Europe is fucked

America is ending the global trade order and there is no EU or modern, open, democratic Germany without it.

America’s commitment to NATO is nearly gone and without it the Germans must rearm, triggering a whole new avalanche of security problems throughout the Continent.

The European financial crisis is worse than ever, and has now been joined by a European banking crisis. Both crises are so deeply structural that recovery is impossible without a political reckoning and/or revolution.

The civil wars in Syria and Libya are only the leading edges of a broader Middle East and African breakdown; the refugee waves we’ve seen so far are just the beginning.

Europe is imploding demographically, not only making Europe more dependent upon the dissolving global trade order and exacerbating the financial and banking crises, but also soon putting zero percent economic growth out of reach. The ongoing existence of several European countries as modern societies is no longer assured.

And let’s not forget that Russia is only in the beginning stages of its Hail Mary effort to secure its western sphere of influence (i.e. control of parts of the EU’s eastern periphery) before its own problems overwhelm it.

Other urls found in this thread:,_New_York

You worked so hard on this bait didn't you?

>wearing velcro shoes as an adult

>religion forces you to wear childrens shoes
God dam Islam is shit.

you don't like easy access?

As if America would be needed for global trade. kek.

America once again BTFO.

Dayliy reminder, The world is not needing america, america needs the world.


>amerifats speaking about politics

>ending the global trade order
Perfect! The european people doesn't like TTIP and TTP anyway.
Maybe we can have a global trade agreement with EEU then.
EU has the greatest economy in the world.

>security problems
We don't have any real enemies in Europe.
Turkey is too weak and Russia doesn't have the money to invade us and also is not interested.

>The civil wars in Syria and Libya are only the leading edges of a broader Middle East and African breakdown
Nope. Stop reading Fox News!
In Syria, Assad is winning.
Terrorists in Idlib are fighting eachother.
If Al-Qaida wins, EU won't support them and they don't have any supporters anymore.
Currenty they have EU and USA. None of them will support Al-Qaida.

They already terminated Jaish al Mujahideen in less than 24h.

>economy of EU
We will have good partners in future.
China and Mexico for instance. Thanks Trump!

>Russia is bad! USA is good!
brainwashed amerifats should know that Russia isn't worse than USA.

If NATO disappears Eastern Europe will disappear within a month.

Cant wait, Trump is a german agent.

Why does America even care that much about Europres problems? Your own country is more than 50% niggers, spic, chinks and orange people. Americans are at one of the last places at every single school study. Don't even have to talk about gun violence (highest in the world after Africa), rape (as high as in some 3rd world states) and cuck porn (literally founded by Americans and the nr 1 porn in america).

This all seems fine. Maybe if they beg hard enough Trump will let Europe into the United States as an unincorporated territory after shtf.

thats quite a good post.

jesus christ, at what weight are you unfiit to serve in the usa?

>daughter is being raped by a muslim
>Haha there are many mexicans in America so it's okay

Europe will die

t. mohammed

Nice try yank.

But the american people have taken drastic measures to stop the rot

Now as for germany, you guys are not only complicit in your downfall you actively defend it.

if this is all true then why are they letting this all happen? is it because they feel obligated to take in all the refugees or they dont give a fuck about their people?

The real military supposedly has some actual standards and will throw lardasses out, but that could be a state militia or just a bunch of idiots roleplaying (yes private citizens can buy all that shit here).

>As if America would be needed for global trade.
The entire global trade system is held together by our Navy

>The world is not needing america, america needs the world.
not in the slightest, the US gdp is one of the least integrated economies in the world.

>Perfect! The european people doesn't like TTIP and TTP anyway.
>Maybe we can have a global trade agreement with EEU then.
>EU has the greatest economy in the world.

Im not talking TTP, im talking bretton woods.
The EU likely wont even exist in the near future.
The European financial crisis is getting worst than ever.

>We don't have any real enemies in Europe.
>Turkey is too weak and Russia doesn't have the money to invade us and also is not interested.

Russia's demography is collapsing they have no choice but to expand
Europe will have plenty of conflicts among each other.

>In Syria, Assad is winning.

The Saudi-Iranian cold war is looking to heat up very soon. due to lack of us interest in Saudi crude.

>We will have good partners in future.

Good luck affording the Navies. Your entire economy will collapse before that.

