>Try to burn Aussie flag
>Get BTFO by Aussie police
Fucking hell I love Australia.
>Try to burn Aussie flag
>Get BTFO by Aussie police
Fucking hell I love Australia.
Australia is the only white country left.
Goddamn, our police are fucking based.
Chilling with a beer, watching the HWNDU stream and cheering on the legend that is Jackie Sup Forums, now this webm; fuck I love being a white Australian. I am comfy as fuck.
Give the Cunt a medal.
It's a fucking disgrace these bastards think they can get away with this, and then are shocked when they get a proper retort.
Fucking glorious, curbstomp them cunts
just a fuckng flag, who cares you act like mudslims.. fucking primitive humans, so stupid.
I still think one of the funniest things I've ever seen is when the aussie uni students couldn't set fire to a cardboard cutout.
Everyone is gonna have a field day with rhis.
Top fucking bants, Aussies. You aren't completely cucked yet.
My granddad was an ANZAC in the first world war and im glad to see people still defending that flag
That's right wasn't it a Tony cutout? The fire kept dissipating and only left his smug grin.
Meanwhile in Australia
stay based australia
remind them who masta is
& kekked m8
I think you may be confused with England m8. You can buy steak knives from stores here (at least in my area) without ID.
You do realise they moved the sign from the steel knives section to the plastics for a laugh right?
>american education
It was Christopher Pine. See
What fucking possible reason could they have for burning your flag?
I'm so proud of those top blokes great hustle against the effeminazis.
Blown the fuck out.
>acting like your country or anything that happens in it matters
shaking my damn head. I actually feel sad for you idiots.
As if people need to have a "reason" to do anything retarded nowadays.
Because they're filthy pinko traitors.
that video never ceases to amaze me.
no damage to the cardboard cut out at all.
That's Woolies, though it takes half a second to pull that post-it from somewhere else.
Not sure if it's even real now; you can go to Woolworths' website and buy steel knives with no age requirement.
Wasn't this the UK? That or someone put the sign there to fake the photo.
Bassed coppers, I fucking love my country.
Any idea what was it about pine that pissed off the cunts?
>You do realise they moved the sign from the steel knives section to the plastics for a laugh right?
>implying that makes it better
Degenerate deserved to get his skull crushed too
He's white
Yeah, because we use dollars and cents. Retards.
are those niggers of australia or what?
Bump for Straya cunt
wrong. moslems and gooks have invaded
Something to do with the budget at the time. Probably crying because they couldn't go to uni for free.
They were abos trying to discover fire
What possible reason do we have to sell knives to under 18s though?
Now had that happened here we would be hearing
>hurrr durrrr burn flag get arrested
>lol britcucks can't even burn a bit of cloth in orwell 1984
>bongs ban burning flag
>oi m8 no fire licence
>Australia is the only white country left.
If Toronto is white then Straya is too, sure.
I want to see someone try to burn a Polish flag in Poland and to see what happens to him next.
Love it.
It's legit. In Victoria, knives can't be sold to minors. Even plastic knives have to be manually approved at self-checkout.
Right on Aussies.
Fuck yeah! This totalitarian future is going to be a real rollercoaster ride
Nicely done, commie scum BTFO, always nice to see :^)
>In Victoria
That doesn't surprise me one bit.
They wanted free shit and didn't get it
you would unironically be arrested here for starting a fire on a public road though lmao
That's made my week.
KEK no way that's real
(explodes internally)
You spelt Parisian wrong
Eat a dick norway
He gave himself a pay check bigger than obamas thanks to Queensland tax payers, funny vid but the cunt deserves to burn.
So we allowed some french girls appear on a billboard once.
Vic isn't part of Aus
A higher class of Abo's, usually it's petrol and metho
Any space in Aus for a fucking white northern monkey like me from the homeland?
Always Da-I mean...fuck off, we're full.
It's the same song and dance every January 26, our "Australia Day".
People don't like the fact that we celebrated stealing the aboriginals' land and dismantling their space project.
St Albans, Footscray and Sunshine are the last bastions of whiteness in this god forsaken hellhole
if you get caught burning the australian flag you should be dumped in the middle of africa, no exceptions
You should probably check my flag for the whitest country
Don't forget the printing presses, cities, agriculture, the wheel, medicine, guns, navy...oh wait that was us whites giving that to the Abo's.
Yeah man, I get you.
I probably won't but it's too tempting. You're really what I wish we stayed as.
Look at all of these white people in your videos who look like I do :( It's honestly a bit depressing going outside and not being surrounded by your own people who look and act like you do, but everything completely foreign to how it was 20 years ago.
and act like we do (well northerners anyway)
>try to burn American flag
>get BTFO by FedEx guy
anyone burning his country's flag should be deported on spot
>St Albans, Footscray and Sunshine are the last bastions of whiteness in this god forsaken hellhole
>mfw I'm one of the only anons who gets this
I do like it when the wallopers get excited.
>Non American thread
>American comes in
>LOOK AT US!!!!!
> Romanians
> White
It was pretty ballsy though.
Based FedEx.
The internet is american and therefor everything on it is also american, bong!
>Look at all of these white people in your videos who look like I do :( It's honestly a bit depressing going outside and not being surrounded by your own people who look and act like you do, but everything completely foreign to how it was 20 years ago.
This could just as easily describe Melbourne and Sydney though.
it's just banter
Those are french tourists
went full Emu on him
never forget
Have their brain liberated from their skulls more like it.
On phone anyone have a link to the vid?
my sis was in AUS for 6 months, she whined about the right-wing conservative mainstream there.
Sorry, I have some Swedish flag rescue too.
This is the first time in my life i wished to be australian
Kek, I've seen that one.
I love your fed-ex guy, too. "It's treason", based.
Romanians are white though.
What a real human bean
You know the situation is real, otherwise you cunts must be rural
>tfw when your country is so powerful even your flags can kill people.