>tfw no rare (you)'s anymore
Ask a drunk Sri Lankan Sinhalese Buddhist anything
how do you feel about polish death camps?
Gassed the kikes. Whats the problem there?
How does it feel to know that you devalued the entire rare status of your flag through shitposting? Man, I see you like at least 2 times a day here.
i knew it :3
At least I can get drunk. I feel for you user.
Did you enjoy getting butt-raped by us in the ODI series?
Is trump president of USA in your timeline over there too?
What do you guys usually think of western monks?
what do you think of the Tamil tigers? where they justified in their fight for their culture and religion, or were they just brainwashed fanatics?
also, how the fuck are there over 23 000 000 milion of you? you live on such a tiny Island wtf. how do you feed yourself?
>odi's haven't even started yet
How does it feel to lose a T20 series in home soil?
Redpill us on Theravada buddhism
Redpill us on nature of national karma
What is your opinion on Kek?
Of course. You know we celebrated when he won. Firecrackers and all. PRAISE KEK. LONG LIVE THE GOD EMPEROR. Also check the digits.
Neutral. Converted like 10% of the Sinhalese to Christianity/Catholicism
They weren't. They have the southern shithole of India and wanted a part of us too. Tamil genocide, best day of my life.
How does it feel to know that you devalued the entire rare status of your flag through shitposting? Man, I see you like at least 2 times a day here.
who else was here when the only poster of portoia graced us with his rare flag?
I don't know man. Buddhism says there's afterlife. But I feel like It's all a big nothing. You live, you die. End of story. But sometimes you get a glimpse that maybe there's something higher. Not a God, but some kind of entity with power.
>fuck there's another bottle of JD left and I got 30 pills of Xanax. Should I kill myself?
Weren't they trained by the CIA and other intelligence so they could take over the drug trade in the region?
Punched any muzzies lately?
tbhq feels bad man. Only shitposter from Sri Lanka has ruined the rare status. But Sup Forums is all I got now.
Fuck I meant test series my bad
>How does it feel to lose a T20 series in home soil?
Fair enough, although in our defense the selectors went out of their way to field our blackest team ever so...
Dont Kill yourself. I saw a Sri Lankan stand up comedian once and he was talking about how Caitlyn Jenner is not really a woman because she still has a penis and balls and how he saw a porno mag when he was 13 and it had a black guy smashing some woman and he felt really insecure about his size for ages afterwards because of it.
How is the mini civil war affecting the north these days?
When I went to sri lanka in 2015 There we still quite a bit of military presence and mined off limit zones (as well as quite a bit of destruction) so how is it looking these days?
Bonus question, how do you stand towards tourism in your country?
pick one
CIA and the Indian SS. But they failed. Fucking killed all of them terrorists.
>pic related
Daily routine user. Whenever I see a muzzie I say "kapan uruumas ponnaya" which roughly translates to "eat pork gtfo my country faggot"
How is life in Shri Lanka? Do you get proper medical care? Do you have enough money? Are you nationalists?
>tfw no ceylon tea
>tfw no radio ceylon
Why your anthem praises Mudi?
Cool flag by the way.
Is it true that you kill muds?
Also how much does it take to make you drunk
how do you manage the 40gb data cap for a month?
Shit I have some skunk weed too. Just please don't confuse Sinhalese with shitskin Tamil's ausbro.
It's all good now. We taught the terrorists how its done. Now they are acting accordingly to our law.
We love tourists. I see so many German tourists here. Sinhalese people are renowned for their hospitality. Ich can sprech ein bichen deutch.
Buddhist's can drink. We don't have sharia law here. Not in my fucking lifetime.
why be a regular buddhist when you can be a zen buddhist
Taoism > Buddhism.
not really asking anything here but you guys have one of the coolest damned flags in existence.
Free medical care. Pharmaceutical rep here so I earn good money. At least according to my countries standards. Of course. Why do you think a small island beside India, they could never conqueror us?
100% true remove the remaining fucking kebab. Maybe like two bottles of JD? I'm not sure though because I always mix. Right now I took 2 pills of 0.5 Alprazolam plus weed.
I have unlimited data at 21.1Mbps
Because Theravada Buddhism is superior.
How was your night OP? What does a buddhist do in a hangover? Grumpy prayers?
Is Sri Lankans or whatever the fuck are your people called a geniuine nation or are you just rebranded poos in the loo?
