>TFW I fell for the Lauren Southern meme
TFW I fell for the Lauren Southern meme
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don't need to plaster her name on it but this indeed a
i'm on your side boyz! notice me! meme
A lot of people did, a lot of people still are, go to her comments and talk topics she avoids, like the JQ or White Demographics changing, watch her white knights come to her defense.
What meme? She is a beautiful Danish girl, with some Slavic genes
what a milf.
If I buy her book think she will let me do her in the butt?
she's cute and can be funny, why should I not like her?
I just wish I could violate her NAP, if you know what I mean ;)
If that is real
Take my money
She's profiteering from this like every other fucking "alt-right" kike like Milo and PJW.
She's a cunt like every other woman in this world, unfortunately.
because she actually thinks she knows something
>She's profiteering
no she is isn't she is a pawn of (((((Ezra Levant))))
>what is profiteering
She looks like a smiling old man not sure where he is.
she's a woman, they all think they know something
the difference is that women who parrot decent ideas are infinitely more bearable
They're women. They attention whore. I'd rather they do it with something I agree with.
What the fuck ? I hope this book is banned in germany. That's a horrible title.
I'd rather them wake up and gain a fucking molecule of self-awareness
What did she do?
Look how the buzzwords she wants to you know are made huge
this book is a whole kike trick and everyone who buys it is a faggot
>Buying a pamphlet
Shes marketing to a demographic how dare she.
who the fuck would buy a book from this cunt? She's what.. 21 years old? Jesus fucking christ
Its also 60 pages
>born June 15, 1995
>21 years old
What the fuck. I thought she was like 30 something.
She had a video put out stating that she was only roughly 20 percent scandinavian and was extremely upset because she was roughly 30 percent Spanish. Fucking stupid bitch
Did you fall for the Gorilla Mindthet meme too?
Thanks for helping out my point
she's a kike but she could catch my pure aryan dong easily if you know what i'm saying, lads
such an unlikable opportunist cunt
that voice alone is unbearable
Agreed. I'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard than her monotone Canadian accent.
Could you elaborate on that a bit? I'm not sure I caught your drift
she sounds so hot here
She got utterly schlonged by Thunderfoot.
I mean at least she is speaking more of our language and having more women be on our side is never a bad thing... I seriously just think you guys hate all women sometimes
Thunderf00ts a giant cuck but he hits the nail with his alt right bashing. They are the "right" version of SJW
>I seriously just think you guys hate all women sometimes
no we actually have standards and the women worship of the alt right is as bad as its on the left. at its core the real problem are the weak men who do the worship of course
What did he mean by this?
She's cute but she's always supporting trans shit. I don't think she's serious about any of her political leanings.
I thought she changed her tune after getting attacked by that tranny
she's ta-nehisi coates for whites. and a whore.
I don't see what the big deal is, Rebel is pretty good at debunking lefty garbage and Southern herself is a fairly good reporter, she's just young and needs more practice. Gavin McInnes is usually pretty funny too
>younger than you
>looks older than you
>is doing better in her career than you
>probably managed it by sucking someones dick
girls get life on easy mode even if their skin is 10 years older than they are.
i feel like she is serious about the money and attention it brings.
>fake nails
Disgusting whore tßh, no better than fuckin trailer trash
>I just wish I could violate her NAP, if you know what I mean ;)
Every single youtube comment
>haha she is so pretty
>i want to bang Lauren
>hey lauren if you read this call me lets make white babies haha ;)
Nothing more pathetic than thirsty ass cucks
I'm stealing this.
Bloody shills
Tbh you don't have to use the fancy s thing
Blonde hair and blue eyes looks so fucking ugly on girls
>Sup Forums still talking about this retarded kikeshit
I though u was smarter than this.
The arrogance of putting a picture of yourself on your book tells you everything you need to know about this person and their motivations.
Holy fuck Sup Forums your virgin in showing
Did you actually read the title and then buy the fucking thing?
I'd do you a great rate on bridges.
