What are the most convincing arguments for holocaust denial?
What are the most convincing arguments for holocaust denial?
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Why do we only ever hear about the Jewish victims when there were five million other people they claim were murdered?
There is none
Why deny it? It's one of the most redpilled acts in European history.I'm glad it happened.
Riddle me this goyim.
How does
X + 2m;
X + 4m;
and X + 1.5m
all equal 6m at the same time?
Rudolf Hoess: Commandant of Auschwitz:
>"I was treated terribly by the [British] Field Security Police. I was dragged to Heide and, of all places, to the same military barracks from which I had been released eight months before by the British. During the first interrogation they beat me to obtain evidence. I do not know what was in the transcript, or what I said, even though I signed it, because they gave me liquor and beat me with a whip. It was too much even for me to bear."
Captain Bernard Clarke (interviewed by Rupert Butler):
>"The prisoner was torn from the top bunk, the pyjamas ripped from his body. He was then dragged naked to one of the slaughter tables, where it seemed to Clarke the blows and screams were endless. Eventually, the Medical Officer urged the Captain: 'Call them off, unless you want to take back a corpse.'"
Here's another one to really make you think.
How does
X + 2,000,000
and X + 78,000
both equal 6,000,000 at the same time?
>Eric Hunt: The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth
Why don't people ever talk about commie dictators and all the blood they spilled?
Why is communism always funny and child friendly?
I think we know (((((((who's)))))))))) to blame
Thanks user, this was the kind of stuff I was looking for. What's the theory for the motive behind promoting this discrepancy? A means by which the jews can assume a position of permanent victimhood (oy vey remember the shoah) so they can get away with consolidating power?
american education in action as usual
for example here in schools we learn about other victims of the holocaust: poles, soviets, serbs, gypsies, the disabled. 6 million is jews only, that doesn't count in all the other victims that the nazi regime murdered. if you live in southern poland you'll have a mandatory trip to the Auschwitz-Birkenau Museum and I'll never forget the things I saw in there. holocaust deniers are uneducated conspiracy theorist assholes who couldn't be fucked to open a book or visit a museum
Pat Bucanan, President Reagan's chief advisor, relates how Soviet crimes were blamed on the Nazis after the war, with the full complicity of Britain and America.
>For it was Polish defiance of Adolf Hitler's demand to negotiate the return of Danzig, a German town put under Polish control after World War I, that gave birth to the Hitler-Stalin Pact, which led to Katyn.
>After the German invasion on Sept. 1, 1939, ignited the war, Joseph Stalin attacked Poland from the east on Sept. 17, capturing much of the Polish officer corps.
>In April 1940, on Stalin's order, the Soviet Secret Police, the NKVD, murdered virtually the entire leadership of the nation, including 8,000 officers and near twice that number of intellectuals and civilian leaders. Some 4,000 were shot with their hands tied behind their backs in Katyn Forest.
>The Germans unearthed the bodies in 1943 and invited the Red Cross in to examine the site. Through newspapers found on the corpses, the date of the atrocity was fixed as more than a year before the German Army invaded the Soviet Union.
>When Polish patriots, whose sons had flown with the Royal Air Force in the Battle of Britain, went to Winston Churchill to demand that he get answers from Stalin about the atrocity, he brushed them off.
>"There is no sense prowling around the three-year-old graves of Smolensk," said the Great Man.
>At Stalin's request, Churchill bullied the Poles into acceding to Soviet annexation of all the Polish land Stalin had been awarded for signing his pact with Hitler.
>At the Nuremberg trials, the Russian delegation, led by Andrei Vishinsky, the prosecutor who did Stalin's dirty work in the purge trials, charged the Germans with the massacre.
>This presented a problem for the Americans and British who knew the truth. They finessed the issue by leaving the charge unresolved.
>Katyn and 'The Good War' by Pat Buchanan
Sorry. I deleted it because it was a bit of a wall of text.
The maths of it, it was impossible even with modern tech for Nazis to burn that many bodies.
Not to mention that most, if not all, of the (((extermination camps))) were found by Soviets
I almost wish it did happen though, fucking Kikes ruining the West
WWII Lasted a total of 6 years.
Assuming that Hitler started gassing Jews since day 1, that makes for 3,153,600 minutes.
6,000,000 Jews killed during 3,153,600 minutes comes out to 1.9 Jews per minute. That means Hitler killed roughly 1 Jew every 30 seconds.
