Thunderf00t just exposed Lauren Southern as Just Another Anita Sarkeesian:
Thunderf00t just exposed Lauren Southern as Just Another Anita Sarkeesian:
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is that faggot in love with that Armenian bitch? no other reason to be obsessed with her
Who cares what this mouth breather thinks
"Dude the feminists are coming 201x- er I mean 2017! feminism is pointless in modern society but I have to keep rambling about it when it hasn't been an issue for 4 years Lma0 believe me I know science n SHIEET"
Fuck off
>Hot chick is a lying attention whore
More news at 11
The problem with his argument on antifa and "anarchists" is that they consistently side with leftwing political movements like anti-trump and anti-brexit movements.
That's why they're so fucking retarderd.
That guy is so fucking ugly that I can't watch his videos.
While his conclusion about her might be alright, his premises is flawed - when the official anti trump manifestation includes the anarchists as part of their protest then they are part of their protest.
would fuck Lauren, whos right
wouldnt fuck f00ts thick ass neck, whos eromg
He looks like works at a record store
that neck is thicker than my dick
imagine being an isis guy and have to behead this kaffir
would take days
I haven't paid attention to him since he came out against Brexit because of his own selfishness.
The dude is ok when it comes to talking about whether something is scientifically feasible or not (like solar powered roads, for example), but he's absolutely shit when it comes to anything else.
Coming from someone who doesn't really care for Lauren Southern (although enjoyed that video clip where she destroyed an SJW at the deploraball).
Isn't this the faggot who sperged out over brexit because
>muh science funding
Not just anarchists. COMMUNIST Anarchists, which believe in the violent overthrow of the government.
Yes and now he's sperging out about saying anarchists are leftists or something. You know, something that is demonstrably true.
What's wrong about that?
tf00t's videos on science are usually pretty good, but he really ought to stay out of politics.
I guess I can see it from both sides, it's a group that gets manipulated by people like Soros to work for his cause,open borders, refugees etc, which aligns them as left wing all the time but I think this is mainly due to their main source of funding etc being from there, their ideological goals might be else wise, although I think it's safe to say that's probably not the case since they've probably gotten so indoctrinated by the whole thing
Yeah. He sperged out over Molymeme, too, leaving a comment in the Youtube comment section.
Molymeme pretty much destroyed him, which led to him sperging out and accusing Molymeme of running a cult, which had nothing to do with anything that either of them discussed beforehand, not even tangentially. It was just Thunderfoot's desperate attempt to not look like a jackass.
> muh programz man exposing shills
This guy is dead to me.
"Just because they're screaming against Trump, doesn't mean they're protesting Trump"
-t. dunder doot
What is his endgame? Was he against Trump like he was against Brexit?
>oy vey don't cut off my income that tax payers are forced to pay for
Thundercunt should stick to his science videos.
I agree with him, but is he just talking about anarchists or the anti-Trump riots in general? Not all of the foulmouthed rioters were waving red/black flags. I don't remember or know about the riots/protests when Obama won last time, but were there even burning cars and broken windows back then?
He's becoming increasingly bitter because the state won't fund his industries useless pet science projcts anymore (or perceived to be the case). You know it's true.
Well, some aren't.
Cool stories don't count.
I'm 3.5 minutes in, and he's commenting on the black and red flags, which I believe is the flag of COMMUNIST ANARCHISTS, with one man holding a sign saying "How did we let hate win?" according to Southern.
So, someone specifically protesting Trump in DC on Trump's inauguration day was part of the Black Bloc of the anarcho-communists. How is that not leftist?
thundercunt is a twat, he hasnt been good for years
Hes right you know.
Thunder "I need mor money for dem programz" Cuck
Black and red is more than just AnCom. It's the basic standard of anarchism. Syndicalism uses the same flag.
Lauren Southern is a twat who spouts memes and people eat that shit up, but Thundercunt is fucking retard that should stick to science where semantics actually matter.
No. There weren't. He is conflating two completely different kinds of anarchists. Communist anarchists carry the black and red flag and create the black bloc of anonymous people who believe in the violent overthrow of the government. Obama had to deal with Capitalist Anarchists, who carry the black and yellow flags and believe in the Non-Aggression Principle. You can call both groups retarded, but only one group believes in violent protest.
Savage, Lauren Southern won't be sitting on her tight little ass for a couple of days if she watches this video
Gets me every time
That's why he likes them, he was anti Trump and anti Brexit, he's just your typical liberal faggot.
woman that became famous for being a woman and blabbering the same shit that the faggot Milo and the "le punkman" Gavin said, is milking her beta-virgin supporters.
And bitter Mr. Neckbeard 3000 calls her out on this, because he has nothing better to do.
why am i not surprised.
