What's your thoughts on vegans?
Not the chill kind that just mind their own, the pushy ones that won't shut up about it.
What's your thoughts on vegans?
Not the chill kind that just mind their own, the pushy ones that won't shut up about it.
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>Not the chill kind that just mind their own, the pushy ones that won't shut up about it.
I have never met the chill kind, they were all a bunch of arrogant smugfaced assholes who could not ever shut the fuck up about how his god dammed dietary choices are better for the enviroment and more "humane" than ours.
No one likes a vegan.
you aussie nigger. pol bitches about slavery all the time yet it's cause of niggers like you. the barbarian niggers funded by jew niggers that nothing gets done.
>Not the chill kind that just mind their own
Haven't met one of these vegans yet.
i knew the niggers would show up.
>bumping his own nigger thread
I've NEVER seen a vegan that doesn't look like they're undergoing chemo
i've never seen london so diverse.
>a fucking leaf
Piss off you mong, vegans are a fucking cancer
eventually we're going to run into plant based life forms
some of the only real "not killing things" food is milk and (unfertilized) chicken eggs
I've never been to London, I can't see why anybody would go there voluntarily.
>A fucking leaf.
Say ching chong, do you still eat dog meat dumplings like you did back in China?
veganism is religious; a demonstration of Man's dominion over the beasts of the earth.
In order to be merciful, you must first be in a position of absolute power over your quarry.
>I can't see why anybody would go there voluntarily.
Business meetings with CEOs of a London based company?
Don't know why else, is there any good universities in London?
Fuck them with a tree
I've never met a sane vegan chick. Huge red flag. Many such cases!
i think vegans make meat eaters uncomfortable by making them face their immoral activity and the resulting cognitive dissonance (butt hurt) is funny to watch
That's fucking badass
Would honestly prefer to die than go vegan, miserable bunch of people.
im vegan, couldn't care less about what other people eat, but if you want to live longer id'e recommend it
You're telling me mate. Knew this one chick who was based then went absolutely mental soon after going vegan.
>eats cancer.
>calls anyone cancer.
killing animals for pleasure is immoral, there is no way of getting around that
How much longer do you think you are going to live?
The funny thing is that you would never know if you had met the chill kind or not, because their entire identity doesn't revolve around their diet. The incredible vocal, zealous ones are obviously going to stand out.
Confirmation bias lad, you need to look it up.
How about killing them for food?
I really dont mind them even if i eat meat.
you don't need them for food
A vegan diet isn't inherently healthier than a well balanced diet including animal products. It just eliminates a lot of crappy food that happens to be non-vegan.
The nutty ones claim that processed meats (in large quantities) raise your risk of cancer by 20%; which is true. But they don't include that it raises it from a 5% risk to a 6% risk.
no. you see. it's great. the same way elitist cannibalism is great. i feed my children 3 cups of milk and 3 servings of red meat a day.
maybe you don't
They are an excellent source of calories. Vegans spend all day eating.
>The funny thing is that you would never know if you had met the chill kind or not, because their entire identity doesn't revolve around their diet. The incredible vocal, zealous ones are obviously going to stand out.
Sure I would, it is not like I don't know many chill vegetarians, the problem with veganism is that it is trendy, and as all trendy things it attracts a kind of arrogant smug douchebag personality that does trendy things for the sake of feeling superior to those that do not do said trendy things.
A well balanced diet includes animal products, you can get by on a plant based one but it's very difficult and not ideal.
Also, it's in humanity's nature to kill prey, just like any other predator. Can't blame people for eating meat when we've evolved to eat it for eons.
calories mixed in with junk
pretty much. it's much easier to eat healthy on an overall balanced diet than it is to eat healthy on a vegan diet (not that it's that difficult anyway but people are retarded).
as for preachy vegans, it's understandable that someone would want to voice an issue that's important to them, however you have to balance that with not being a social reject. if your friend orders eggs at a restaurant and you start ranting about factory farms then you're just seriously lacking in self-awareness.
The Meat and Dairy Jew has the most bot posting and defensive Jews as they poison the population.
