Words cannot describe how much I HATE this guy. He's such a fucking idiot!
Anyone else feel the same?
Words cannot describe how much I HATE this guy. He's such a fucking idiot!
Anyone else feel the same?
Yep, and I actually voted for him. The shame and regret will live with me forever.
Exactly! He won't even last a year though.
go back to plebbit
or prepare for the next emu war, wait no guns.
Wow!! Good to see that there are still some sane people left on Sup Forums!
user pls
Don't do this yourself.
I have a certain disrespect for Australians who are unironically lefty. All classy men pretend, but fuck are you a mega cuck.
Donald Trump was the anti war candidate.
What else needs to be said?
nice bait now stfu and btw you forgoet to stop using your proxy/vpn nice job faggot :)
>bow down to SOROS
this goy gets it
>replying to himself
what did he mean by this?
Trump is a bloody idiot mate. You know that.
What does Soros have to do with anything?
Oh, look, the Trumpsters have revealed their deplorable selves yet again. Yep, keep peddling those anti-semitic conspiracy theories. Disgusting.
The guy who funded the only grass roots Hillary campaigns? If the guy actually knew the kind of people he's giving money to and wasn't just senile, he might have plausible terrorism charges against him.
If you're this politically illiterate, why do I need to explain why Trump was the only choice that preserves life? You wouldn't understand anyway.
What is your point mate? Do you have something to contribute?
im not your mate, guy
>The guy who funded the only grass roots Hillary campaigns?
That is just a lie.
>why do I need to explain why Trump was the only choice that preserves life?
Are you insane? Trump wants to break apart families and divide Americans. Don't you dare tell me that he wants to preserve life. He's a sociopath.
Just what is your point? This is the last time I'll be replying to you if you don't say something sensible.
>Anyone else feel the same?
o yeah?
You're wrong. You're wrong and you need to shut up, okay? He's doing a great job, he really is. I think he's doing a fantastic job, trust me. He's so smart, he really is, okay? And he's doing a great job. He's gonna build the wall, and its gonna be terrific, it really is, no, believe me, it really is. Its gonna be one hell of a well I can tell you.
The Earth is flat
>Are you insane? Trump wants to break apart families
Which political party gains the most votes from single mothers? What political ideologies enables single mothers? What's the most notable problem with single mother households? I'll answer just the last one, it breaks up the family.
Do you actually believe someone larping as a conservative is trying to break up families? Or is this something a Marxist or socialist is more likely to do?
stop being anti-semitic
Soros and the neocons are the reason for the rise in antisemitism and antisemitic attacks around the globe including France, UK
Drumpftard science, everybody.
>He's a sociopath
Oh are you scared of mean ol' Twumpy-Dumpy across the pond?
And I thought you fairy boys were supposed to be tough
>abo panics after seeing too many leaf posts
>More news at 5
I wasn't talking about single mothers. I'm talking about his policies of deporting minorities that will just tear whole communities apart.
But btw, single mothers are an amazing group of people and have a lot more courage and dignity than foul-mouthed idiots like you.
It's scary that a man so dangerous, so divisive, so stupid is now the most powerful person in the world. Who wouldn't be scared?
Not sure if troll or stupid. Anyways, if you are that bothered with Trump then what the fuck are you doing here? A candidate was voted to office who had a campaign based around the themes he is now implementing, I have to admit that I'm surprised too that there actually is a politician out there who keeps his word on what he said during the campaign, why does this trigger you so hard that there are people who do what they say?
Chaim, how much is Soros paying you?
return to Israel and we will double your shekels
I don't get why foreigners have such a strong opinion about an american politician.
It's all entertainment for me, I could not give a fuck.
I assume people are so enthralled by Trump and American news because USA has the dominant culture on planet earth.
Stop caring so much, you are the idiot. Worry about your own politics and take everything coming from the USA with a grain of salt.
Pretty much no one, except you child-minded, hysteric Leftists
Trump has been in office for a week now and things are looking better than ever.
The future is gonna be great.
>A candidate was voted to office
No he fucking wasn't! The PEOPLE voted for Hillary. Trump only won because of an outdated system.
Oh god, I fell for Australian shitposting or just a dumb fuck from reddit who does not know about ID's
That will teach me to read past the first post.
You're not Israeli. You're just a Nazi idiot using a VPN. Just shut up.
I was, the democrat party very well could be actively promoting single mother hood for extra votes. Congratulations, this is babbys first "my democracy is a sham!" red pill.
Now fuck off and enjoy the enlightenment.
Fucking wanker.
Only rural and suburban retards voted for Trump.
The Democrats need all the extra votes they can get to combat against the Russian hacking and interference that's helping Trump.
you're fake news
Yes yes, the system suck because you lost.
On other news, water is wet
אל תהיה אידיוט
He's an unironic idiot and anyone who actually voted for him should feel bad for being gullible, I'm not even meming you have to be a fucking retard to defend Trump with all the retarded shit he's done with his cabinet.
>Trump: "I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally."
