Specifically speaking, were the Arabs blacked or is it a white religion? I understand the idea that Arabs were non-jewish Semites but not all Arabs are Muslim nor are they black or white.
Any religious scholars with some foresight?
Specifically speaking, were the Arabs blacked or is it a white religion? I understand the idea that Arabs were non-jewish Semites but not all Arabs are Muslim nor are they black or white.
Any religious scholars with some foresight?
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use google my friend
I'd rather a based pollack explain than go through politically correct website after website telling me everything I already know without answering my question of wtf happened in medera and mecca.
If with that image you are trying to imply that ronaldo isn't white that's not true. He just got filthy rich, fixed his fucked up teeth and became addicted to walking around perma tanned
O thought his dad was half black, and left him after he was born... on the mediera islands off the coast of Africa.
Also that pic confirms he is not white.
arabs are southern semites that lived in hot area thats why alot of them are brown as fuck , some did mix with blacks like the southern gulf people and some mixed with the romans and other non arab folk that's why they look pale
a pure arab tho is not black or white and looks mostly like this
Fun fact: Buddhism is technically whiter than both Islam and Christianity.
Hes portugese, hes not white hes mediterranian you goddamn mong.
I think, am not sure, that his dad was from the colonies
Actually mohammed was a nestorian monk. He was funded by pope via his catholic wife Hadija to develop something to hurt orthodox church.
The crusades were a ploy to ruin Byzantium too
t. history college student
My problem is if you take a half cast person, they will look like that. The only real distinguishing feature is the hook nose.
Sure, if half casts mix with other half casts, they're gonna look like your pic, but where did they get the nigger genes to begin with when even north Indian and Persians were white?
lol because its aryan ? Arianism isnt really a synonym to whiteness
His dad was half cast and Mediterranean is moor blood.
from the heat and mixing and with Ethiopian people
and north indians and Persians werent really white
According to krishnaites buddhism was an epic prank by Krishna to make indians vegetarian.
If you put them in Scotland they won't lose their tan.
Fun fact: Portugal dumped moors in south India in the 1400s
Pretty sure there are still white Persians today. Not sure about India tho. Maybe. Dale lama looks half white half chink to me.
south india was already full of dravidians . and we moors are much paler than them so im pretty sure that did make them darker
Persians can be pale ofc but they have their distinct look that differs from the white European thats why the term white is kinda retarded just say white european or native european
Then why is it called Caucasian?
caucasian pale skin
The fuck does it mean then?
The Caucasian race (also Caucasoid,[1] or Europid[2]) is a grouping of human beings historically regarded as a biological taxon, including some or all of the populations of Europe, North Africa, the Horn of Africa, Western Asia, Central Asia and South Asia.[3] The term has been used in biological anthropology for many people from these regions, without regard necessarily to skin tone.[4]
>desert city invents its own cult and annual pilgrimage to incentivise trade
>guy who talked to a few Christians while he was abroad working for his rich ass MILF wife decides it's time to take it to the next level
Okay then explain me this. Scandinavia, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy and Britain (the fucking white countries with roman influence that is western Europe) and arguably Poland, Hungary, Russia and Greece..... Were and are the fucking kings of the world, dominant and all. I refuse to believe our pale white asses are the same subspecies as the middle Easteners, africans and Indians due to their lack of technological advancement, and civilisation. They're fucked and uncivilised. England and France trace their history back to glorious Rome, Pakistan can't even into Medina. We are NOT the same race.
Nigger stole Jewish tradition?
According to tradition Siddhartha Gautama had blue eyes.
bunch of polytheists, everyone is having their gods, mecca already has the cube
he hallucinates a religion with an angel that always tells him whatever he wants to do is right, he gets ostracised from mecca, ends up in medina, becomes a warlord, takes mecca, kills jews, tells his followers to keep spreading islam
islam spreads by the sword until they get btfo at Poitiers and other places
crusades happen
shit calms down a tiny bit
they did fight over who is the true heir of muhammad and two sects split over this, shia and sunni muslims, then a bunch of other offshoots
pretty savage around the areas that are fought over but in the mainland it breaks into lots of tiny caliphates and depending on who the boss is, it's kinda cool to live, or it really sucks
so called "islamic golden age" happens and to be fair, it did. They preserved some litterature and weren't too bad in medicine and such.
