
If Israel can have secure borders why can't the US?

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I love this time line

And they said that the wall wouldn't be built.

First few days and he's hammering hard on it.

Is he acting like he is pro israel just to use their policy to install a homogenous ethnostate while being able to deflect all criticism towards israel without being called an antisemite?

"Im just doing it like my jewish pala, why u mad bro?"

Fucking hell he's cheeky

8D intergalactic monopoly my German freund

Holy fucking shit a Sup Forumsack is president

I voted for Hillary but I have to admit the man does have a point.


You sure its not 6d inverted multiversial underwater polo?

Is there non-jewbook link?

On potus twitter

>I voted for Hillary but I have to admit the man does have a point.

Mexicans aren't blowing themselves up in crowds of Americans.

holy fuck the banter is off the charts

he's playing Lagrangian Yahtzee desu senpai

Seems to be the case, but let's keep it on the down low so (((they))) don't catch on.

I think we can keep best timeline going forever as long we stay a few steps ahead of the hooked-nosed nation destroyers.

>american education

The cartels are just as bad if not worse than ISIS.

stop my erection can only get so hard


They don't even have the excuse of "following this 8th century pedo warlords doctrine" for their acts of complete barbarism.

The absolute MADMAN

Someone please do not post that webm of the guy missing his face.

All 10 of his grandkids are jewish

They dont have them dayliy car attacks mass stabbings shootings. Suicide attacks.

You have fallen for the juden meme.

Illegals are committing crimes against US citizens

Why not making it big? What are the jews supposed to do? Say: we know what we do is wrong, but we dont care because of 6Gorillion, but you cant let trump do the same as we do goyim!"

They either have to out them as evil to lable trump evil, or have to shut up no matter whats happenig. Making it big just annoys them even more i bet

Name them and explain how faggot. I know his daughter is married to one but that's all I know of.

>all you have to do is ask Israel

>"I'm just a humble real estate developer, who is doing exactly what Israel does.... you don't hate Israel do you?"

Unassailable position



>Mexicans aren't
Yes they are. Fuck you taco nigger

I voted for hillary but you have to admit that the man is the greatest man, I tell you the greatest man to ever become president. Believe me many have said the same thing to me.

What are those vids about? Am on the go and dont bother to waste my datavolume on it

Are you guys implying that Palestinians are terrorists and not the victims? Like, can you not?

They are both to be honest. Victims because the israelis robbed their land and continue to do so, and terorist becuae they blow themselves up among civillians instead of going for the state itself and their administration

Their just spreading drugs, sti's and assorted crime wherever they gather

He should have pointed out that obongo is building a wall around his house in d.c. before he even moves in.

naming the jew

careful there, dont wanna end up like JFK after he pointed out Dimona


This is why the liberals hate Israel now.

>implying a country does not have the right to decide who can enter it, even if they are perfect angels

wew, lad

What's """Dimona"""?


What... have we done...

No, but they are crashing our economy and health care, and social security system with no survivors...

Dude Trump was pro Israel decades ago.
He's showing by example.
For example arguments like:
It's impossible to build the wall
It's too expensive
It won't work

All are nullified when pointing to our success at achieving just that.

No need to thank me for the free reality check


Don't most illegals come to the US legally and just overstay their visa?

We've built a barrier to stop illegal immigrants as well. On our southern border.

>all these pro-Israel posts ITT

Disgusting, nu-police needs to die

>Donald Trump Jr. married model Vanessa Kay Haydon (born December 18, 1977) on November 12, 2005, at the Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida; the service was officiated by Trump's aunt, Judge Maryanne Trump Barry.[6] Haydon is the daughter of Bonnie and Charles Haydon,[7] and is of Jewish and Danish descent.
>They have five children

>Ivanka Trump
>In 2005, she started dating real estate developer Jared Kushner.[69] The couple broke up in 2008 due to the objections of Kushner's parents,[69] but the couple got back together and married in a Jewish ceremony on October 25, 2009.[69][70]
>They have three children

All of his 8 grandchildren are jewish. Some sources says that Eric's wife is also jewish, jpupdates.com/2014/11/11/donald-trump-marries-son-jewish-celeb-crystal-chuppah/ , which means those future grandchildren are also going to be jews.
I bet Barron will also end up marrying a jew.

>what is google?

Yes, and that's a problem, but 1) thy have been vetted on some level for admissibility, and 2) their possessions have been subject to search for contraband.

They're not really the ones "doing the raping"

The leftist diaspora Jews are against our wall as well as the American one.
They are already saying both are wrong and have been for years.


we'll get that crowd

Why not fight all ways of illegal immigration?
hundreds of thousands come illegally through the southern border. This needs to stop.
Visa overstays should be punished and deported, as well as those who hire illegals and so on.
Those things are not exclusive.

Illegals are increasing crime and causing unemployment which ruins lives, pretty much the same end effect.

6D carcassonne

I can't read kike scribble. What does it say?

in what universe do you think trump will build a wall but not crack on visas?

Basically means we got a lot better at catching illegals at the border.

Are you incapable of understanding English? I've said the exact opposite

left is year, far right is how many crossed the border illegally.

You can pretty much understand yourself in which year the wall was completed (late 2012)

>libtards criticize The Wall
>accuse them of being antisemitist

How many dimensions of chess is Trump playing at by now?

Witnessed! Numbers confirm.

N^x dimensional troughout the multiverse

If you're the type of traveler that like sadism, this is the place for you.

I wonder why the AfD has not adopted this strategy...