Is it real in the future?
Create bioweapon which reacts to subhuman DNA (some colored populations and humans with paleo DNA) and kill they safe? Virus or GMO with upgrade.
Biological weapon
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We're already here:
Weaponized autism
DONT believe me? Go on social media RIGHT NOW
What you mean? ''We'' ?
Would rather put some sort of neutering agent into their water. I want the black race to spend its final days as helpless eunuchs.
Well, sterilization by poisoned water more humane than death. But in that case some of normal people also be eunuchs. More safe but hard is designated virus which work like vasectomy
This has already been invented in a form of vaccine. Some claim it has been tested in Kenya and probably other 3rd world countries.
The problem is that contraceptive vaccine will most likely be used on the large scale in the first world, not shitskins.
Probably have to be a rogue group of scientists from a state-sponsored lab.
No government would get behind racial genocide
there is such a weapon it's niggers offing niggers wherever they happen to be
>go on Sup Forums right now
Yes. And scarily enough, Israel is the country trying to build them. After all of these memes about gassing the Jews, they're the ones that are going to end up gassing us.
Nah just create a genetically modified supervirus and quarantine all western countries. Then just sit back and watch 5 billion shitskins die.
>No government would get behind racial genocide
Their haplogroup is same with arabs and caucasians
>Create bioweapon which reacts to subhuman DNA
That won't happen. There is no virus that I can think of which reacts to specific DNA sequences in this manner. Humans are creative, but we're not Gods.
In May 2007, Russian newspaper Kommersant reported that the Russian government banned all exports of human biosamples.[13] The report claims that the reason for the ban was a secret FSB report about on-going development of "genetic bioweapons" targeting Russian population by Western institutions. The report mentions the Harvard School of Public Health, American International Health Alliance, United States Department of Justice Environment and Natural Resources Division, Karolinska Institutet and United States Agency for International Development.
chinks would use that against us
HIV. Blacks are more susceptible to it. In South Africa the white HIV rate is the same as the UK or Australia at 0.3%, the black rate is 10%.
Their population is primary weapon, without special super-duper BIO stuff needed. Chinks are the most bigger group on the Earth.
Btw i heard a coolstory from ex KGB agent, that in late 80's Israel had already tried to create virus that kills arabs but does not kill jews. While initual tests were sucsessful, eventually they discovered that virus adapted to the new types of hosts bretty fast, especially to the jews as they are semites as well as arabs. So they closed the project as it was too risky. At least it looked like they did.
you can kill a person with you bare hands, or a steel rod, a club, a knife, scissors, fuck, you can kill a person with a spoon.
we have ENOUGH technology already available for mass slaughter on epic proportions. the thing that is missing (and will likely be missing for the foreseeable future) is the political will behind such an action
And you know why? We have nigger level of HIV plus in some our schools children haven't sexual education that makes things worse
>the future
>implying subhumans aren't being employed currently as a bioweapon to decimate the west
We had a doctor here that developed something like this 30-40 years ago (it targetted niggers). Dr Wouter Basson.