What's the Christian ̶e̶x̶c̶u̶s̶e̶ explanation for dinosaurs again?

What's the Christian ̶e̶x̶c̶u̶s̶e̶ explanation for dinosaurs again?
What's the Christian ̶e̶x̶c̶u̶s̶e̶ explanation for the cosmos and the exponentially increasing vastness of space with each new technological advancement that allows us to peer deeper and to observe just how chaotic the universe is?
What's going to be the ̶e̶x̶c̶u̶s̶e̶ explanation when we finally make contact with intelligent alien life?

Christianity: a religion of moving the goalpost.

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Dinosaurs never existed, it's a science hoax.
If you really think those huge things ever walked on earth you're deluded at best.

Satan has many tricks up its sleeve

Prove it

you prove it beside fake bones

Go back to redit faggot..

Lol what would you say to people that have found fossils of extinct creatures


Hi Italy Bro.

Been a long time since the war, huh?

Well, im just checking in.

Here is a youtube video for you.

Its long, but its worthwhile.

Joe interviews a paleontologist and asks him about what you are talking about.

I think you'll find it quite enlightening.


>Fucking kill yourself you retarded fresco cappuchino drinking faggot your ass got saved from that fat fuck by the americans and you couldn't even whole your own soil you were a discrace to the axis you worthless piece of shit even now you fucking lay around smoking cigarettes talking about how great rome was which was just a bunch of people killing each other and slave driving you nonwhite piece of human garbage

Odds are you're getting cucked while you're deployed, assuming you've a gf to begin with.

Army, I have a wife and a DNA test on my two sons.

Try again, sweetie.

You've only proven you're retarded and don't understand Christianity or the Abrahamic concept of God.

You think you're smart, but are clearly a supercilious r/atheism douche-canoe.

Sounds like someone's fedora hasn't been cleaner properly lately...

>arguments to be found: zero

try again

I see a disturbing lack of big tiddies in this thread

How does any of those conflict with Christianity?

Coming from nihon whose only worthwhile contribution to the war was a sneak attack to harbored ships and getting literally blown away, that is really rich.

can you mail me a japanese sex slave

satan did it

really makes me think


God created it all. Even the Vatican recognized the possibility of ayyyy's.

With all that Jesus Christ can still be the Son of God and proof of his existence is out there.

Where are the proof that Muhammad ever walked this earth?


christcucks have 3 strategies on Sup Forums

strategy 1:


strategy 2.


strategy 3.


christcucks, the above is hyperbole, but make an argument for your kike religion without resorting to any of the 3 strategies above.

Hard mode: No appeal to emotion

Suicide mode: No strawmen

Religion requires you to have faith. It requires you to simply accept its truth or you go to hell when you die. If you break its rules or values you are a sinner and will go to hell if you aren't genuinely sorry and an effort to change. There's no room for fact checking and if you dare to question it then you're getting killed/exiled/shunned/harassed depending on the area.

Kinda reminds me of Buzzfeed and liberal news sites.

>c-christians have to explain dinosaurs
>t-they dont appear in the bible
Yes, the bible is a book narrated from the visions of mystics, I believe the least of their concern was dinosaurs even though huge beasts like the leviathan are described.

Geez this again?

Try to imagine humanity as the whole timeline rather than from birth to death, including evolutionary precursors. God's intention was to make humans, and essentially out of no where. But to get there the logical universe had to make "ripples" through the timeline up until man was introduced. This means, that there were significant points in the human timeline in which we were not yet human. God percieved us as a threat in the early stages, hence the tower of Babylon, but later sent Jesus to purge us of our sins and formally acknowlage us as the human form he intended to create.

Dinosaurs are pretty amazing in their own right. If God created everything, and if God knows everything, he would have known how successful Jurassic Park would be in the future, so why did he instruct the people who taking dictation from him to write about fake creatures instead of the very real dinosaurs? Think of all the kids you could convert.

Checkmate, Christcucks.

Wow,thought /pol was nearly devoid of any intelligent minds,thankfully not.

Back in the days,before we had gone through waves of philosophers and renaissances,religion had it's place as a covert system of morals,and as the only(at the time)reasonable explanation of the world.