they are also complete degenerates, and things like the thousand and one nights are written then
they have a reputation for homoseks also amongst women
they shave their genitals
when we get in touch with them again for trading purpose we are all amazed at the arab "sensuality" and that meme survives well into the early 20th century
they get rich on capturing black slaves
meme of arabs capturing white women to put in harem happens too
>around the years 1800
they suddenly have enough of being degenerates
ottomans start becoming more prude and start enacting punishment for being homo
wahabism exists
some say this is due to europe becoming more and more nationalist but some countries which weren't in contact with europe went through the same evolution too
they get btfo by europeans in africa who shoo them out and take over the slave trade (or not even)
Fun fact, when King Leopold II "hands of my nignogs" of Belgium arrives in Congo he pushes the arabs out first
killing of gays and infidels and bombings
>Be Abraham
>Life as a desert merchant
>Polytheism abounds, wars flare, pantheon vs pantheon
>only winning pantheon can sell most goods
>come up with god so tough that It needs no pantheon, only servants
>Dumbasses all over fertile crescent fall for it
>Shit now sells as well as free pussy
>Ascend to prophet status
>Sandniggers change your name
>Jews somehow come out with "Abey says we should cut our dix goys!"
>The rest migrate north and become Christians
>Faith in the one God with too many names and too loose of an understanding causes it to materialize into existence
>tfw when original religon was the first meme war
Now were getting somewhere. I also hears red hair, blonde hair, green eyes and blues were caused by mutations in/around caucuses. Maybe we turned albino from the mountains?
Medina got infiltrated by niggers and Muhammed was a cuck?
Nice little bitesize interpretation, but seriously. Wtf did Muhammed do in Medina. It all started in Medina!
muhamed made peace between two ex enemy tribes in yathrab ( the old name of medina) and they converted to islam and accepted his rule . he made a treaty with a jews in yathrab but killed alot of them when they betrayed him and joined the arab pagans of mecca in one of their battles against mohamed
OP here. This is another can of worms but is it possible the Jews are doing the suicide bombing and blaming Muslims so the goyim give them more land?
I mean every terror attack, inc the ones we don't hear about.
What was the betrayal? Were the yathrab people middle eastern? White?
>How exactly did Islam form?
-roman empire spread to the middle east, and with it christianity
(jews were already relevant even before)
-mohammad decided he wasn't to be a prophet, tho he doesn't know the firs t thing about the semitic religions
-mohammad teaches peace
-it's not very effective
-mohammad allies some warlords to help spread his prophethood, starts teaching violence
-later studies jews and christians in an attempt to be more relevant
-the caliphate he's been preaching for is formed, expands in former roman clay and in general
-picked up by turkic people
-spread even more, turkic people become the new caliphate (ottoman empire)
-eventually that falls, arabs claim they wuz n shit
-eternal anglo continually enables and finances muslims for domination
yathrab people were joos and arab tribes . about the betryal :en.wikipedia.org
benu qurayza are one of the jewish tribes in yathrab btw
"-mohammad decided he wasn't to be a prophet, tho he doesn't know the firs t thing about the semitic religions
-mohammad teaches peace
-it's not very effective
-mohammad allies some warlords to help spread his prophethood, starts teaching violence
-later studies jews and christians in an attempt to be more relevant "
the order of this is so wrong
every, obv no
but there are certainly false flag attacks
like that one in burgas, before it hamas was not considered a terrorist group by europe
on the next fucking day israel already had blamed hammas and the us even claim they knew the people who did it and that they had ties with iran. meanwhile bulgarian institutions said they would investigate because there was no proofs (then organized protests followed for 2 years and removed that government from power)
how so
"The Jews did this" - cristiano ronaldo
Islam is a heresy of Judaism. Mo used bits of Judaism and interpreted it to coalesce a bunch of warring arab tribesmen. Bit like Hubbard channelling Freud
A lot of the boomers from the south are from the colonies. I went living to Alentejo and the small village next to Sines is literally just made up of people from there (whites mostly) and their kids.
Gee, you'd think they'd invade Iran but I guess no 911 before then .
But again. Were these people black?
mohamed met Christians and jews before he started preaching peacefully or by wars .
Read Tom Holland's Shadow of the Sword first. Then pick up Hagarism by Patricia Crone.
>posts quadroon
>"hurr durr Portugal not white"
you fuckers will regret this when the PNReich starts, mark my words
I'm sorry to say that race and culture are different things Britbro. Technological and cultural advancements, as well as military dominance have nothing to do with ethnicity.
I'm not saying the French and the Indians are the same race, if course, I also think that's bullshit but you have the wrong way of reasoning against it.
Okay, let me summarise
>nigger gets banished from mecca
>forms army in Medina
>Jews warn mecca about said attack
>nigga steals Jewish and christian teachings and says everyone in the world must listen to him
>kills people and takes over mecca
>Islam begins
Am I right?
This is... surprisingly accurate.
>How exactly did Islam form?
a gang of criminals became wildly successful and managed dominate the Arabian peninsula.
