Girl Beaten for wearing a bracelet with the Spanish flag

Well I was almost beaten up for wearing a white shirt

you nazi pig

I dont speak mexican, can someone translate this?

I guess the anti-french sentiment is still strong in some areas of Spain

Sorry I don't speak British.

What are you going on about? Nowhere in the video or the article does it say that she was wearing a bracelet. It does say she was attacked by some antifa looking guys.

>neo nazi bitch, real tough attacking immigrants and lgbt with her neo nazi posse
>gets fucked up by antifa heroes
>omg help im a poor defenceless, innocent victim
>muh intolerant left

Take note fascists, whether you are high (Spencer) or low (this bitch) in the nazi ranks, you will face justice.

>I guess the anti-french sentiment is still strong in some areas of Spain
yes fucking lower can those "guys" get? Literally a group of men beating on one woman....the fuck did she do to deserve THAT? Granted, sometimes bitches need to be checked, but to get beat up like that? She had to of done something to piss them off.

god damn, i speak mexican and i can't understand anything you lisp-having fucks say

>god damn, i speak mexican and i can't understand anything you lisp-having fucks say
USA USA USA USA , a shithole full of retards like you

What is it with you Spaniards and your love of communism and antfia?

Didn't you see what happened in South America?

>Italy mocking France for a tendency to surrender

>for wearing a bracelet with the Spanish flag

Not true.

She is a Sup Forumslack type.

>le king has a lisp and sounds like a retard
>lets copy it in order to be fashionable and schway

now all you have is a country that sound like 3 year olds

Death to the fascists comrade. Starting with antifa.


She looks like a skinhead girl. I know because I dated one for 1 year

That's what i read on twitter, she is a nationalist girl, anti-inmigration, le juden, etc.

Also one user posted here that he knew her and said that too.

It may be a lie, but i don't think so.

tbf only the most retarded neocon cucks wear those

Kek confirms, fuck the French

thats how they idenity neonazis, fashist.. If you wear a flag you one of them, this is not france you fucking baget here in some regions people will look bad at you if you speak spanish

>until she realised Iberians aren't white

I was blonde has a kid, now I have light brown hair and green grey eyes, you virgin little shit

Delet tjis


4 Antifas kick a woman repeatedly

Leave white people alone.


Is this about catalonia or something? How can you be attacked for speaking Spanish in fucking spain

>blonde as a kid
>Brown hair as an adult
Isn't this literally everyone even remotely european


To be fair, if you speak with a South American accent you have nothing to worry about.

Transgenders not allowed yet

Out of curiosity what's the difference between Spain Spanish and, say, Mexican Spanish? Is it just the accent?

Kinda like American and Kiwi

do nationalists in the west ever fight back

answer me you cucks



Antifas are low test faggots. God damn I hate them. Disgusting.

This. Fucking subhuman Spaniards. Whiteness stops at the Pyrenees.


No need to hate our latin brothers just because they have a bit of moorish blood though. They are still relatively White.

Actually she was part of a rival gang and she was involved in previous attacks herself. The motivation was the same (nationalist right vs anarchist-whatever right), but get your facts straight and stop playing the media's game you faggot.

Without even looking I knew it was a frenchman replying.

So easily triggered, la baguette.

Shitskin logic
>See tiny chick
>Hey, she doesn't like us
>Let us 10-20 people beat the shit out of her
>That will teach her not to hate
>The fire grows

So what did really happen there?

So why did you leave out the Franco-Prussian war?^^

I dont buy it

Sure people are leftist fucks, but they're cowards too.

To be beaten up ( and a WOMAN) she'd have had to be extremely obnoxious.

Women in Spain have it ten times easier law-wise to get anything they want, and are especially protected.

So she must have been a total whore to make someone gather the balls to beat her

Yes, there was a string of fire bombing of anti fascist book shops in Sweden a month ago and an Antifa was beaten in Spain at a fascist rally a short while ago.

This is exactly how the civil war happened too.

Wow Spaniards are cucks

No, its the truth.

Spain is different when it comes to women being hit.

Some countries have a fair law but in Spain the woman is always right

And the coward part I know because I've danced with a spanish flag inside a spanish supermarket and outside of cowardly stares I didnt have any problem whatsoever


>lost to ANDALUCIAN farmers and vodkad

wow, your country has gotten so bad that not only are people attacked for showing love for their country, but they're attacked for speaking the language of that country.

Die already scum, you've lost your place in history.