Every religion's primary cause is to address the nature of the world and it's mysteries.
Notice how the first religions had Deities for fire,lightning,rain,all phenomena which at the time humans didn't understood.As humanity progressed,so did it's understanding,thus new religions had to replace the old ones.

Would we all agree to call a man insane if he was with the knowledge of today to worship gods of lightning,or fire?

Such is the case today with the remainder of religions.We are at an age where we can discern the morality of religion without adhering to it,and answer(or come pretty close to it)the questions of our existence.What remains yet is what happens afterlife.Once that is answered,christianity will too become as obsolete as paganism.

>perfectly preserved skeleton from millions of years ago
>my grans skeleton is probably dust from less than 20 years ago

christians who aren't mature enough to admit the bible isn't 100% factually accurate literally say dinosaurs didnt exist and are all a scam by atheist scientist to get study grants

This seems to imply atheist arguments on Sup Forums are any better. This thread seems to be proof to the contrary.

Genesis, or really the Bible in general has a lot of symbolism. Also the book probably was changed a lot over time by corrupt fr*cks and mistranslation. Please do not take the Bible 100% literally.

I thinkhe is talking about americanchristians,which are not your average christian (I mean, they are american ) This type of people are creationist, and unlike religious people in spain, can't reconcile the idea that the bible is a load of bullshit and scientific facts withthe presence of a higher being (god). I not religious Jose but many people iknow just believe in god and are in stem fields, and take the bible as metaphorical content, not by the book unlike many redneck chritians in the USA who read that god created a man from dust

All I know is that one day God gave me a mystic state, visions and other signs, He giftted me heaven and made me know better than to accept written doctrines. We are to believe in God alone and admit we don't know His laws, as opposed to bible fights.

Sorry kid, but zombies are way more popular than dinosaurs. Nobody likes them anymore so they're never getting in anything ever again. Have fun you weenie.

This. Giant fucking lizards? Really? I bet you mongs believe in the tooth fairy and Santa Claus too

Murricans are silly desu, it is common knowledge that you have to interpret and seek meanings.

You're not a Christian if you don't take the Bible as God's word

>Santa Claus
>Not real
Stop, this is a meme idea made by the Jews to ruin Christmas. Stay redpilled/woke and do not fall for Jewish SJW Nigger tricks my friend.

you know, god first created earth with dinos and all that stuff
then he created humans in a separate dimension
god didnt like dinos so he nuked them with a meteor
time flow in seperate dimension significantly slower, eva fucks up after two weeks and god throws her and adam out
they get banished to earth, massive wincest occurs
some of their degenerate filthy offspring start to hump monkeys and create niggers, chinks and sandniggers

I'm a Christian. I'm also still seriously considering using my Army benefits to go to school for Paleontology.

Fuckin' up your stereotypes because I want to see them dinosaurs.

God has put those fossils in the ground to test our faith in him.

the problem is that gods prophets had to explain how the world works to filthy donkey fucking peasants
you cant just start with evolution and genetics and expect them to understand that shit

Nice try satan, the bible admits it was manipulated and warns.

>Old Earth
Everything science says is true, but God started it all at the Big Bang.

>Young Earth
Dinosaurs existed, but were unable to adapt to post-Flood world and eventually died out.

Oh shit it's operation genisis, fucking love that game

In catholic school we were taught all of this and none of it disproves the concept of god

Only dumb protestant scum believe that

What about middle age crysis grumpy Earth?

That one pretends to be a young earth, trying to dress all hip, but deep down he knows he is just an old earth.

Aparently the world is 7000 years old according to le bible.

The magic book doesn't mention huge man eating dinosaurs,and Adamowitz and Evenstein were created at the beginning.

So therefore the Dinosaur story must be teh work of Satan to make people believe the biber is wrong.


Christians are dumb.

Clearly has never seen his grans skeleton.... or she was cremated, but this is the type of amazing logic used.

God creates shit 13 billion years ago. That's the explanation you fucking retard.

