A bottle of Jose Cuervo will cost $50+ USD now

>A bottle of Jose Cuervo will cost $50+ USD now.

Thanks Drumpf, I hope you frog posters are happy.

>A bottle of 80 proof vinegar will be more expensive
>Taxes go down, jobs return and crime rates fall

I suppose you'll have to switch to bourbon.

Don't drink beaner juice then

lmao as a mexican lemme tell you that Jose Cuervo is shit, it's not commonly bought here

but hey, keep drinking our piss just like coronas

Drink vodka comrade.

>Thanks Drumpf, I hope you frog posters are happy.
If it gets you to stop drinking shitty booze, yes.

>drinking autism juice

It's called whiskey. Get used to it.

good, cuervo is fucking disgusting

drink bourbon like god intended

>Taxes go down, jobs return and crime rates fall
t. Prohibitionist female

Really? whats a good tequila then, nothing to expensive like midrange.

no one with good intentions drinks cheap tequila

Wouldn't that new tax hurt small american business owners who import from Mexico ?
Does Donald hate entrepreneurs ?

What if the party you're throwing is on a budget and you need to buy cheap tequila for the one guest who requested it?

>drinking alcohol

Pic related. Why would you want to drink it though? You still have whiskey and vodka dont you?

>drinking shit tier tequila

Tequila is for degenerates, you're better off without it.

>drinking dogshit tequila


José Cuervo is shit tier tequila my man. Get some taste.

Oh no, how will I clean my toilet now?

All hard liquor could use with some more price attached to it. Helps keep it out of the hands of degenerates who only see alcohol as a way to drown themselves in numbness. Also,


Shit tier.

In Ontario we pay 100% tax on all jew juice. Hence why I don't drink it.

Tequila is shit.

>he doesn't exclusively drink bourbon
Go to mexico if you like their piss so much

The only people that drink tequila are college kids that have already been through a bottle of vodka

Funny as fuck post Hungary.

>Drinking tequila
>Not drinking superior mezcal
>Not drinking exponentially superior bourbon
>Not drinking infinitely superior single malt scotch

Vodka smells and tastes like rubbing alcohol. It's only good if you want to get sickly drunk, and I don't see any purpose in that.

>Unironically drinking Jose Cuervo

Buddy. At least support the Jews in the Anglosphere and buy scotch instead.

This doesnt work

We raised the taxes of cigarettes and alcohol through the roof. Only thing happened is that alcoholics became drunk and even more poor, or started drinking anti-freeze, ukranian smuggled cigs with glass in it, and half the nation now vapes

I love tequila desu, margaritas

>On a budget
>Buying someone else their liquor
t. Mooch

Tequila and Mexican beer are gross, I don't see a problem. I'll buy my avocados from Guatemala or el Salvador

That's the person with the bad intentions you dink

He plans to fuck your wife or take a shit on your couch

I don't drink you fucking jew

Buy shitty vodka, add some brown food coloring, take the label off

If they just HAVE to have tequila, tell them that's their contribution to the party and make them bring their own. Especially if no one else is having it.

time to switch to whisky!
oh wait....

Pretty sure he was referring to the effects of the wall that the tax on Mexican goods will pay for... But then, you were probably missing the point on purpose anyway.

>Not consuming the beverage of real men.

Poor faggot detected

Tequila is the worst strong drink. Whiskey, Rum and Vodka are all better.

I almost said tecate was good with a straight face.

I can't do it user-kun. I just can't.

Tequila is shit, Whiskey and Vodka is where it's at.

>Buying whiskey by the gallon

user that is just gasoline and you full well know it

least we'll have cheap vodka, the superior way to get fucked up

hispanics here drink bud light

You are mistaken, or drinking low quality vodka. Buy some stoly or Svedka. Don't fuck it up with juices.

But it's "Premium quality"

>sierra leone

>implying you shouldn't

So you're drinking premium gasoline? That still rips up your organs

Look for anything marked 100% Agave. If it doesn't have it on the label, it's not real tequila, as any brand that is 100% Agave will proudly boast about it.

Cuervo is a mixto, more than 50% tequila, but just barely. Rest of it is cheap liquor. Which is why it's about as cheap as tequila gets.

I used to drink cazedores, but I haven't tried many tequilas, because tequila simply isn't good value.