Yeah bro I'd break her nose quick as lightning
lol fag
The fuck else would they put on it?
she's right, you know
She's a shortsighted parrot
Try watching those videos where she interviews liberals/activists in the street. She has zero debating skills and more often than not trips herself up. Scripted youtube videos is the only format that works for her, where she can easily parrot the popular or controversial opinions of more qualified commentators.
And lol at her book, 90 pages at 24 point font, real intellectual broad.
Just finished it. Read the chapter about redoing the NYC central gardens ice rink - say what people will about trump at least he understands why government workers and government schemes are so fucking inefficient. The job he did with the rink is exactly why he is what the world needs; he is an action man who has had to deal with the logistics of doing things first hand. He knows the value of time and money unlike politicians who are accountable to no one
Nothing hot about that retard 'partying' by screaming like the retarded juvenile little bitch she is.
>thinks she knows anything
Bandwagon jumper at best.
>if I can't have fun, no one can
leg jezelf om
I have fun like an adult. Gtfo children.
>Beady eyes
Possible Anglo here boys.
>not Jews
I can't go more than 20 seconds listening to her "um" and "uh" in her man voice, coupled with her weak debate skills she's a trainwreck.
Somebody post caps of her "book", it's literal high school blog tier, so shitty it's first draft tier as well.
c'mon goy, you shill a pic of her book but not the video she uploaded 1-2 minutes ago?!
Lauren's book is a subtle redpill
Remember its the French Revolution where the Rothschilds became the richest family in the world who were leeches of the English in the past
Shes half-right but you need to have previous knowledge about the Rothchilds which is slowly gaining traction with normies (The /cfg/ lads are still posting on 9gag and reddit to continue the flow of the redpill)
She's a conplete joke and parrots whatever other "figures" say, as wellas what her boss Ezra Levant tells her to say. She also attacks low hangong fruit like SJWs, just like Tucker Carlson
Do you have any info on the Rothchilds that you can post? I came to Sup Forums slightly before the election, so I was redpilled on Soros, but not the Rothchilds.
(((((Ezra Lavant)))))
i know she looks almost 40 but she's 21 iirc
Those are just the beady eyes of a Jew
>taking a woman seriously
come on now Sup Forums
just decide whether you'd eat her ass and move on, you don't have to read her fucking book
I have decided that I would eat her ass
>brown eyes
>blonde hair
hm something does not compute
You don't know what you wish for
Is it actually a good book?
I'm far from a nationalist but this...is just retarded.
pic related
Damn really made me think.
>Theyre Kikes who has strong grips on banks and the mining industry
>Brit leeches when Medicis dominated geopolitics (Their first controlled central bank)
>French revolution happens and they fund both sides and got their first boost
>Venture into mining and railroads afterwards (Fun Fact: One of their companies, De Beers, has a monopoly over diamonds which are actually cheap as shit if the market is balanced)
>Funded the creation of Israel en.wikipedia.org
>Funded cultural marxism trough Soros
>As of current the own 98.5% of central banks in the world
I'm not who u replied to but here, year by year. I recommend you read about Mccarthyism after, your world view will get darker because of it though
>paying money to read a 21yo krypto-kike recycle Sup Forums memes
fucking off yourself potatonigger
immature as fuck desu
she's funny and popularises issues the left ignores.
she might not be the brightest crayon in the box but at least she's doing something.
that being said I don't understand you beta faggots that get upset when your "redpilled waifus" gain popularity and dump them on that account.
pretty pathetic to be honest lads
Is this from her book?
>found out at christmas my stupid cousin bought this dumb bitches book
>my brother and I take one of his old, 1000+ page henry kissinger book, and tell him if he really wants to understand politics he should read 25 pages every week and email me a report, just for the lulz
I was at least glad he wasnt a lefty like his family but that stuff os like the daily show, trash.
>Yes goy, it was baby boomers and islam who is the source of a problems, it is certainly not gods chosen people, Israel is your greatest ally goy!
And this kike cunt still managing to earn shekels from you fags.
>"White nationalism is extreme"
>refuses to talk about shifting white demographics or that European descended peoples are the world minority.
>uses far right imagery for attention
>uses traditional catholic military imagery,quotes and battle cries to get white knight newfags from Sup Forums
>reading (((Kissinger)))