We ought to REMEMBER who and what WE REALLY ARE - Pure Consciousness (which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL) having an experience in a temporary human form. You can do ANYTHING YOU WANT TO DO and you can be ANYTHING YOU WANT TO BE. They want us to think that the average person is powerless to positively change the world, but the TRUTH is that we have INFINITE POWER - both individually AND collectively. There's only one of us here. If you hit yourself on the head with a baseball bat, they'll put you in a mental hospital, yet that's EXACTLY what people are doing on a global scale. You can call Pure Consciousness 'God' if you want, but I don't because the word 'God' has religious connotations that I would rather avoid. Religion is the McDonald's of spirituality.

What we need to do is to raise our level of consciousness, both individually AND collectively. If even one person raises his or her level of consciousness, it has a ripple effect that benefits EVERYONE ELSE, even if they don't believe any of this stuff - and this is because 'reality' itself is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature. One of the ways that they have manipulated us so deeply for so long is by suppressing our sense of the possible. What we call 'reality' is COMPLETELY ILLUSORY and thus MALLEABLE - and they KNOW THIS, while most other people do NOT. EVERYTHING IS ILLUSORY, EXCEPT PURE CONSCIOUSNESS ITSELF. NOTHING is impossible in a universe that is ILLUSORY TO BEGIN WITH. People are AWAKENING to a MORE EXPANDED CONCEPTION of the world and life in general and this is a PROFOUNDLY GOOD THING. We have the power to transform this prison illusion into a PARADISE ILLUSION, so let's USE that power.

We're all one - and the beauty of this is that we don't have to be cucks despite this fact (and it IS a fact). We can STILL protect Western Civilisation and save the white race from extinction. We ought to embrace nationalist principles to protect Western Civilisation and save the white race from extinction even while REMEMBERING who and what WE REALLY ARE - Pure Consciousness (which is INFINITE AND ETERNAL) having an experience in a temporary human form.
We are SIMULTANEOUSLY one yet different in our oneness in much the same way that the waves of an ocean are one with that ocean but are also unique in and of themselves in that each wave has its own shape, speed and size. I think that's pretty neat. What we call 'reality' is HOLOGRAPHIC in nature, so we are in fact smaller versions of the whole (which you can call 'God', if you want). Every part of the whole contains the whole and, to be more accurate, IS the whole. And just as a drop of water contains the same qualities as an entire ocean of water, we likewise contain all that exists within us - but merely on a smaller scale. From unconditional love we ALL sprang and to unconditional love we ALL return. There are no answers, only choices. There are no hallucinations, only shifts in perception. There are no laws, only habits. There are no coincidences, only synchronicities. There are no truths, only experiences.

>contact with alien life

What kind of contact? It wont be physical contact, because the closest star is 4 light years away. So even if there were a livable planet in that solar system (which there isn't) it would still be way too far for us to travel. And only a low IQ retard would think otherwise.

If there are sapient beings on other planets in the universe, are they doomed to spend eternity in Hell for not knowing about the existence of Jesus Christ or did Jesus Christ visit their planets too?


>believes in God
>laughs at people who believe in the tooth fairy
>literally the same level of delusion
top kek, that's rich

>in 100 years you will be having discussions with people on the other side of the planet on a flat panel screen connected to a box of electricity driven components and a typewriter which doesn't use ink via special floating reflector plates in space.
"only a low IQ retard would think that"
- your great/grandad.

>assuming they don't have faster than light travel capabilities.

>assuming they're not already here.

>assuming space is the only way for aliens to travel.

> What's the Christian ̶e̶x̶c̶u̶s̶e̶ explanation for dinosaurs again?

God created them, let them frolic in the Garden of Eden for a while, got bored with them leaving huge piles all over the place, put them in the ground and made it look like they're millions of years old. God is so powerful he can easily do that.

> What's the Christian ̶e̶x̶c̶u̶s̶e̶ explanation for the cosmos and the exponentially increasing vastness of space with each new technological advancement that allows us to peer deeper and to observe just how chaotic the universe is?

God made all those things. He crafted the universe in an image of his own brain: vast, mostly empty, ever expanding and eternal.