In Auschwitz, the most famous and biggest concentration camp, there are 15 crematoriums. According to Auschwitz survivors, Jews would go into the chamber, gassed for 15-20 minutes, then put into the oven.
It takes 1 hour to cremate a body using modern furnaces which operate at much higher temperatures than the traditional ovens at the camp. However, lets say that the ovens were operating at a level that we see today, that means it would take 1 hour, 20 minutes to gas and burn 15 Jews assuming they were all burned simultaniously. (Disregarding the time it would take for the gas to empty the chamber for the bodies to be transported from the chamber to the oven.) The elevators used to transport bodies were very slow and could only take up 7 bodies at a time with their weight capacity. However, for our greatest ally, we're going to assume that bodies were teleported instantly from chamber to oven.
That means 15 Jews were gassed and burned every 1.2 hours. That comes out to exactly 300 Jews every 24 hours (Assuming the gassing and burning of Jews was happening every hour straight for 6 years on an uninterrupted basis) the total # of killed jews would be 657,000 for those 6 years. The official Jewish story is that 4,000,000 Jews were killed at Auschwitz alone.
No doubt many Jews were killed by Stalin and blamed on the Nazis.
Consider Babi Yar, cited as one of the worst Nazi atrocities in the USSR.
That's a great story. However, when you actually try to find evidence you find this, so often a convenient explanation of why there is no evidence for specific Nazi atrocities.
>The bodies were exhumed, burned and the ashes scattered over farmland in the vicinity.
Really? So while the Nazis were retreating from Ukraine, they had time to go back, exhume over 33,000 Jews, cremate all the bodies and hide all the evidence? Doubt.
Consider that Stalin himself mass purged Jews from the communist party, as well as that several millions of Ukrainians died during Holodomor. How do you tell which were killed by the Nazis and which by Stalin? Isn't it conceivable that the communists simply blamed all their own crimes on the Nazis?
you are fucking retarded. Even in my small country many intelligents were banished. One even wrote a really good book called "Forest of the Gods" about his life in Stutthof.
nice try burger
We know from Russian archives released after the fall of communism that tens of millions of Soviets were killed by the communists before 1939, not least at Holodomor where 2.4-7.5 million Ukrainians were starved to death.
How do we know that the 25 million the Soviets claimed were killed by the Nazis were not killed by the Soviets themselves and then blamed on the Nazis, just like Katyn?
Is it reasonable to believe that the Nazis killed 25 million Soviets when during the ENTIRETY of WW2 in ALL theatres, the Nazis killed less than a million Western Allies? Or is it that the vast majority of these deaths can be attributed to the gulags, Stalin's purges or the mass famines caused by communist collectivisation such as Holodomor that were later replicated in China leading to over 40 million deaths there?
Why should we believe any of this, knowing full well that the communists were worse criminals than even the worst of what is alleged of the Nazis, as well as notorious propagandists, fraudsters and liars with no respect for historical or any kind of truth?
16 whole million were murdered???
Yes. A massive propaganda psy op is being perpetrated against the West. The holocaust is not just useful for Jews, but all leftists. People they don't like are literally Hitler. Policies they don't like can be analogised with nazi Germany, which of course inevitably leads to the murder of 6 million Jews. No one wants that...
Is Bibi /ourguy/ though? He seems like a bro
Also, the propaganda was desirable for the Allies to justify the war. WW2 was essentially an optional, unjustifiable war. We didn't even achieve our original war aim to guarantee Poland, since it was occupied by communists for 45 years after the war. And we didn't stop totalitarian government dominating Europe, as the USSR occupied the entire Easter Bloc. Tell people they were fighting in a black and white, good v evil war though, and they're less likely to hang you for destroying Western civilisation. At least Churchill, Eisenhower and De Gaulle had the decency not to mention the holocaust once in their entire post-war writings. Because they, like most people at the time, knew it was a propaganda lie perpetrated by the Soviets.
>No deported took part in any process or was invited to take part
>Rudolf Hoss (commander of Auschwitz) was tortured and his confessions were written in english though he didn't speak it
>Germans who "confessed" had torture marks on their bodies (squashed testicles for exemple)
>So called gas chambers didn't have hermetic doors (any gassing would have gassed guards too)
>Chemneys weren't high enough to not gas the entire camp
>Building plans show that the "gas chambers" were morgues
>There is no written order of any execution, while the original plan of deportation to Madagascar (impossible du to war), has let written proofs
>Same quantites of Zyklon B were delivered to labor camps than to the "extermination camps"
>Auschwitz had only five ovens, capable each of burning only one body. It would have taken one week and six days to burn 2000 jews
>No "gas chamber" appear on the allies aerial photos
>We still refer to the numbers of polish communists, who also said that jews were killed with electricity, steam, and atomic bombs
>Why would the Reich, outnumbered on eastern and western fronts would have bothered to regroup all jews, tatooing them etc instead of just shooting them then and there?