May kek
these animals are raised by people who will eat them
if it were up to vegans many more animals would be dead
I know a couple based vegans, but also a few real stinkers. I hope the fad dies a terrible death desu.
There is nothing wrong with unprocessed meat.
> as all trendy things it attracts a kind of arrogant smug douchebag personality that does trendy things for the sake of feeling superior to those that do not do said trendy things
If it wasn't veganism, it would be something else because they're just massive faggots, vegan or no. Diet doesn't make you that way, but a shitty unplanned vegan diet can literally tank your mental health though.
I have no problem with people who talk about it in a civilised way. But this one chick I was involved with compared me to Jeffrey Dahmer (actually said I was worse) and became a general shit cunt about it.
they r special type of people who must be spoken with much care and caution.
jews make it their mission to starve every nation by raising children to eat them instead of feeding the population.
I'm a vegan and I never tell anyone unless asked directly, which is usually only if it's out to dinner or something. The pushy ones annoy me as I feel like they give us a bad name and push people away from even thinking about it. But the thing is, I get it, I totally get it, we are living in a death cult and people are not even stopping to think about how much pain and suffering their consumer choices are responsible for. We need to move toward eating less meat for the betterment of the planet and humanity.
A lot of the activist ones like PETA are retarded. Instead of having stupid protests and calling fish sea kittens, what they should do is start funding scientific research for developing in vitro meat. It would be cheaper and will drive factory farms out of business.
You should have cut her up and put her head in the fridge.
a well balanced plant based diet is just as healthy, it's not difficult for most people or more expensive
it's not really in our nature since we don't have the physiology predators do like chasing instincts, or up and down tearing jaw motion or stomachs for raw meat
also appeal to nature is not a logical argument in itself anyway
>What's your thoughts on vegans?
I think they should be allowed to Live Long and Prosper.
Lay down those carrots user, you're rambling again
i have. even lived with them a while. ate meat in front of them. they were chill as fuck.
meat is our default food source
we can't eat grass, in nature a lot of things are poisonous or taste like shit
meat is always a safe bet
being vegan is a luxury
notice that the vocal 'extremist' vegans are all Zionist Jew Puppets.
>compared to serial killer because you eat meat
Classic vegan zealotry. I like it when they compare the meat industry to the holocaust, which is funny because it never happened.
is it better to exist in a state of constant suffering until violent death, or not to exist at all? (obviously not in reference to people who humanely raise their animals)
I've never met vegans or vegetarians that "won't shut up about it". Most of the time they're just squeamish girls that don't like animals getting killed.
Annoying obviously but everyone's complaining to me for not eating meat, too.
People start to complain whenever i don't eat meat in a restaurant or give me a look for eating a vegan meal at dinner and keep offering me meat or other things with meat in it.
You'll never understand how it feels to have your meal criticized by someone brainwashed by nihilism who's drinking and smoking on any occasion and lives for materialism
We are the best hunters on the planet what the fuck are you talking about?
beat me to it.
>is it better to exist in a state of constant suffering until violent death, or not to exist at all
personally i'd choose life
You're currently using a technology that required animal parts to spread your nonsense.
Meat and Dairy production is the largest stranglehold Israel has on the West.
here is the human delusion
>i don't care about sentiant life!
why do you care about yourself?
(rational egoism is fine tho, but impossible to achive/ still would like to meet one)
>i care about all sentiant life!
why arent you vegan?
(vegetarians are low tier, probably on the next step)
>i care about human life!
some contradicting versions:
against abortion (but yet pro war, pro killing?)
>'good' i care about human life version
communists, conservative christians (anti-abortion, anti war, pro welfare ect.) some forms of facism ect.
as a bonus:
>pro-choice (but not anarchists, too much choice!)
I don't really care what others eat as long as I can eat what I want undisturbed.
because of our intelligence and use of tools, you said natural, we are more gatherers than hunters
They belong in the trash.
Kinda like enviromentalists who yell at people for using more than one square of toilet paper. People might do this shit to spite them.
You say we aren't natural predators but literally the only way we can receive vitamin B12 naturally is through animal products.