>brainwashed amerifats should know that Russia isn't worse than USA.

For you they are.

Considering only 18% of the German population would fight in a war, you better cozy up to France and Sweden.

>Why does America even care that much about Europres problems?
I'm warning you.

>Your own country is more than 50% niggers, spic, chinks and orange people.
America has over 150 million more whites than you do.

They are taking in refugees, because the European birth rates are so low, their entire economies wont be able to support the retired population. Turns out muslims are the worst people you could possible take.

Muh authority on who is cucked

This is actually good for Europe

Europe will have to become self-sufficient and develop their own military. With this they will likely have to swing right wing a bit and they'll get rid of their shitskins (I hope). This is good for Europe, it lets them get out from underneath American influence, which no doubt caused this mess to begin with.


What fucking age group did they ask?

good, fuck europe

>Europe is now responsible for its own defence (as it fucking should)
>US influence in Europe is diminished (as it fucking should as well)
>Money goes to fund defence, not fucking refugees
>Sudden awareness you're responsible for your choices make you less prone to use Russia as a boogeyman

I see no downsides

Shut the fuck up cletus

>Even among muzzie fundamentalists, Sweden is That Guy

>daughter is being raped by 10 niggers
>jobs are being taken by 100 spics
>haha there are muzzies in europe so it's okay

the west will die

You have a hard time tying your laces?

I think ~16 million soldiers would be enough.

>Europe is fucked
What about the US? Where niggers kill people on a daily basis, where you HAVE to have a gun because police are uneducated, understaffed or can just refuse to help you. Where basically when you get cancer, you're dead because you don't have health insurance.

We won't ever be as fucked as the US. Not in a thousand years.

But thanks for deluding yourself so that we could clear that up.

>Must rearm

This is every nations own responsibility.

Inb4 'but after World War two...'

>Cant wait, Trump is a german agent.

Not actual marines*

every one of them looks like they need to be on a terrorist watchlist

Niggers are only concentrated in large cities and in the south.

Almost everywhere else is over 90% white.

Example: where I live.,_New_York

The racial makeup of the village was 97.84% White, 0.12% Black or African American, 0.82% Asian, 0.08% from other races, and 1.02% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 1.14% of the population.

>Where basically when you get cancer, you're dead because you don't have health insurance.

Only poor fag losers don't have insurance.

Fucking part-time loader/unloaders who make $9.00 an hour at UPS get paid for health insurance.

>open, democratic Germany
Fucking weak. Better when they were gassing shitskin kikes

I like you OP.


Tell us more OP.

>Europe is now responsible for its own defence (as it fucking should)
there is the downside. Literally any outside force that isn't Africa will most likely fuck us up without America.

Could it be that what is being performed is a reconstitution [sic] of the soviet union?

In the sense that Europe is up for grabs now.

18% of your military aged and fit men, not 18% of your total population

I think you vastly overestimate. Russia. Ofcourse in your case this is true. But Russia could never take EU without nuclear weapons. Their military still has a small budget compared to all the Nations in the EU.

4 Million soldiers would be also enough.

In 5+ years Russia's working population will be so low, they wont be able to fill on of the positions needed in their army, to be a global power. AKA if they ever want to use military force they will have to do it soon.

They're aging population will also effect engineers, electricians, any and all technical jobs. Traditionally they have employed an "anchor" strategy of expanding and holding geo-strategic locations, such as the Caucuses, Baltics, and Carpathian mountains. to make it very hard to invade.

Putin's occupation of Crimea, and the War in Donbass is evidence of this plan in action. If there are pro-Russian marches happen this year in the Baltics, similar to east Ukraine. You will know what is next.

The EU might not even exist once Russia starts moving.



Russia would never attack western EU countries such as France or the UK. They don't have the money or the manpower, and if they use nukes, they will be also annihilated.
The only thing they can negotiate is economics.

yeah, maybe if you actually bordered Russia and had any idea what activity that goes on especially in the north. Friendly reminder that the reason Americans train and have a bunch of equipment in Scandinavian countries, is because the plan in case of an invasion, is for the local military to hold of for at least 24 hours, until the Americans can deploy. That's literally NATO's plan.

The whole reason why Russia haven't gone for an easy invasion into Europe is because of America.

for reference this is what a healthy population looks like

they have no choice, they will be reduced to a minor power if they don't.

