranids?
Not OP, but i've heard this at school as well. Apparently China is making a huge effort to save the planet (thank god) because their school system is doing a great job at teaching about ethics and the dangers of global warming
While America teaches their children to bully people in wheelchairs and beat up minorities because of Donald Drumpf.
China in 2015 mined 4.2 billion tons of coal, America in 2015 mined 986 million. This means that China actually mined and used more coal per capita than America did.
>he said china is building down coal powered plants and focusing more on water and solar energy
Yes and no. They are selling all that sloar and wind shit. Not using it. China is doing what the soviets did. Just claim the work was done and move on. Its much easier this way.
>links xkcd as "evidence"
I will no longer believe a single thing posted in support of "global climate change". You have ruined the credibility for all of them now. Congratulations.
>according to my teacher
Stop killing whales and dolphins you sick faggots.
Actually their leadership yeah pretty much, they're ruthlessly efficient at what they do and don't give a shit about anything like ethical squabbles like people in Western countries do. Just look at the Three Gorges Dam, they displaced over 2 million people without a second thought and barely even compensated them for flooding their land entirely and destroying their homes.
You know China wont even start reducing emissions until like 2025 or something right?
I can't tell if this is a bait thread.
Also, their coal refinery process is much much much worse for the environment.
Well it's better than America who will probably elect the KKK as president in 2025
I would rather kill a few whales and dolphins than killing the whole world with global warming!
How do scientists know how hot the Earth used to be? Do they have fucking time machines?
How do they know the Earth isn't just getting hot like it routinely does once in a while?
Kys faggot.. oh wait the mudslimes got you covered on that lmfao.
The meat of whale and dolphin is extremely nutritious and is a part of our traditions so yea gtfo
That's why the entire world hates you. Along with Iceland, Japan, and South Korea. Learn to 21st century you primitive cocksucker.
U sound like ud believe anything your teacher tells you. Stop, research shit on your own its people like you who run for president on a platform sounding like a complete idiot.
we should make it a tradition to genocide norwegians
Well Trump is bad my teacher said Clinton would be a much better POTUS because she would contribute to diversity and focusing on green energy
In ten years?
Just like they promise to ban the Ivory trade by 2020, you know when their are no rhinos and elephants left?
Fucking retards that believe anything the Chinese government says.
China is beyond fucked up when it comes to pollution. China and India are the largest offenders and will be for a long time unless some magical technology becomes available.
Wtf you eat enchiladas and tamales made of pork or beef or poultry and are totally ok but when we eat whale like we have for like 2000 years everyone goes batshit
Our tradition were to make war to anglos and germans every 30 years on average, we stopped it because it was irresponsible.
It's not an excuse faggot.
See you literally force feed ducks to make foie gras you French cocksucker
>China will use water power
How? China is running out of usable water. Most of it's so polluted it can't even be used for industrial purposes.
funny how china seems always only 10 years away from x
daily reminder that climate change is an internationalist kike plot to tax human activity and life itself, all based on cherrypicked non-science and lobbied heavily by said internationalist kikes
>the US is the worst climate offender
are you fucking retarded? people living in Beijing have to wear gas masks for fuck's sake
My teacher said that's because diseases like common cold and flu and because particles from the Gobi desert
>their school system is doing a great job at teaching about ethics
Now this is just random word salad.
stop trolling, it's not working faggot
chinks' abuse of antibiotics is unmatched even among the semi-civilized world, their grasp of western medicine is virtually non-existent
>when you ask where all the ayylmao went
We are a failed species.
Like, how do you even get up every morning without killing yourself?
>nasa """evidence"""
>the raw data isn't publicly available
>not a single string about the method they use to adjust the data from old observation posts
Chances are you have little to no idea what are you talking about.
Teachers just mad the us will defund NATO and he won't have a job or welfare anymore.
>"bias" paa norsk
>ble erstattet
Finland pls invade
>Norwegian schools
next lesson was integration into the new islamic norway ?
What was your teachers (((name))), user? Asking for a friend of a friend
I know you're a troll faggot, but I could totally see them teaching us this in school back in the day. That system is infested with anti American PC cucks.
We have a mantra called "Hvit makt, negerslakt", which basically means that immigration is overwhelmingly positive for Norway
De fleste lærere i norges skole system er krypto joder eller ein av dei. Får hore hvor fantastisk multikulturalisme er kvær jævla samfunsfag time. Selv min egen mor er i mot sylvi listhaug.
aldri hort den for
China is the cause
Sounds like a very small minority. Don't the other scandy countries have higher muslim populations?
Kommer ann på hvor du bor selvfolgelig. På Hedmarken er holdninga litt annerledes
Lærte den i milla
Rev those v8s anons, I don't mind having longer summers. If its too hot where you live, well sucks to be you, its your time to suffer from weather conditions now. Also what the fuck OP, China is run by coal, did they announce some project to replace all coal energy with something else?
mila? snakker ikke ostlandsk
Militærtjeneste for Oslobois
Enda ikke gått forstegangs tjeneste. HVU for oyeblikket.
Norway is an oil state
i belive we polute less than sweden per capita
No, you export your oil to pollute other parts of the world
Moving the goal post here, are we not?
No, not really. Norway is an oil state.
>Entire world
I don't even think most people know what or where norway is lol.
Stop projecting burger. The entire world hates YOU
Carbon taxes etc. ARE A SCAM
These are natural cycles
China is the worst by far.
some rivers in china are so toxic you can set them on fire.
china and india combined produce 40% of the entire world pollution.
Norwegian made oil in other countries =/= norwegian pulution
Norway in fact polutes so little we can sell a part of our polution quota to countries like the US.
>USA bad
>China good
Why don't you move to China with me, user?
oh you no wonder you guys have like 10 icebreakers
top kek
>It's not working
>80 replies from angry Americans
There are places in china where the smog gets so bad you can't see more than 4 feet in front of you.
I doubt they're going to become better than us in 10 years.
Sure thing America shill