(now i'm waiting for the other skeptic community to throw a hissy fit and attack each other)
RWDS will be ancap DRO
Red on top is Anarcho-Communist, I believe. Red on bottom is Anarcho Syndicalist. Now, whether the Anarcho Syndicalists chose to align themselves with the Communists or not is irrelevant. They were, either knowingly or no, part of the Anarcho-Communists' "black bloc," which uses anonymity and numbers to dish out violence and get away with it, because you can find plenty of flags with the red on top.
his videos and his arguments are trash do
Black bloc is a tactic, not a movement. Who started using it is another red herring.
the warroom has been saying this for weeks
women cant be in this movement unless they're pregnant or married
>all the white knights in this thread
Lauren isn't going to fuck you
i love this guy but ever since brexit something has been up with him.. i feel he slipped and fell.
Black bloc is a movement that the Anarcho-Communists use and talk about favorably. Whether they invented it or not is irrelevant, when even sites that speak favorably about them or actually represent the Anarcho-Communist movement say that the tactic is one that they deploy regularly, and have done for some time now.
They want no government, they want total freedom.
>His endgame
"A black bloc is a tactic for protests and marches where individuals wear black clothing, scarves, sunglasses, ski masks, motorcycle helmets with padding, or other face-concealing and face-protecting items."
It doesn't matter who the fuck did it, they weren't out there protesting because Trump couldn't execute niggers.
Also, regardless of what I said hereit's actually irrelevant. Anarcho communists AND Anarcho syndicalists are both leftist.
Syndicalists just want to do their own shit in peace though, they don't smash up stuff.
That's fair, and I don't dispute that. I DO dispute the argument that Thunderfoot made, which was that the anarchists protesting Trump's inauguration were not leftist.
They absolutely were.
alt-right, and facists are all like
>why do these freedomlovers hate my authoritarian
atleast he was elected, in some form of way, not entirely democratic, but america never cared about democracy anyways
He's a fucking hack.
Feminist: they aren't real feminist
BLM: they aren't real BLM supporters
Thunderf00t: they aren't real anti trump people
>they aren't real muslims
He also calls anyone disagreeing with him or anyone pro-Trump as "Alt-Right". He's okay with triggering both the Alt-Right and Feminists, presenting muh horseshoe theory.
he never made that argument tho
he said, they where anarchists
the blond girl claimed they where anti-trump
which is "technically true" but is there to fool you rather then explain the truth, which he showed in the video
they demonstrated against obama,
they did it for trump now
>the alt-right and facists start crying
> therfor they are as shit as the SJW
Fuck off R*ddit.
And that would be right, since they all conquerors of market, scared people for their jobs, employed shills, homosexual Muslims and whatnot Jewish trick to conquer the market in name of conservatism or freedom or Communism. People should stick to their principles, to their bible, else they aren't real Christians either. Nothing but capitalists left and right.
He falls under the "technically true," moniker, as well.
Different kinds of Anarchists protested each leader.
So that's where all that cancer came from during Gamergate. He and his crowd can fuck off to Sweden.
made me kek
I can't believe how people didn't pick up on that mind set right away. I just use this videos to fuck with people in the comments they get triggered really easy.
His videos are unwatchable with how many times he repeats himself.
Personally I like and respect Thunderf00t. I did disagree and have disagreed with his views on Brexit and what not however I understand his motivations being heavily towards science swaying him to vote for the security of scientific research in the U.K. by remaining in the EU.
My only problem is he had little interest or care in trying to understand the motivation for people against it.
Agreed. I couldn't get farther than 3.5 minutes. The dude just repeats himself endlessly. Get to the point, demonstrate how you are right, and then end the fucking video.
no, if you define them as anarchists. they are by definition against each leader...
I know america has corrupted the words for freedom and anarchy by going the "liberty" and "ancap" route, but i would suggest you read into the history. The name even stands for "no-ruler"
Don't forget the outstanding levels of smug that appear.
He was only good when he focused on science but just ended up as preachy as the Christians etc. he went after.
Lost it at 5 mins.
Make your points or shut the fuck up.
He is a smug, pretentious, whiny neckbeard who only goes after low-hanging fruit (creationists, SJWs).
OR how he will keep replaying one line from [insert sjw] over and over
Ann Coulter is the single, only woman intellectual I respect. She seems to be almost asexual and that is probably a prerequisite.
I don't respect or care about women intellectually, period, and Laura Southern is no exception.
So I guess Trump supporters are low-hanging fruit then.
I disagree with pretty much anything that isn't science related. Even when he's right about something like feminism, he gets to that conclusion in the wrong way, in my opinion.
Except that both the Communist and Syndicalist factions believe in replacing the government as it stands today (one peacefully, and one through violent overthrow, both looking to enforce their communist beliefs on others).
And if you really want to get into the nitty gritty (and this is a mark against all Anarchists), a flag implies a claim to statehood, whether real, digital, or just imagined.
He' s awesome. At least he stands up to the bullshit.
Hey look, another concern troll post trying to fracture Sup Forums.
GG. You lost.