Long story short, Islam was not a full fomed religion at the time of the Arab conquests. The first major warlord to try to unite the various Arab factions and establish a state centred in Damascus was Mu'awiya, who founded the Ummayad dynasty. Even at this time the court was mostly Arab Christians of some form or another. It was Abd ul Malik who actually tried to create a new state religion to rival the Byzantine one, he built the Dome of the Rock, inserted Muhammad on coins, made Arabic the official language of administration, and standardized the Koran, and invented many of the rites and practices that made Islam a distinct new religion. The traditional account of how Islam was formed is pure propaganda that only began to be written about a century and a half after Abd ul Maliks reforms.
Romance/germanic languages are advanced. Once you go past Austria things start to turn to shit. Its clear who is in charge and who are not. Caucasian should just be "western European"
>inserted Muhammad on coins
>images of muhammad
my my how haram
Well the first thing would probably be mohammed first getting visions from what he thinks are demons, which ten convince him is the angel Gabriel, who gives teachings basically opposite of christianity, but with similar jewish mythology.
Its interesting, the bible says the sons of ishmael will give the earth anger and torment, and the sons of Issaac are good, or something to that effect. Muslims consider themselves ishmaelites and substitute him for issac in their mythology
>But again. Were these people black?
This is Sup Forums remember.
Everyone is black who is not a direct decsendant of Odin
Thats like saying the kid I bullied at school will piss his pants and I will laugh after I make it happen.
dunno, but Christiano ronaldo have nothing to do with it.
I want to know where the true white people come from. And why so many people are not white.
Good stuff. But the major Islamic catastrophe was ~1000, when Al_Ghazali wrote "answer to the philosophers" Essentially all rational investigation and science was questioning Allah, and so Haram. They've been backward ever since.
Islam didn't form by invasion, that is Islamic mythology that Muhammad swooped in and killed/converted everyone. In truth, Byzantium/Persia lost battles and bankrupted themselves fighting each other, a tribe of roving 'barbarians' swooped in and annexed both countries which was welcomed by the local populations. Islam was created over 70 years, presumably as an attempt to unify the 3 major religious groups in the area: Arab kaba stone worshippers (yes, they existed before Islam), Judaism and Christianity while solidifying the authority of this new kingdom (because everything happens due to god, at least the thinking at this time went).
This is true. Also this merged sufism and orthodoxed sunnism. Dont trust a sufi who says he is nice and acts all nice. They work in concert with the orthodoxed islamists
No one should accept the Islamic mythology of their inception as truth anymore than one should accept that Jesus Christ really existed, was crucified and rose again and that John the Baptist "spread the faith". The true inception of Christianity is more mysterious/vague than Islam's inception.
If you look at islamic coinage of the time, they feature a cross. Also thy is conjecture that "mohammed" which means blessed one, might have origionally refered to Jesus and the islamic mythology later devoloped to force their laws on the inhabitants. Also islam might have developed out of heretical unitarian and iconoclastic christianity in the east
You only think christianity is more vague because people actually have been able to question it for centuries, people are too scared to question islam.
Why do you think that oral stories of illiterate desert dwellers is more credible than literate romans?
"The Closing of the Muslim Mind" Robert Reilly, In Saudi, they officially teach how to recgnise evil spirits (djinns, as per Koran)
I wouldn't be surprised, but whatever the case is, the original barbarians who conquered Byzantium/Persia did not destroy the Jewish/Christian culture in the region. Whatever the case truly is, and I'd be willing to believe your theory, Islam must not have been created out of violence, it just doesn't make sense. Further, as you pointed out, none of the coins had Muhammad on them which is kind of strange if it really was Muhammad that had unified the area.
Again, "Caucasian" has to do with genes and whatnot. Its biological, not socio-political.
Borders, art, languages and way of life are all created by people. Race doesnt depend on what people build but whats in their DNA.
You dont have to define caucasian as W. European. You can just say W. European instead of caucasian.
>tribe of roving 'barbarians'
I belive that the patriarch of jarusalem described marauding saracen hordes. However he didnt say they brought a new religion. The arab story is that they came peacefully and we accepted, the chrsitian sources do not say this. Byzantine armies had withdrawn from the area so it was easy to conquer and the arbas were going on razias burnin villages all over the place and people probably submitted to stop that. Perhaps it is true that the tax burden was less under arabs because they didnt need to finance the debts on the persian war
My genes make my skin white. I don't have a hook nose, brown eyes, slumped forehead or neck hair. I am not the same race as them. Caucasian sounds like a shit term. Should not be used unless you can confirm that Arabs/mediterranean have nigger genes.
Here is your answer
That is why the vengeful and God-hating Saracens, the abomination of desolation clearly foretold to us by the prophets, overrun the places which are not allowed to them, plunder cities, devastate fields, burn down villages, set on fire the holy churches, overturn the sacred monasteries, oppose the Byzantine armies arrayed against them, and in fighting raise up the trophies [of war] and add victory to victory. Moreover, they are raised up more and more against us and increase their blasphemy of Christ and the church, and utter wicked blasphemies against God.