Everyone's fine by me as long as they're not trying to destroy Western civilisation and kill the white race my dude. The holocaust propaganda has to stop though. Anti-free speech laws must be removed. And the historical narrative must be realigned with the historical evidence and reality.
There are too many jews in the world for the 6 million to be true.
In 1939, there were 15 million jews in the world according to the World Almanac.
Between 1939-1945, 6 million jews die in the holocaust.
In 1945, that would leave about 9 million jews.
Assume for argument's sake that jews had the same population growth as whites (in fact it is lower). There were 700 million whites in 1945. Now there are about a billion. Call it a 50% increase.
So one would expect the jewish population today to be about 15 million again. This is a fair assumption to make, since both the MSM
And google
make the same assumptions.
HOWEVER, when you actually inspect the censuses, there are at least 20 million jews in the world or as many as 23 million, as stated here on page 88.
This is the source of the wikipedia data on the world jewish population.
Notice that there are two figures for the total number of jews in the world (the (((Guardian))) and (((google))) of course report the lower number) with exactly 6 million discrepancy. Is this pure coincidence???
Why do they need two totals? What extra people are included in the "Enlarged Jewish Population" total?
>The “enlarged” Jewish population includes the sum of (a) the “core” Jewish population; (b) all other people of Jewish parentage who, by “core” Jewish population criteria, are not currently Jewish (e.g. they have adopted another religion or otherwise opted out); and (c) all respective non-Jewish household members (spouses, children, etc.)
>all other people of Jewish parentage
Aren't these people jews??? Why are they fudging the numbers like this?
The fact it's illegal to question even the smallest detail is a pretty big red flag
I read this on the other Sup Forums but didn't save infograpic, Weissenthal made up muh 5 million goys to help sell his book and bring goys into the oy veying camp by letting them bask in righteous indignation over their "victimhood"
Why would the Germans, fighting a war for survival, dedicate massive amounts of resources, both in manpower and logistics to try and wipe out a group of people
It's nonsensical in the extreme
Why were all the confessions at Nuremberg obtained via torture?
The biggest question for me is the gas chambers
The Nazi's built huge pressurized air tight metal objects called "U-boats", but they couldn't use that information or technology to make gas chambers that weren't bricks and wood?
pic rel
Thoughts on this fine jewish gentlemen responsible for murdering 7 million christians
It happened. Get over it Storm-Weenies.
What we should be more concerned with is how Israel can use this tragedy to basically shit on the Palestinians.
Just saying. :/
>giving a shit about a bunch in inbred sandniggers
It benefits nazis and the germs.
Don't be fooled: denying the existance of concentration camps and the death toll they had, not only on jews but many non jewish inmates is the same as the kike's overblowing it and usig it as a political card.
Instead we should stop using the german conentration camps in political discussion altogether, to neither profit the kike, nor the stormfag.
Seems like they were treated very well for people who were supposedly going to be killed
How come I can go to a 500 year old Fort here, open a door I'm not supposed to, and see bones from when Spain had literally been occupying Florida but none of the death camps can actually provide proof of mass Graves?
his real name is gennady bogdanoff and he is french part african ancestry
>Why would the Germans, fighting a war for survival, dedicate massive amounts of resources, both in manpower and logistics to try and wipe out a group of people
Because they were delusional idiots. That fact manifested itself in them losing the war in the way they did, not even being able to finish of the commies.
>it's illegal to question
Dude you forgot the tennis court and the rec room where the Nazi's and Jews would get together and play Call of Duty Modern Warfare
So many pics from the eastern front of defiant, stoic men being shot by "Germans" with asiatic facial features
>Jewish survivors describe life in Auschwitz
>swimming pool
>art classes
>forty-five thousand volume library
>special money
>six orchestras
>theatre, including children's opera and weekly Saturday review
>football field (next to the "gas chambers") with weekly games between inmates and SS
>fencing classes
>legal advice, including standing order that inmates could personally submit complaints to the commandant
>mail service
>education centre
>asiatic facial features
Ur mom is an asiatic facial feature, nigger.
You don't know despair if the faces of the soon to be executed are beyond your understanding.