God Bless America.

>implying france did anything in ww1
>implying france did anything in the american revolution
>russia bleeds after conquest by france

The only thing triggering me is that you let a young woman getting beaten up by a pack of subhumans and don't do anything about it because you're a pussy. Geez, do I need to come myself to protect your own women and fix this shit?!

Low quality shitposting.

well done al-andalus well done

England exists because iberians brought civilization there

Funny thing how france is full of moors
Funny thing how you get terrorists attacks every once in a while

well nobody wants your ass in Spain, you filthy gabacho

You have to go back to /Mexico/


So will you. There are loads of likes to antifa pages on facebook and thr names are taken down and will be attacked idividually. Loads of quiet majorities that dont press like for employmet reasos on nazi pages.

Normans were descendants of the vikings, not the french
Charlemagne was a germanic cunt
France almost lost paris in ww1, you would have been destroyed if not for brits/usa/
Britian did not give a fuck about the usa, they did not commit fully to the colonies.
Russia destroyed france in the napoleonic wars, French troops were exausted, many ate their own horses, many starved.
Russia completly defeated france.

Wew, balt... Did a french tourist cucked you or what?

>Implying the french don't have any nordic or germanic blood. Ye right you russian bastard, where do we fucking come from then?!...

>mfw I realise you're serious

>A posse is worse than multiple men pummeling you to the ground
Why are antifags so damn sensitive?

They look so small and weak.

I wish I was there

You do, but you are not 100% viking like the germans, or 100% germanic like the franks
You are a mix of celts nords and germanics.
I am not claiming to be a proud german, even though latvians have some germ blood.

*100% viking like the normans.
My mistake, corrected.

Who are those guys?

Let me tell you about the Bogpill

Would you desire, perhaps, an alacritous summary?

Tan tolerante

That however is true, based russian.

Check your phone, you missed a call.

That's a silly myth, and that you're gullible enough to believe it doesn't say much for your intelligence level, Hank.

The fuck is going on in Murcia, though? I thought it was a solidly conservative PP voting area. Is Cartagena that bad, like a mini-Barçelona or something?

Memes aside, white is traditionally the color of France.

This picture is so wrong historically.

The south is where all the gibsmedats are, what did you expect?

I fucking hate the Spaniards. Not because they're European or muh eebil colonists. They're fall from grace is so spectacular it hurts to watch. This is the nation that founded the mighty Spanish empire, the homeland of the conquistadors, threw out the Moors and cleansed the New World of primitive savages.

And now? A country with a failing economy, no future, negative birth rates, a gateway for Africans to enter Europe, soon to be Morocco's bitch.

>lisp-having fucks

Mexishit detected. It's the proper way to speak the language.

where do niggers come from? monkeys

Muy tolerante bien España

I live in Adra. We have nothing like that here. At least in my experience.

I know, probably made by an american. But it has a great triggering potential. Plus it's not that much wrong, you dirty frog.

Fuck off, it's not THAT bad. It's a pretty decent country to live in, if you have a job.

Its in the war of succession where everything goes wrong.

cities are leftists hellholes so it doesn't surprise me. at least i'm /comfy/ in my little village

Yeah you mean commie faggots are overreacting to perceived injustice instead of realizing historical context and then chimp and start killing everyone which will for sure fix the problem and then get their asses kicked by a person who actually cares about their country and not themselves.

Yeah what a stupid "civil war", just the jews doing their thing again.

Of course, there are places in the south who may be based, but they dont represent the majority.

what happened with that spencer guy? Didnt hear it.

This is a retarded explanation, this would have to take into account that antifa gives a shit about social norms you retards. Anyone they perceive to be a nationalist or in their retarded heads "NAZI'S" they beat up no matter who it is, they're fucking retarded and holding them up to civilized standards is just as retarded, look at your own history of commie and "anarchists"

Dont forget they had a really brutal war and had an actual fascist dictatorship, so it is no surprise its important.

what a shithole

i thought the spaniards was like the mexicans? when you gonna rev up that chainsaw zorro?

This is why you do NOT just watch the headlines. I did a lot of research into this. The girl was not beaten for these reasons, her name is Lucie the Untouchable, she is an unironic Nazi and was recognized by the antifaggots and they assaulted her. Jesus fuck dont just take things at face value

it's the pendulum that have been swinging to the left since franco died.

if i'm not mistaken things are gonna get worse till the pendulum swings to the right again. sad to see this country suffer because of leftists retards, desu