Thinks 20% is 20 dollery doos

Drinking "tequila" that isn't made from Agave makes you an ignorant degenerate. You should neck yourself, cunt. Regardless, we have a product that is exclusive to the USA, and you'd rather drink pablo's piss?

This. Pic related being the finest of them all.

Stop buying $8 bottles of vodka

Real talk - for something ubiquitous in liquor stores across the country that isn't really expensive, get Don Julio Resposado.

>Not drinking golden spiced rum.

I live in a part of Boston that has liquor stores that cater to urban audiences. This translates to the walls being lined with the cheapest, shittiest beer and liquor you can find. 4loko, steel Reserve, Franzia, and the crown jewel of the shit crown is the bottles of Jose Cuervo proudly displayed, like totems to the spirit gods of the beaners and cape Verdean shits that frequent the place because they know no greater life than shitty drink, on the back wall behind the register.

I bought budlight here to try out to see what Americans were raving on about on the Day of Defeat server I was playing on.
It is fucking shit.
It is the weakest fucking thing I have ever put in my mouth.
And that "Fosters" shit that is like the posterboy beer in Australia is hardly even fucking sold here, and that too, is weak and useless.

its funny because there is cheap vodka that has a clean taste and doesnt smell like that. only like three dollars more.

Jose Cuervo sucks ass


I'll stick with pic related

You ever drink Sons of Liberty, user? I like to drop a shot of it in a glass of Narragansett as a boilermaker. I call it a 'Rhode Island Red'. Good shit.

If you want op I can send you some rich true Irish whiskey or if you really want to get fucked up, I'll send poitín, shit is stronger than your moonshine

Domestic beers arnt for taste. They're for pounding a thirty rack over two hours. If you want taste we have craft beers all over the place, as long as you arnt in an urban center.

16 year old detected

So what
Stoli will be cheaper now

Can't go wrong with Laphroaig, either.

Bud Light is a beer designed to taste as close to water as humanly possible and to be drunk by the case.

It is meant to be bland and agreeable for already sloshed teenaged party goers.

Just drink vodka

Test post plz ignore

yea, i never got the bud or the light beer meme. labatts is probably the way to go. any brand beer eventually turns on me which is why i mostly drink liquor.

>and to be drunk by the case

Good. Buy american products.

>drinking the liquid jew

Gonna pick up a Laphroiag quarter cask later.

Glengoyne 21 y/o is pretty good [spoiler]if you buy via taxfree[/spoiler]

Maybe that's the real problem here

In this case it's really more the liquid spic.

I judge my liquor by how cool the bottle looks.

Hasnt steered me wrong yet.

>drinking spic liquor
>not drinking complex tasting whisky
>not drinking rich tasting rum
>not drinking non-hangover-inducing gin or vodka
>choosing the decidedly shittiest liquor of all time instead


This guy knows what's up.

Hell yes. Original cask strength is great.

Drink rum.
Golden spiced is my favourite.

>not supporting your national liquor industry
pretty gross desu, have fun with your upcoming tariffs burger

Anything tickle your fancy here? There is still more but this is just the generic shapes

Hennessy is what real niggas drink.

>Throwing a party

Y'all niggas really haven't gotten out much have you?

Redbreast is great. Thanks for reminding me about it, Seamus. I might pick up a bottle later today.

Tequila was created by germans.

Incase you didnt know a fuckload of germans immigrated there. Its why mexicans listen to polka music as well.

Jameson's I think is decent.

A buddy of mine went to Ireland and bought a bottle of Jameson's in Dublin. When he came back he claimed it was better because it came from there.

I was like "Dude, they all come from there. You're just doing on a small scale what the importers do."



This is the alarm to notify you that this is an obvious troll. CTR/American Bridge fags paid to suck David Brock's dick are likely involved.

Haven't tried that! Thanks for the suggestion. I'll keep an eye out for it. My part of town doesn't exactly have a selection of whiskey catering to people who aren't hobos.

Ardbeg 10 is some good shit as well. My local liquor store hasn't had any in stock in a while though/

I dont see what the problem is burger, I for one have have tasted minge that is better than that rancid and vile spic distilled blue agave juice.(and I have pretty goddam low standards.)

But what gets me is that there are so many better tasting spirits such as:
>even home brewed moonshine
And yet you choose the most disgusting of them all.