They already are a minor power. Their only source of influence is gas and bullying weaker countries such as Ukraine.

How would Russia invading Europe help their demographic problem.

You mean aside from the fact the European standard of living is going to drop in half when you realize what it costs to be as military strong as America or Russia.

Beyond that, European nations will never all work together and play nice without America holding hands and guiding you.

Your only saving grace is that nuclear Armageddon prevents a 3rd world war from ever breaking out.

>America is ending the global trade order
so you claim the US will cease to control the Malaka strait? And how is Europe not going to trade with China again?

Economically, war economies are much different.

Absorbing the industry, population, and resources of the occupies countries.


We'd win in a sumo fight.

>We won't ever be as fucked as the US. Not in a thousand years.
t. Sueddeutsche reader

My prediction is that this will trigger the Finlandization if not outright conquest of Western Europe by Russia in the long run since the US will no longer be willing to stop it

Ditto for Korea which will be swallowed by China. Japan will preserve nominal independence only but will be forced into a subordinate relationship with China.

The United States itself is about to be torn apart by political and racial strife.

tl;dr Bad times ahead

> they have no choice, they will be reduced to a minor power if they don't.

From the facts you present, that is the only concise explanation.

Did you miss the last two days of President Trump?

We're doing something about our problem.
You are holding your ears and closing your eyes with yours.

Is there lack of this obsessed excess of Muslim
population in the areas that Russia wants to take?

right wing parties of europe will unite and form military regime they will declare war to usa to reclaim world hegemony then the treacherous traitor drumpf will be BTFO.

What's it like living in a country of ruins that's now in ruins?

Western Europe, no they don't have the resources. Eastern Europe, much more likely.

US has no reason to guard Europe anymore, NATO and free trade were strategic plans, not economical.

China has the same problem Russia does, due to the one child policy. Trump has also hired a very anti-chinese Peter Navarro to be in charge of trade policy.

The US is too stable and healthy to be torn apart by political strife.

I see Japan becoming a greater power in Asia.

I'm not sure what you mean by this? There aren't many Muslims in Eastern Europe.

I thought that if there were, that would be disadvantageous for Russia.

Russia is able to digest the current populations
in those areas, whereas if there were large Muslim populations there she might not necessarily.

>Hur-mur Russia is bad, muh Murica is good.

Russian economy is extremely dependent on EU countries economy. EU is still our main trading partner. Also EU countries (specifically Germany, Czhehia and Italy) benefit from trading with Russia too. Not in any case we need crysis in EU, becuse it will hurt us too. What we want is to stop russophobic hysteria in, well at least closest to us countries, like Poland, Baltics and Finland. So that we can focus on growing menace from Islamic South.

We have millions of ethnic russians in Ukraine and Kazakhstan, so we will solve our demographics problems without issues unlike aging EU countries.

Tl,Dr: Burger solve your problems with Mexico and China first.

sorry Czech Republic*

There is no need to appear aggressive, we are having a conversation.


Europe will be ok, luckily Sweden and Germany are surrounded by countries with abit of national spirit and preservation. Brits saved it before and will do it again.

So what do you think the future holds for Europe then?

They're all in jail now.

Could be state milita or even weekend warrior of the national guard.

However if I ever get the change to move to the US I'll join national guard or state militia ASAP. Defending ones homeland is ones obligation and a honor. Or so I was raised to believe.


who knows? anything can happen, especially with Trump. it depends on who wins euro elections. Just be on the look out for Pro-Russia protests in the Baltics.

I am confident the EU will fall apart, and the economic situation isn't looking good. Anything can happen

>National spirit and preservation
>Nanny state
>Capital and most populous city is filled with Muslims and has a--no joke--Muslim mayor

True the cities are a mess, but brexit at least gives us some hope. Trumps an idiot but what we need. Get out the cities and its not so bad. On a tipping point. National socialism will nevertake off but facism if done correctly could possibly work. There is hope against the dark forces that beseige us. All is not lost. Trips of truth.

Sweden is below 80% and they have stopped tracking population by race because they believe it's racist.

I understand that the South and Continental Europe will be kept restless by the indeterminacy of their situation,
so what about the other Baltics then? Scandinavia?



There are precedents being manufactured these weeks in Geneva.