Of course an appeal to nature can't stand up on it's own but it explains why humans tend to stick to omni diets even when confronted with things such as slaughterhouse footage.
Some vegans like to claim that everyone is originally a vegan because of children's love of animals. But I see the source of that as the sanitation of our food sources (supermarkets etc.) and the anthropomorphisation of animals in TV shows/movies aimed at children.
>Be in highschool
>Vegetarian girl sits at my table
>Constantly talks about being fucking vegetarian
>Overhear her say "The school should really add more vegetarian options on the menu. I've been eating this everyday for a year..."
>Eating chicken ramen
>"You know there is chicken in that right?"
>"No there's not it's just chicken FLAVORED"
>"In the ingredients it says it has chicken ground into powder"
>Spits out ramen
>Cries for the rest of lunch
>Laughs internally for the rest of the day
She even had an "I am not a nugget" pin on her backpack.
they'll grow out of it when their doctor tells them to men up if they want to produce enough milk for their baby
>Gary Yourofsky
Smuggest cunt on the face of the Earth.
it is borderline, if not completely, impossible to exist in the modern world without causing indirect suffering to someone or something. does that mean that you should just give up entirely even if you believe it to be right to reduce this suffering?
oy vey the doctors.
>human morals applies to animals
>refusal to face nature of reality that is - humans are omnivores
>millions of children before the age of 5 die each year, yet you concerned about fucking cows and think that it makes you better than others
oven worthy/10
Cram it you leaf, the cold has gotten to your head.
its not the only way we could have gotten b12, in the natural environment in the past the soil and water had higher concentrations of it
people stick to their omni diet because change is hard and conditioning is hard to overcome, not because it's anathema to their nature
'because of our intelligence and use of tools'
Yes, our natural attributes.
Do you think predators don't use their brains? I guess you think tigers just stumble around until something falls in their mouth.
jews think the gentiles are cattle which is why they feed them cattle. a JEW WILL NEVER BE A VEGAN. Yahweh said Jews have dominion over Earth and all Life on it.
I think its amusing that the vegans are all ''muh animal suffering'' and fail to realise that animals would eat them without blinking an eye.
>inb4 lol cows eating humans
could you beat him in a debate though? I don't care if someone is smug, i care if they are right or wrong.
My Greek teacher is an ex-vegetarian and still tried to talk about how meat is evil
These people never stop even when they no longer believe what they're saying
Don't need to overanalyse things user.
Normal humans have no love for their prey like a lion does to a gazelle or a shark to another fish. We are animals. We care about our own kind. And the animals that we do care about (dogs, horses) have uses for us outside of food sources and have been bred to do so for thousands of years.
That's the crux of it.
>jews think you're under them yet they're all fat greasy and ugly meat eating cunts.
go back to Israel.
Would demolish him, user. He and others like him rely on strawman arguments constantly.
I've watched a fair amount of their ramblings.
There hasn't been many level-headed people who can debate vegans well because:
>because it's such a fringe cause they aren't aware of the nuances of the issue and fall back on "muh bacon"
>they just don't care
no they have strong carnivorous instincts that drive their predatory behaviour, we use our higher intelligence to work it out, humans do not react instinctively to prey and try and kill them
And here's the cognitive dissonance.
i'll let gary know you want a public debate lol
we should justt accept the contradictions?
I say, if one is proud, one should call oneself that what one is.
"i prefer humans from my own tribe, and animals that have a relation to ouer races survival
>jews are human.
nice try crypto.
what is your point? as far as we are aware, humans are the only animals conscious of the suffering of other beings, and so it is our burden to question it. only the most delusional vegan is going to think that a tiger wouldn't maul them given the chance.
We also are slow once we do pursue, to make up for this humans have incredible endurance.
We can outrun literally every other land animal except a horse over distance. Vegans think that because we can't beat a deer over a 100m sprint that we can't catch them at all.
In what way is that even a slight hindrance to us as a predatory animal?
Thanks, I couldn't get a hold of him. Cunt must've blocked my number.
considering we are related to apes
we do have an instinct to kill (and eat) things an ape would
when we group up instincts make room for intelligence
It isn't, it is one of the main reasons we dominate the rest.