It shows how much we care about our country. Did you know that it took 200+ years to conquer our country? Just a tiny teeny island. And even that was because you corrupted our leaders with booze.
You're a pretty cool guy user. Keep up the good work
Genuine nation. Sinhalese people.
>pic totally relevant
We'll do bro. Please remove the kebab in your country too.
Your thoughts on other major religions except for islam which you've already explained?
What do you think about the tamil tigers. Should they have their own country
That's cool, good to hear.
Adams Peak is still one of the most beautiful experiences in my life, you are great people with a great country!
Why is the traffic always so miserable in Colombo? The population just isn't that big, but the streets are absolutely terrifying. Just getting across town to the office is a harrowing experience.
Also, Fuck you for ruining tea for me. After having truly fresh Ceylon tea while I was there, nothing else is good enough any more.
In my honest opinion all religions except Islam is good. Because at the core they tell you to do good. Which is the exact opposite of Islam. Even my mom is Catholic. I sometimes go to church with her.
No fucking way. They can fuck off back to southern India where they came from. This is our country.
I guess I could answer the question-
So karma, according to Theravada Buddhism (or my understanding of it) has two components- mental volition and material action. What you get back in matter is the material action and what you get back in mind is the mental action.
Say you donate 100 Roubles to someone out of your Dharma, then you get back an amount later and it helps you sustain your Dharma and become a better person. You do the same thing to show off, you get back an equivalent amount later but it helps you show off more.
Basically a good mental deed is more important than a good physical deed.
Theravada Buddhism says that everytime you perform an action out of anything but Dharma, you add complexes to your mind and those make you take more such action. Everytime you let a desire or aversion pass away through your mind without taking an action- you become more liberated.
What makes you curious, Ivan?
Neighbor brother- I'd be surprised if our BJP govt ever helped them. Congress maybe, sure.
They fucked us too so we're even there
And sorry for the trouble.
4th "sheela"- No intoxication.
Religion is not meant to be enforced, it's meant to be followed from your heart.
Honestly thank you German bro.I feel the same about your country. Except for the shitskins that are ruining your beautiful country. You are always welcome here. Please give a shout out If you are planning on coming here again.
Almost 25% of the population lives in Colombo man. And there was a reduce of vehicle importing tax like 6 years ago so there was a major influx of vehicles, without building new roads. Hence the traffic. Also we drive like maniacs. Including me.
>In my honest opinion all religions except Islam is good. Because at the core they tell you to do good. Which is the exact opposite of Islam. Even my mom is Catholic. I sometimes go to church with her.
You need to learn more about judaism. More specifically all the extended litterature beyound the Torah and the Talmud, in these writings can make judaism extremely hippieish, restrictive or hostile and revolting
Why western buddhist are so hated?
They were helping them. But fuck that. We still won. Btw please remove kebab
Suramera majja pama dattana veramani sikkapadam samadiyami. Which means don't drink too much which causes delay and fuck ups. Means still you can drink.
Why do you have a problem with Muslims and not Christians? They're the same as Muslims but have been made more secular by white Europeans, and less Semitically cancerous as a result. Christians are, like Muslims, so spiritually Semitic they did shit like betray their countrymen in Goa to Portugese Christians.
When WHITE POWER is established finally in Europe and other white parts of the world, do you think comfy Indo-European Aryan bros could share our common spiritual heritage? We'd need to take a lot of inspiration from the Aryan roots of eastern religions tbqh for a revived, non-Jewish/Christian pagan European religion.
Because they think its the "hip" thing to follow. Btw my favorite cuisine. Lasagna.. Mamma mia.
Christians at lease have conservative family values. When that time comes of course. Until then we have to stop our common enemy and then concentrate on what you said. Don't you think?
What do you think about your own country?
Islam is all about Conservatism lol. They're more radically biblical than Christians in their lifestyles. That's what all religions share, to varying degrees. Christianity vs Islam vs Judaism is an internecine squabble between sister Semitic religions. Who cares if they fight? They're all kikes, bruh.
What. That doesn't even show up on a google search as existing.
But yea, we'll drive out mudslimes and make good on Uncle Adolf's order of fraternal nationalism for all Aryan peoples. It'll be ultra comfy.
Nice flag and well memed
Why does your cricket team suck so much?
Thank you. I am just interested in spiritual and occult topics. But, what about national karma?You were talking about personal karma mostly