If life in the west is so good, why is everyone drugged and depressed?
If life in the west is so good, why is everyone drugged and depressed?
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Occultist Jews run everything.
We are spiritually bankrupt as a society. People are starting to wake up to this though.
We need to be unyeilding in our rhetoric though because progressivism is quickly establishing itself as a new religion and is evangelizing all of these depressed people.
>Life in the west
WTF happened in 2007 luxemburg?
Life is stagnate and boring. We need aims in life to keep going
Lack of vit D
4 million boxes of sedatives sold in Serbia last year. That means everyone you see on the streets is on pills and/or drunk at the same time.
Fuck "everyone"
I'm not depressed, I'm not on drugs.
Those are normie niggers and cucks. Fuck em
liberalism is a disease
Not sure how they measured those Numbers but I can assure you some serious mental gymnastics were involved in Denmarks.
I swear 25% if not more of younger population identifies as depressed
State takes care of everything, insane taxes so no reason to work hard and dream big, atheism, feminism, everyone has 50 sexual partners and divorces
Because pharmaceutical industry thrives in countries where healthcare is better, so you end up with doctors who prescribe drugs as a solution for all kinds of personality deficiencies.
It's one of the reasons why amphetamines can be sold legally.
Who said it was good?
I honestly hate living here.
There's literally nothing to do.
>If life in the west is so good, why is everyone drugged and depressed?
Because everything's too good. I am absolutely sure that mental illness gives rise in times on prosperity.
Man lives for struggle by nature. No struggle, no meaning of life.
>tfw russians in Narva ethnically cleanse themselves
Is this only narcotics or alcohol as well?
How bout maybe stop thinking only about your ass, and try helping others?
It's because of the stress of having to deal with all the shitskins and gypsies who want to immigrate here.
How does that argument work in relation to my post? What are you whining? Man up.
>tfw russians in Daugavpils don't ethnically cleanse themselves
lend us your help
Serious question.What is going on in Estonia?
They are always on top on these graphs on drugs/depression etc. By far.
It's good enough to have the time to realise that even when it's good, it's still shit
Join a martial arts club. That's exciting.
Wow. Empathy is so unknown to you that you cannot even understand a simple sentence.
Now try to turn off your ego for a second and try to understand this easy sentence:
If your life is perfect and you have no struggles, why don't you try helping other people who are in need?
WFT is wrong with Estonia, I was thought it was a happy country.
It happens when humans are in captivity
I thought you asked why there's so much depression and related drug use. I thought I gave you an answer.
I don't see how this relates to empathy at all. Stay on the subject, idiot.
>aunts caretaker
Some fucking bad people browse this place.
lol at this pic
Wow. I'm actually giving you a potential solution to your problems and you are calling me an idiot.
I'm actually really glad your people are going extinct.
>ask question
>get answer
>Wow I'm glad you go extinct
Nice empathy there you've got, asshat.
Don't be rude to Finland.
You are somewhat right, but you are missing his point.
People who HAVE struggles, don't have time to be depressed since they live to survive. Helping others would give you something to do, but it wouldn't change this fundamental difference. It's just another activity, like gaming or dancing.
Olaf got it right.
Opiate addiction is especially bad in Red States and rural counties. Trump country. Mainly prescription painkillers.
why are the Trumpfags so pitiful?
This. People are living empty lives with no meaning. Materialism has replaced spiritualism and people are finding out that no matter how many things you have it doesn't bring happiness or satisfaction.
You're a degenerate piece of shit.
You now realize that the US had 2/3rds of the world's druggies, based on the amount of money spent on illegal drug purchases.
Trump was right that "they're bringing drugs". That's because we are the biggest customers in the world, by far. The entire world is hard at work supplying us with illegal drugs.
They're also the most atheistic nation
I doubt they're less religious than Sweden or the Czech Republic
wtf i love Papua New Guinea now
>atheism, loss of spirituality
>feminism, loss of traditional gender roles, men feel worth less and women end up unhappy when they're all used up and don't have any children
>overall widespread degeneracy
Materialism is taking its toll.
>I am a retard who responds to a graph showing drug deaths going down with explanations of why drug use is up
is 40 deaths per million even a lot?
lol yeah. Bad drugs? A cult? I'm really curious. Did Europe have a similar 2007 crisis like the US housing crisis that helped cause the actual meltdown?
It's simple: people instinctively know that the way life is right now is not how it's supposed to be. We've completely disconnected from our animal side and by that we've invited further problems in form of a zoo like existence thanks to urbanization and the growing numbers of foreign tribes amongst our own. We're not self-reliant, we're not self-actualizing - it's not possible in this environment.
The European man has lost his place in this world and has forgotten how to retake it, if he wasn't broken enough to even want that in the first place. It's tragic.