> What's going to be the ̶e̶x̶c̶u̶s̶e̶ explanation when we finally make contact with intelligent alien life?

God created many alien species. He also made it possible for them to come look at us. There's an enormous sign in space close to our solar system that says "Please do not feed the monkeys".





This. Too much anthropocentrism.

go back taking priests cocks



(((Gravity))) is also a science scam

density and buoyancy not (((gravity)))

Here's something I know you didn't know about.

Dinosaurs had hollow bones like birds. Those bones weren't originally evolved for flight, they evolved so dinosaurs could grow very very quickly without requiring as much calcium in their diet for their bones. This also means they could support huge weight because the bones weight less. It's like using steel i-beams to hold up a building instead of solid steel rods.

>and a DNA test on my two sons.
So you thought you were getting cucked!

japan please, you are not even White

>pussy surprise Attack on harboured ships and then Just wrecked




Dragons, leviathan etc

Mentioned in the Bible

Physically impossible. Humans overcome engineering hurdles, not physical laws.

This isn't sci-fi fantasy like Star Wars. This is reality.

10/10 troll

god was fuckin with the oxygen levels tryna create lyfe n shiet. When he saw how dumb those big lizards were killin eachuver n stuff he was like NAW yall niggas crazy an killed em all then he made the world good for monkyes n shiet then people started doin stuff.

>Physically impossible.

Nothing is impossible in a universe that is illusory to begin with. It is possible to travel faster than the speed of light.

>Humans overcome engineering hurdles, not physical laws.

There are no laws, only habits.

>This is reality.

'Reality' is illusory and thus malleable.

Trips of truth!

So the why the fuxk even call yourself a christian?

Hurrr i dont like da bible butturrrr reeeeeeeee immma christian hurrrrrrrr

Stop faking to be something your not

>religion is about facts
it's not
it's about faith

All religions are false.
There is no god.

Don't be a fucking fanatical coward and accept the truth.

My fucking sides... do you have a single fact to back that up?

If reality is so illusory why aren't you flying or walking through walls, faggot?

>when christians literally use an avian dinousaur as their symbol of the holy spirit


There's a whole lot of shit that the bible doesn't talk about. The bible is not an encyclopedia. I'll never understand the obsession with thinking that if it isn't in the bible then it is incompatible with Christianity.

> tfw cookie becomes a literal flesh of the god and people cannibalize him

Thank you friendly science-fanatic. Somehow I just know you'll prove that theory one day.

Pedro please

Christfag here. Dinosaurs and Evolution exist.

Uh the Catholic church recognized evolution you understand that right? The New Testament showed the Old Testament was a book of metaphor and teaching rooted in vague historical events mixed with story telling.

In general, people suck at arguing rationally.

Dialectic debate, or arguments and discussion for the sake of arriving at truth, involves analyzing the matter with care, detecting and eliminating any errors in reasoning. This would require both parties to divorce their notions of dogmas and personal feelings, both as they give, receive, and critique ideas. Religious debates seem especially hard because most people have their very identity on the line; it's not just a debate for some, it's fighting for their life (and others as well). In that regard, Eristic debate, or argument and discussion for the sake of winning a case or downing an adversary, seems a more intuitive reflex among people. Hence the quickness for ad hominem, romanticizing, and pseudo-intellectualism. I think that dialectic debate is something one must be trained to do, as it does require a disavow of ones self-interests and identity, which is not something that seems to occur naturally in people.

science is for the aristocracy, go back to your cave if you dont trust it

They are traps created by God to test our faith
>tfw to intelligent to be atheist

If you trust 'science' you aren't a scientist, you're a sycophant.

Reminder there are pre 100 AD scholars who said it's metaphor because people back then didn't have the understanding they did now.

Also the idea that "the bible should be taken 100% literally" is a very recent school of thought and is actually more of a response to things like big bang and evolution because it hurt people's feels.


>It is possible to travel faster than the speed of light.

How does one reconstitute themselves after having traveled at such speeds?

>There are no laws, only habits.

The earth only has a habit of orbiting sun. It can quit any time it wants to.

>'Reality' is illusory and thus malleable.

You mean I can print oil out of money?