President Obama was asked during the campaign last year if illegal immigrants had anything to fear from federal...

>President Obama was asked during the campaign last year if illegal immigrants had anything to fear from federal authorities if they voted in the presidential race.

>“Many of the millennials, Dreamers, undocumented citizens — and I call them citizens because they contribute to this country — are fearful of voting,” he was asked on a Latino YouTube channel. “‘So if I vote, will Immigration know where I live? Will they come for my family and deport us?’”

>“Not true, and the reason is, first of all, when you vote, you are a citizen yourself,” Mr. Obama said. “And there is not a situation where the voting rolls somehow are transferred over and people start investigating, etc. The sanctity of the vote is strictly confidential.”

Obama literally encouraged illegals to vote.


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fuck your thread
post more of this slut

so someone who has a heart can win the presidency and they did technically win, but because of
"american democracy"
we got stuck with a cheeto puff for president

Obama was a pretty terrible president who needed the support of as many votes as possible.

Why does it surprise you that he would embrace illegitimate votes?

So it would be easier for the Emperor to hunt them down.

nice slut indeed.

Wow you said cheeto puff, you must be a well rounded, highly educated intellectual.

BTFO normie nigger cuck

>Hillary has a heart
Top fucking lol m8E. I sure the ground is sodden with her tears over having poor Bernie rigging the primaries away from poor Bernie.

You don't deserve anymore.

Respect my digits by giving sauce

moar of this semen demon

Because the dems aren't pushing mass immigration, they're pushing demographic replacement for a permanent voting bloc. If they gave a shit about the plight of all those poor Mexicans they'd be working with the Mexican people to fix their shitty country. Think about it, the U.S. is the world's sole superpower and we border a third world country that is immensely rich in natural resources. If we had stopped all immigration Mexico would have already had its revolution. They're just outsourcing it to here.

So Trump could gather the data and start departing them.

The only people that voted for Obama were illegals and left wing retards.

All patriots vote Republican.

nice mix of slutty and awkward, OP

illegals deserve the broom anywhere anytime

I can't vote for le pen, afd, fpo etc to make foreign countries fit my vision of the future

ding ding ding

The left is bad at governing. Being bad at governing eventually hurts people. At that point your only option for re-election is bribing the electorate: niggers, immigrants, women, even criminals, everyone who wants something that know they can't physically or legally have. Unsurprisingly the left panders hard to all of these groups, and mass migration is a God given gift to the left establishment who no longer needs to engage with their voters when they can simply acquire new ones.

But eventually you run out of other people's money. Eventually you squeeze the productive part of your society too much. Eventually you pull the rope too much. And then [pic] happens.

how the fuck can illegals vote???

That statement doesn't make any fucking sense. You have to BE a citizen to vote in America and thus you cannot be an illegal and cannot be deported. You would have nothing to fear from Immigration.

elections are carried out by individual states; some have voter ID laws some don't; those that don't are usually (((D)))


how do they know if someone even CAN vote?

can an illegal alien and a 17 year old vote in these states? Doesn't that seem a bit...i don't know, stupid?

Yeah, as long as you look 18 in some states there are no voter I.D. Laws whatsoever so really anyone can vote

>shoulders wider than hips
That's a dude.

that dude has nice tits

>that arched back







>illegal voting Democrat in a blue state
>blue state doesn't say anything about it

this is what they WANT to happen
this is the reason why illegals were allowed in under Obama

These fucking spics are getting a one way ticket back to their home shitholes.



Correct me if I'm wrong.

So according to former Pres Obama's logic, if I'm not an US citizen, and I voted in the presidential election, it means that I suddenly become an US citizen?

CNN Defends President Obama From Possibly Encouraging Illegals To Vote

>Thigh gap



As someone who was outraged about this before reading up on it, i'm 99.9% sure the context of the actual question posed to him was that of Legal children (thanks to Birthright Citizenship) of Illegal Immigrants voting / signing up to vote not risking their immediate family being exposed / in the system to risk deportation.

Notice how the quote frames it as "asked during the campaign last year if illegal immigrants had any fear if they voted" rather than the actual question posed, which was specifically about Legal children of Illegal Immigrants.

Similar to that "You didn't build that" in reference to the roads, water and other infrastructure that small businesses use, being taken out of context to imply the fruit of their labor (the business itself) was not built by them.

Obamas a snake but cmon now.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


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The facts about slavery in North America:


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According to him, yes. Also, hes wrong.