Do you really honestly think that a Jew would ever tell a lie?
Some germans look surprisingly asiatic, and that is even before the red army rolled up.
Do you know the despair of someone who is about to be executed knowing that your death will be used as propaganda for the exact opposite thing of what happened?
What are the most convincing arguments to prove that it happened?
Yeah, because Germans were such ubermensch "Aryans" when pic rel Poles were considered untermensch.
Mongol invasion ring any bells?
Those Poles weren't considered untermensch at all. Stop telling lies.
Stop getting your knowledge from shitty infographics based on even shittier "history" books.
Can you give me a quick rundown of these guys?
Yes we were, because German Nazis were expansionist chauvinists.
I don't. I consider myself an expert on the holocaust from primary sources.
Check out David Cole's interview on Red Ice. He's a Californian Jew and former GOP activist, so no one can call it Nazi propaganda. He outlines the main arguments for holocaust revisionism pretty well. His video documentary on Auschwitz is pretty much the best one out there too.
>David Cole denying the holocaust on Red Ice (2016)
>David Cole denying the holocaust at Auschwitz (1992)
If you're an expert then why year did it start?
The Jews are maligned, therefore you should question anything they do or say. Also you're a newfag. Time to head back to wherever you belong OP.
I'll just leave this here:
It never started, because there was no holocaust. Gassings were alleged to have started in 1941, but according to the official story, the Final Solution was planned at the Wannsee Conference. Except there is no evidence for that. Even assuming that the minutes of the conference are genuine, they do not talk of gassing at all, or any other kind of execution, only evacuation and resettlement.
I was thinking this the other day too. Where are the non-Jew holocaust survivors? Has anyone ever read or heard an account of a non-Jew survivor?
Because you're an ignorant burger
It takes two seconds to google "holocaust survivors non jewish"
picture needs more gas
The Holocaust or Mass genocide of Jews and other races DID happen and was perpetrated by the Nazis. just saying!
Yes. They are all just as absurd and contradictory as the Jewish stories. The Witold report is one of the most famous. It tells the generally taught story. It includes truths about the typhus epidemic and delousing (Witold himself even caught typhus, for which he was treated in the camp hospital), but then tells really retarded stories about gassing.
>Several days afterwards, on 30 August, I got a temperature and pains of joints, also my calves ached when pressed. It was nearly all the symptoms of typhus.
>This new term: "life de-lousing" - found acceptance in the camp. After transports of people who had come in from freedom to end their lives in the gas, the left heaps of clothes and underwear were also given to gas, hanged in separate chambers for disinfection that is for proper de-lousing. So, any action of putting anything in the sphere of gas, even be it a prisoner, was called "de-lousing"
>New transports were gassed in the rate of over one thousand victims a day. The dead bodies were burnt in the new crematoriums.
>Each crematorium had eight stands, two corpses to be put into each stand. Three-minute electric combustion.
>Then, in hundreds, women with children separately, men separately, they went into huts which supposedly were baths (while they were gas chambers!). There were windows from the outside only - fictitious, inside there was a wall only. Upon the closure of sealed door, a mass murder was conducted inside. From a balcony - a gallery, an SS-man in a gas mask dropped gas upon the heads of a crowd gathered under him. Two kinds of gas were used: in cylinders, which broke, or in disc which, having opened an air-tight can and dropped it by an SS-man in rubber gloves, turned into volatile state and filled the gas chamber, killing the gathered people quickly. It lasted several minutes. They waited for ten minutes. Then it was aired, chamber doors opposite to the platform were opened and commandos composed of Jews carried still warm corpses in wheel-barrows and carts to nearby crematorium where the corpses were burnt quickly. In that time next hundreds went to the gas chambers.
I suppose you think the moon landing was fake too!
Why do you want to deny the Holocaust? Are you a pussy?
Can't make this shit up.
>Be 100 years old
That it is practically illegal to launch a scientific investigation to confirm/deny the claim. That is not how we usually (should) operate in the west.
That's not an argument. What is your proof of the holocaust conspiracy theory? Why do you believe it?
>government conspiracy
>gas chambers
>6 million
Do you believe the moon landing was fake? That's a conspiracy theory without any evidence too. Just like the holocaust.
The fact you're a professional Holocaust denier makes me believe it is not a hoax.
your tactics are the same as an the garden variety atheist or common Leftwing academic.
That's not an argument. Why should we believe in the holocaust? We know Jews went to camps and many died from typhus and starvation, because there is evidence for all of that. Why should we believe millions more were gassed? What evidence is there?
