World Map Thread
Ahmed, time for afternoon prayers !
Slide it, anons.
Actually speechless, if you're a true Welsh or Anglo kill yourself. Otherwise, literally fuck off back to Pakistan and tell me how it feels.
>back to Pakistan
Neither me nor my parents are going back
Are you for real?
heres the template goys
Fuck pig skins
shitskin detected
Why do you hate Japan you mongoloid?
Fuck kikes, muslims, and niggers.
Japanese people are filthy, Ahmed
this is a completely biased map. These are only the first reactions that come to mind
this is a completely biased map. These are only the first reactions that come to mind
oops didn't add it
Your feelings are all over the place, something in your water?
these are the only countries i had a reaction to
You will, be it of your own free will, in chains or in a box.
Why does everyone hate me? D:
gas all muslims desu senpai
>is a british muslim real
Wtf are you retarded?
jesi ti to ladno stavio izrael kao homeland
ahahahahahahaha ekstra
People that live east from the Bosporus cannot be trusted. Muslims, jews and other asian people are naturally deceitful and will not hesitate to stab you in the back.
British Muslim has mixed feelings about a Turkic tribe that got SLAVD by 7 tribes.
>Neither me nor my parents are going back
we'll just see about that Al-Brittani
>Loves: the Middle East
This ain't banter.
I'd like to apologise to the rest of the world on behalf of this "British" person. Europe, America, Anglosphere - the real Brits truly do love you.
Well, fuck you too.
Inshallah brother!
Then go to Africa you fucking nigger
I Mean u know ur a muzzie or baiting, bit what has Brittain to offer you if you love places like Afghanistan
You're right, you'll just be killed.
The most seriously answered reply is this map
>Dislikes Brazil
>Likes Paraguay
>Hates the 3 biggest economies in the EU
>Loves the shit tier gibs economies
Is this why you refuse to pay the denbts?
Why dislike belgium?
Why dislike us, fag? we literally dindu nuffin
why the hate, britboi?
>Neither me nor my parents are going back
Why aren't you proud of your own country? Why live off the White man's achievements?
Los Falklands son Ingles
I've been on Sup Forums for over 6 years, and this is the single best post I've ever seen on Sup Forums.
THIS MAP IS A CORRECTION THIS I dislike them retard, and it's not because of money but because of the amount of third world migrants you three have as well as the promotion of multiculturalism by your countries
Same as above
.... dude
De walen ntrlk
they are indeed, thought we left that thing behind. Don't pay attention to the desperate politicians putting the islands in our bills or such things.
Thats some high-quality bait there Ahmed
And yet Greece is basically West Turkey these days. Funny how your country is run by far left lunatics, but you hate the West for being too weak.
You didn't see me anywhere saying I don't dislike my country retard, of course i dislike it as it is BUT the map states i have you have to indicate your country with a completely different color than the rest anyway.
I dislike my country for many reasons, and what i exactly told about your countries, applies to mine also, plus some extra things of course
But in general i think my map is alright
Tbf the overwhelming majority of people here don't hold a grudge about what happened. I don't think anyone blames the people of Argentina, anyway.
You're litterly run nu commies topkek
Tis de zuid Europese versie van de Waal pls gibs geld ma fuck off vo de rest
this map is outdated as fuck. im not gonna finnish it. add poland and serbia to love because i am slav and those guys always crack me up.
Go back home in Razgrad, Serdar
>liking both maghreb, levantine countries and Pakistan
filthy bongistanese convert detected.
MENA people hate each other even more than they hate the West.