Saphronius patriarch of jerusalem 639 AD
You are taking the "black" genes to far.
It doesn't work like that at all. A lot of our characteristics are defined by where we live.
For example, Peruvians have incredible strong maxillary and teeth, because they developed in an environment where people used to eat a lot of raw grain. Thats right, they eated raw corn.
And as a result, they have terminator jaws.
Asians have almost no tits, but asian daughters of asian inmigrants here in Argentina do have tits and I suspect it's because of all the asado.
Skin color has a lot to do about generations and generations of people living in a specific place.
I can assure you that even the most white family in the world would start having at least brown kids in a couple of generations of living in Africa.
If you think whites are white no matter what, no matter where they live, you just don't believe in evolution
Islam is not tied to ethnicity. Also, Arab is a pan-ethnicity - pure Arabs (Qahtanites) are extinct.
If you look at Syria and Lebanon, you'll find that a lot of them share more physical traits with other mediterranean peoples than with other Arabs. It's because they were merely Arabized by language (though 50% of levantine grammar is still from Aramaic).
You stupid negro, Caucasian is a classification of Race, European is another classification, all Europeans are Caucasians not all Caucasians are Europeans.
>I can assure you that even the most white family in the world would start having at least brown kids in a couple of generations of living in Africa.
Not images, Abdul, but the name in Arabic script. Not surprised a shitskin can't comprehend basic English any better than knowing his history.
Southern Arabia was inhabited by Dravidian-like people in the past, and it is speculated that the Elomites (An ancient civilization in southern Persia and north-eastern Arabia) where Dravidans as well.
Just look at Yemenis, they look radically different from the raptor looks of some arabs. They also got some nigger blood from the milions of slaves they imported over the course of centuries all over the muslim world.
What is skin color? Please, explain it for me, and why it's a permanent genetic quality (no ideas, data please)
Fair enough it was his name not his image, but read the guy I replied to, he never said anything about that.
expressions of DNA not diet, you can get burned and tanned but your dna for skin color remains same.
>have kid
>kid is white
>burn my skin
>have kid
>kid is white
God damn mapuches.
>Dravidian-like people in the past
It was always arab in those lands, most semitic came from arabia
Akkadians, phoenicians, amorites, arabs, aramean, etc
But romans werent pale you stupid fuck
Hello Argentina.
I'm very confident that if I and a white woman bred in Kenya, we and our children and grandchildren will be fairly tanned but if we were to move to england after say 59 years wed all lose our tans. I'm also confident that if a Syrian moves to Sweden they would still be greyish at most. Case in point, nigger genes.
no, you breed with a negro it doesn't matter where you are, it's a negro, cats color doesn't change by being born in Antarctica.
Check the sources on that paragraph. It's a very speculative subject, but I like to jerk off with such speculative genetics ideas.
It is also possible, as you say, that they got their darkie genes from elsewhere. In the case of semites their origin is speculated to be either in Somalia or Southern Arabia.
Thanks denzel.
My point was I am clearly Germanic blonde/brown hair blue eyes. This is not the same as Arabic/north African etc. So were they nigger rape babies?
Is Islam involved?
So they do have nigger genes?
No, they are not European but are Caucasian, you are European and Caucasian but not Semitic.
That was my point
some of them have negro genes but pure arabs are not White, their native dna is Semitic.
I am glorious white master race. Why are other Caucasians nigger tier?
Semetic is not white euro but caucus? ERM, please tell me where white people came from
That is one thing you can say with certainty. Up to 25% admixture in the case of Yemeni. Trade, slave trade, commerce, bride swapping, plus migrations. There have also been polities controlling territories on both sides of the Red Sea during known history.
>nigger tier
they are most definitely not niggers, although nigger admixture fucked them up irrepairably from the slave trade.
They share racial characteristics of Caucasian race, but do not share racial characteristics of European race.
Is that picture supposed to show he is White?
Literally looks like the average Arab immigrant in Oslo.
From the fucking steppes of central Asia
No, just that he is not that abnormal for a Portuguese when you get rid of all the excessive tanning and hair gel.
Btw, the story about his Cape Verdean grandmother was started by a newspaper and he was sufficiently angry about it that he threatened legal action IIRC.
Sodoes this have involvement with Islam in some sort of way?
Islam is not a race so not being racist BTW /s ttly reddit
Right so they got blacked like the olives
Which brings the question why euros are white and south of Greece (and Greece) got blacked...
>Btw, the story about his Cape Verdean grandmother was started by a newspaper and he chimped out.
Makes sense.