The Trips jew has some truth
He receives massive downvotes on any video not related to his pet topics. Other """skeptics""" demolished him on Brexit, and soon it'll happen again with his Anarchism vids because he is too stubborn and arrogant to admit he is wrong.
>She seems to be almost asexual
Should I tell him or should you, Sup Forums?
How is Tyrone doing?
showed his true colors with brexit.
True I can acknowledge that he is pretentious and smug but I admire him more for his science related content. Also I do like the fact that as an academic he did come straight out against the SJW madness which you have to give it to him for when so many others in academia just rolled over ready to get fucked from behind.
I just took it as a double edge sword really. I enjoy it when he applies it against SJW's but am capable it's just his "Fighting style" and brush it off my shoulder easily. Like wise I can understand why people don't like him though. In his videos he has a lot of his own white knight fan boys which would agree with him no matter what.
Technically true is another way of saying true.
It would have been a very short vid though
>but I admire him more for his science related content.
Totally respectable. His scientific analysis is top-notch.
>Also I do like the fact that as an academic he did come straight out against the SJW madness
He did, but he didn't get to the conclusion in a logical, philosophical way, in my opinion. This is his problem regarding politics, and why he looked like a bewildered jackass when he tried to attack Molymeme. Molymeme even invited him to have a debate at the end, and he responded by creating a smear video that had nothing to do with anything. He's incredibly proud, and he has no reason to be regarding anything beyond science.
Thunderfoot used to seem like he was okay...
I thought he was alright most of the time...
Then I heard his interview with Ana Kasparian... I'm like alright... I guess he just got a boner for Ana or something. Wrote it off... whatever. I figured maybe he is just a sucker for a pretty gal.
Next I saw his brexit shit... Not the brightest. I figure alright... He obviously works at a university so brexit may fuck his funding some. Voting in his own interest...
At this point he lost a bit of respect...
Now he is talking shit about Lauren Southern, when at the same time he has sucked Cenk's token Armenian's ass who fat shames, and has done a million things worse than Lauren.
He is TYT tier (garbage) in my book now.
Jews and the truth do not mix at all. Dont fall for his tricks.
Although strangely enough he's had nothing to say about muslims ever since they moved into his backyard. Either Lauren Southern is the bigger threat or he's just another atheist coward.
Lauren Southern was pretty bad in this. The anarchists did do a lot of shitty things, the signs were trivial. What mattered was all the harrasment, property damage and assaults they commited.
It doesn't matter.
The only thing that matter is that i want to make babies with Lauren.
And by babies i mean, know...
>going after the lowest of hanging fruit
>drown yourself in self-satisfied glee
>put on a motivated voice
>believing you're accomplishing major feats
This is just sad. I mean, yes the Left has been utterly obliterated after 70 years of unquestioned rule. But this desperation to 'get back in the game' by thundercuck and his
cohorts is simple too much to bare.
Fat shaming is wrong now ?
>Jews and the truth do not mix at all. Dont fall for his tricks.
A what store?
2017 is going to be better than 2016
both are true, but no arguments against what i said.
Not to mention that the use of flags (despite your definition /relation to statehood which isnt true, as pirates used them too) isn't representative of each individual within a group, as on both, obama and trumps protests where carried out by a majority who didnt use flags (not that it matters)
as for the syndicalists, (and one could argue for some anarcho communists) they are against governments, so the "enforcments" of such states would come from the people living within a community
As the definition of anarchy limits the governmental control, one has social "control" over a community. And since its democratic in the sense that there are no "rulers", but the community must create their own rules, its no diffrent from traditions, or costums within a community
and those are as "forced" as the communist aspect of the community, which means, there is no use of force, and you are free to move out of any given community into another that fits your views. This is the same as living within a family
families can be authoritarian, or they can employ collective rules (which is very common in scandinavia) where people are bound to certain customs, traditions and tasks
you can still leave you family tho
but aside from the technicalities, thunderfoot was right in making the video, if he lets the alt-right/facists go for the same "technically true" facts as the SJW who employ "look its all petriarchy" without looking past the ideologic stance, then he wouldnt be fair
Well no, but Ana has virtue signaled and told heart wrenching stories about how fat shaming is a terrible thing, then she went full hypocrite and did it her self.
Skeptics are worse than SJWs because they have no positive theses. The content they create is metabolic: they feed on other cultural trends, attempting to break them down through criticism while offering no alternative. Hence they are trying to cast the "alt right" in the same light as creationism, or sjwism, or some other moral panic. Meanwhile they stand for nothing but hollow buzzwords. I have more respect for a radical Muslim than your average "skeptic."
Thunderfads quality has gone to hell since he got popular and just churns out short poorly researched and poorly argued videos.
Hes just rambling these days. Literally no point bitching about bitches and media being dishonest...
>Hence they are trying to cast the "alt right" in the same light as creationism
These people will never appreciate the irony of race creationism