They're scared.
They're scared
They won't be in power in 6 months.
No one cares about those keks.
Destroy them.
I hope Trump metaphorically rapes them
I just want Merkel to answer for her heinous crimes and see her hanged by a pack of angry East-Germans, pls mighty KEK grant me this wish.
>They're scared.
(((They're))) scared.
>european values
what the fuck is that
Every day I wake up from my drunken stupor at 4 or 5 p.m. and wonder how in the fuck Trump was elected.
And every day i drink less and less, I am down to half a handle per night, God bless you President Trump.
>using a gender neutral pronoun for Hollande
Germany is doomed, user.
they should be. their nations are crumbling
Can these kryptokike fucks finally stop saying "Europe" when they say "EU"?
Their little corrupt conglomerate is one of the top murderers of this continent and its people.
I want her to get ficki'd to death in the middle of a refugee camp. Hopefully the rapefugees livestream it too
>I'm a ultimate cuckold
We'll have a West Euro ally soon yet.
fuck this guy has done nothing for the country
he sold our economy and companies
he sold out or jobs and employement
fuck him i want him courtmartialed
Hollande president of France
oh the irony
hollande is prolly going to end up president of some EU commission as a payement for what he did to destroy France even further.
hollande is the least popular french president ever
I never had much love for Merkel but how much she triggers neofascist terrorists make me hope she'll have a long and happy live ahead of her.
Still gonna vote for Schulz, though.
I want to believe but I'm still scared Germany is deluded enough to re-elect Merkel. Part of me thinks no way but I just can't shake it. Perhaps I'm cynical.
Francuck will be gone soon enough. What a fucking waste of oxygen.
>Promoting our interests and values
That's nazi
>european values
muh cucksheds
muh interracial breeding grounds
based anglos are taking back planet earth
Your ideas aren't your own Hans.
You got cucked big time by Americans after the war, swallowed their propaganda and instead of waking up you're still in a coma.
LOL you euros are pathetic. You have 0 freedom. Enjoy your statist hellhole.
yummy bait fellow Hans
All I can hear is
>Europe is one country
They sure seem to making an honest attempt at it
starting to think europeans are pathetic
lmao says olive nigger
hopefully we, the people will make them understand we dont want this and judging how unwilling to become a european army the millitary personnel are, i think that it wont just be the people
they have hot legal prostitutes though
And cheap.
>he thinks europe isnt one country
our states self regulate more than EU states europe IS one country now vladislav
I hope Russia steamrolls through continental Europe while we sit back and watch.
they must be liberated from themselves.
Merkel could announce Germany is now an Islamic nation of immigrants and tolerance and admit that the native whites will be replaced, and she'd still be reelected because Germans REALLY don't want to be called Nazis
Not at all.
HAHAHA.. Theyre gonna get mooshed. This is only good news for the future.
Oh god please kill that mentally challenged retarded cuck. Trump would fuck him in the ass and impregnate his whore actress.
he should. A rope is awaiting him.
Why would they do that? Well except to get rid of the american WMD´s and anti icbm stations?
Europe has since its beginning never militarily threaten the Russians.
Best thing for russia is that trump pulls back all troops and they can go easy on the west front. They dont have to worry at all about it.
Adn we Europeans dont have to die for nazi america.
Like Putin, there is no viable alternative that will get the much needed votes. Merkel is a power hungry opportunist and in the end she will do whatever America wants her to do.
>Still gonna vote for Schulz, though.