>"Hillary Clinton wants to let people 650 million people pour in and we do nothing about it. Think of it. That’s what could happen. You triple the size of our country in one week."
>"Muslims were celebrating 9/11 in Jersey rooftops. I saw it on TV"
>"Our African-American communities are absolutely in the worst shape they've ever been in before in America. Ever. Ever. Ever."
>"The number of illegal immigrants could be up to 30 million."
>"Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent."
>"Obama was born in Kenya"
>"Ted Cruz's dad was involved in the killing of JFK"
Don't fucking talk to me about fake news when your guy is the father of fake news
You realise needlessly antagonising Russia can lead to actual nuclear war? Trump is also a stock trader, he sees that now is the time to sell antagonisation and diversify with appeasement, Hillary Clinton did not.
Again, Trump is the anti war candidate. How does this not explain absolutely everything?
It sucked in 2000 and it sucks even more now. As Trump said himself, the electoral college is a disaster for democracy. He should make good on his word and RESIGN
Oh look, Nazi boy can use google translate. Congratulations!
I never quite got this, what did Putler hack exactly? Voting booths? American minds? Elecorates? Enlighten me comrade, I'm sure you get a medal for your work for the politbyro
come home to Zion Moshe, and stop with the grossly antisemitic soros shilling
dont be a disgrace to the Hebrew race
You fucking fags crying about ripping families apart.
Let me break it down for you fag. Our justice system rips families apart every day. These illegals broke our laws. They are criminals. I don't get caught selling meth and go. Well I have a family you can't Rip us apart. Sorry Paco sympathizer that isn't how this fucking shit works. These beaners are criminals. They broke the law. They knew there could be consequences for thier actions and stupidly started a family here. Then get on our welfare. It's time we rip thier families apart like we do every criminal family member.
I saw him on the televisions and he reached out and grabbed my pussy through the screen. It reminded me of the movie Swindlers list, i was the little girl in the red dress.
Trump wants war with Iran, China and Mexico. He's not anti war at all.
You are fake news.
The DNC from which they were able to so shamelessly spread fake news around and brainwash the public.
Soros wants war with Libya, Syria, Israel, Ukraine, Russia, China, America, Europe, Australia
Instead of bashing Trump back up to the basics. Ask yourself why do you hate Trump so much. Because the media told you to? Because it's the trendy thing to do? Now ask yourself if you have formed your own values or where they formed from an outside source, ala the media or just what your peers told you is the thing to think. If you be honest with yourself then you will probably find out that you have been manipulated by the system and that's why you hate Trump so much
Soros didn't run in the election, genius.
>Soros didn't run in the election
being this retarded, oy vey
>Total failure of a businessman
>Has objectively shit policies
>Shills for a foreign adversary
>Has admitted he's sexually assaulted women
>Was elected illegitimately
>Narcissist: obsesses over petty issues like crowd sizes and the size of his...penis
The list just goes on, but long story short - he's pure evil.
>Trump wants war with Iran,
[citation needed]
Not even I can explain the Sunni/Shia conflict and why the west doesn't really support either in one post.
Actually might need war, which would end up benefiting countries adjacent to the south China sea that aren't southern Chinese autonomies with massive HDIs.
Also, China doesn't even want war. They're just a bit nationalistic right now and that's not even all their generals.
>and Mexico
Do you actually believe this? Do you seriously and honestly believe Trump intends to send troops south?
Please say you do, I'll just be so assured you're an idiot.
Why didn't he simply give money to Clinton foundation then?
Oh fuck okay, abandon thread
OK then you proved my point thanks
>[citation needed]
He wants to end the (very successful) nuclear deal, which will cause Iran to resume its nuclear program, which will cause Israel to launch a preemptive strike on Iran and Trump will most definitely side with Israel in the inevitable war.
>Actually might need war,
At least you admit that Trump wants war with them.
>Do you actually believe this? Do you seriously and honestly believe Trump intends to send troops south?
Yes, he's that petty and pathetic that he'll go to war over a fucking wall.
I supported him throughout the primaries and donated thousands towards his campaign. After that, volunteered countless hours in the general election and voted for him on election day. I have regretted my decision since last Saturday.
Yes I had a joyous Inauguration Day, but after I witnessed the Million Uterus and Dried up Vagina March I decided to commit suicide due do making all those sluts and old hags angry.
>Why didn't he simply give money to Clinton foundation then?
He did
You had no point to prove.
No, you're that petty. You are.
>Gets BTFO by facts
>Resorts to insults
As expected from a Trumpite.
are you aware that Bill Clinton, Obama, Hillary... are all Soros servants?
under Bill Clinton:
Yugoslav Wars
Kosovo War
Rwandan War
Somali War
United States missile attacks against bases in Afghanistan in 1998
planned to reinvade Iraq
In this inevitable war you speak of, who are the "actors" involved?
Don't forget John McCain and his boy toy Lindsey Graham. Both rented out by Soros and his Open Society would-be totalitarianism.