Stop posting ad homs and start posting evidence for why you have the opinion you do.
There were no gas chambers and there is no evidence for them. If you have some, please post it here in this thread.
Jews aren't people
We know that Jews have lied and hoaxed about the holocaust.
>The Holocaust in 10 seconds
We know that there were rumours during the war that turned out to be unfounded.
>The Holocaust in 20 seconds
We know that even respectable public figures have produced holocaust conspiracy theory propaganda.
>The last days of the big lie: Spielberg’s hoax
Why should we believe any of it without evidence?
What do you think this is a university lecture?? see your just the typical Leftwing atheist type with a fetish for Denying genocides you don't agree with.
You're still not answering the question. What evidence is there for the holocaust?
>government conspiracy
>gas chambers
>6 million
Each of these has comprehensively been proven to be false according to the historical evidence. Do you have any counter-evidence?
Obviously the holocaust was a cover up, Hitler wanted to have a madrive party with all the Jews. He got a little too drunk and shot himself
werent these the same people who eagerly shilled for CTR for 2c per thread when the elections were going on?
your insults, ad homs, and running around the questions are now ignored
Hahaha I don't have to prove anything to you Buddy. Where the fuck do you think you are?? your not in social studies
class now.
No I'm English not Italian. I'm just curious to get an alternate view on something so controversial.
Yeh but it used to just be a labour camp didn't it, which was later converted into a death camp.
>I don't have to prove anything to you Buddy
>make a claim without evidence
>expect others to take that claim seriously
just fuck off dude
just ignore him
he's just a shill trying to confuse people, badly at that too
Ah you are an atheist I thought as much...hahahah
explains your fetish for Judaism.
kek nothing is controversial: nazis attempted to kill all Jews on Earth and almost succeeded in doing it. What is wrong with that I don't understand
During WW2, Jews were put in camps for the exact same reason Americans put Japanese in camps. From 1942, a typhus epidemic swept across Eastern Europe. This is why inmates were shaved and showered and fabrics treated with the pesticide Zyklon B. Near the end of the war German society collapsed, including the camp system, leading to mass starvation. By the end of the war, hundreds of thousands died from typhus, starvation, and execution as criminals/communists/partisans. No more than a million died from these causes. We know this because the Germans kept records that are now on archive in Russia and Germany, and also because the British cracked the German codes and were listening to their communications, including death counts from the camps. After the war, millions of Eastern European Jews emigrated both legally and illegally to Western Europe, Israel and America. This is what the historical record shows. The story of Anne Frank illustrates this.
>Anne, sister, mother, father transported to Auschwitz in September 1944
>live for two months together in Auschwitz
>Anne and sister both transported to Bergen Belsen
>both dead from typhus by March 1945
>mother dies from starvation in Auschwitz after a few months (she had been feeding her rations to her daughters)
>father survives Auschwitz and is eventually liberated in January 1945 from the Auschwitz hospital where he was ill with typhus and later emigrated to Switzerland
>government conspiracy
>gas chambers
>6 million
There is no evidence for any of this. The Western Allies inspected all the concentration camps in their occupation zones, including Zyklon B fumigation chambers and autopsies of thousands of corpses. No evidence of genocide was found. However, the Soviets claimed that there was a Nazi government conspiracy that led to the murder of 6 million Jews in gas chambers in their occupation zones. Can they be trusted?
I'm a church-going Anglican.
Jews, jews everywhere
Have you guys ever heard about this shit with Eric Hunt?
>A San Francisco jury found a troubled New Jersey man guilty of a felony hate crime charge of false imprisonment on Monday while clearing him of five other felonies stemming from a bizarre encounter in which he pulled Holocaust survivor Elie Wiesel out of a hotel elevator last year.
>Eric Hunt, 24, had been charged with six felonies related to the Feb. 1, 2007, incident at the Argent Hotel that prosecutors had said was a hate-based attempt to persuade the peace activist to renounce the Holocaust.
Eric Hunt is Sup Forums tier as fuck and apparently he grabbed Elie Wiesel by the arm out of an elevator and asked him if he could have an interview, naturally Elie Wiesel, being a Jew, acted like Hunt had just tried to brutally batter him and demanded Hunt be tried for evil hate crimes.
>Hunt eventually just walked off
The fact that if you discuss it you can go to prison.
hahahaha An Anglican ...you might as well be an SJW same thing.
>Official story is nazis killed kikes
>Group says that not be how it be
Can you blame me for being curious?