Trump btfo by the Canadian military. We will not give up our values due to racists from the south.
Trump btfo by the Canadian military. We will not give up our values due to racists from the south
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Defending your country is counter to your values you dumb fucking leaf
> Canadian "military"
Your values won't protect your sister from getting raped and killed by achmed, Chang you should know this.
Scared much? Islamization is a meme it does not exist in Canada at least.
Daily reminder throughout the entire history of torture it's never been about extracting actionable intel but forcing people to deliver the false confessions the authorities want even if it's about physically impossible things, the current motivation being intelligence agencies getting more funding to money launder.
Canada is such a shit country. fucking leafs. i hope trump invades, cos your military is pathetic
Stop being jealous because our multicultural society works.
shut the fuck up faggot go take a walk down to your local mosque
go to any post secondary institution and tell me you don't see 75% indians/arabs
What is there even to defend in a post-national state?
>Idiot sees brown people are mosques and universities.
>Idiot gets angry for no reason.
>Idiot stops posting like a retard.
Meanwhile October was declared Islamic Heritage month in Ontario
What about doggie torture??
It is not torture because the sex I have with my dog is consensual.
Sup Forums is pretty fucking stupid sometimes. We aren't Sweden or Germany, there's no rape epidemic to support the idea that refugees are a problem. Get over your bigotry and try to be compassionate for once.
Pick one
England is shit
No. Lurk more, and harder.
Point me to one statistic that says Canada has a refugee problem. You are the newfag in this situation, falling for the nationalism jew. Literally a tool used to hide, seemed to work especially well in America so I can't say I'm surprised CTR is responding to me with
>that flag
Fuck you.
I don't want to be a minority by 2100.
>"""Canadian military commanders"""
you'll be dead by then cunt. just keep eating your Tim Horton's and voting for Conservative wars
Oh. I forgot I'm going to die one day. I guess I don't care about the future anymore.
It makes no sense to bring refugees into the country. They're already safe by the time they reach the airport. The money would go farther over there. It's obvious the point ISN'T helping people.
nobody asked canada what they think.
> canadian military
the point is having a multicultural society, something Canada has always been. Get over it. If you feel bad for some white kid in 100 years not being the majority but you don't feel bad for the hundreds of thousands if not millions of people living in a warzone their entire lives today there's something wrong with you
I will never understand this meme.
Torture is for deterrence
Muslims aren't afraid of death and aren't afraid of poverty
They aren't humans like us
If they see their comrades burned alive and covered with the blood of swines, buried in a pit filled with a dozen dead dogs, they will be afraid
To be honest a kid born 100 years from not would be more worried about global warming. Scapegoats change with time as societies changes.
Our founding father and most educated Prime Minister were both White Nationalists.
Sure, I empathize with the hundreds of millions of people suffering around the world, that doesn't mean it's best for them to all come live where I do.
youre a faggot and unnecessary for our future. I feel bad for the people living in war zones. but I know better than to think flooding Canada with foreigners will help anyone out. if you overrun all the white countries with shitskins, the whole world will be shitskins. and impoverished.
multiculturalism is racist.
keep niggers in their country, so the world is multicultural. making my country multicultural makes one less culture in the world, mine.
go home achmed.
Nice argument there, islamisation of your country is a fact and Trudeau is facilitating it.
So what's the fucking problem...
If you don't like torture, don't fucking use it.
What is "the point of having a multicultural society ?"
Obama is way better at persuading people bad decisions are good decisions
Trump is way better at persuading people into thinking whatever the fuck he is talking about is the most important thing
Both are pretty valuable
I don't know if I'll be able to stand this 4 years of "hey everyone get angry at the president, whether you live in USA or not!"
The meme wars were great
but I don't want to fall into the trap of defending every bit of spit that flies from between his teeth
>Canadian military
Seriously, its been so cut back in recent years there's almost no credible military capability left.
and Pierre Trudeau was an antisemite. Really interesting conversation there, let's try to think of more cool facts that have nothing to do with the argument
>sure I empathize with the hundreds of millions
then whats the problem with a small fraction being allowed into the country as refugees?
>im a big fat baby: the post
Dude ISIS would torture us for fun. Fuck Isis, the only reason we don't torture them is because were the good guys.
>canadian military
>leading the fight
>Canada was always about racial diversity and mass immigration !
No it wasn't, and I provided proof.
>You don't want to help people !
I actually proposed we reduce costs to effectively help the largest amount of people.
>small fraction
500,000+ and additional family members per year. enough foreigners to create new cities.. every year. packed 18 per bungalow and minivan. are you asian, or autistic?
how do you think this is sustainable, and WHY?!?
>im a big fat baby: the post
says the guy crying about adult males that haven't built shelter for themselves in the last 50,000 years but instead slaughter each other endlessly, continuing this behavior today and having the survivors labeled as "refugees".
bring them to this country and have a portion of your lifes taxes spent sustaining these people that cant do anything productive for themselves.
I'm a big baby: the existential crisis..
so no to white guilt faggots and their nigger hordes.
Time to ready our nukes, Justin. We must annihilate the United states as retribution for electing big fat orange man Drumpfh.
>Trump btfo by the Canadian military. We will not give up our values due to racists from the south.
Your military is tiny and irrelevant. We don't care about the Andorran army either. You don't have a serious force and the only reason you field the trivial forces you do own is to make you feel as if your participation matters. It doesn't. You can't do power projection because you have no power and no projection.
Now stop pretending you matter.
You're generals prefer our tier 1 forces over even your own. Other then that though yeah our military is shit
We already got our skunkworks
FUck off, we dont' need you
>No it wasn't, and I provided proof.
and I never said it was always about racial diversity and mass immigration. I said it's always been multicultural, which it has. That's why we speak two languages, dumbass
>I actually proposed we reduce costs to effectively help the largest amount of people.
No, you said "I don't want to be a minority" and when I called you out on it you tried to cover it up with speculation about how useful it was to bring in refugees. It's hearsay, you don't have any authority in this argument and your word is as good as mine, except mine is supported by the government.
If you torture your enemy, they win.
The queen is the commander in chief of canadian army.
So you better respect them.
>torture works cuz u hit them
>a fucking leaf
what does canada even do
>leading the fight against ISIS
What a load of horse shit. Our military isn't doing shit and Trudeau even had our broke ass Hornets come home.
torture to sand nigger = play elvis record
hardly inhumane.
If you torture your enemies they win
Pls, if the Canacucks had to do any heavy lifting around the world they'd have a different set of values.
I think the real question here is, why are Canadians so disgusting to refugees that they refuse to rape them.
Bro your president is a gay ultra pc-warrior. It's gonne get worse for you. Maybe even worse than germany.
The meaning of multicultural has changed.
And we haven't been multicultural. We tried to assimilate the Indians and that failed. The French have their own province.
The radical resettlement of refugees is just PR for the purpose of changing the face of Canada.
Fuck you.
Canada's military is almost as irrelevant as Norway's. What the fuck makes you think you matter to the US, the strongest military force in the world.
two language is bicultural, not multicultural.
Canada conducts it's military prowess on the ice.
>The Canadian military
>BTFO-ing anyone.
Listen you fucking faggots. Take this cuckshit to reddit. Other people here are trying to have real debates.
find a flaw shitposter.
maybe if you feed the turrists enough burgers they'll eventually tell you what you want to hear
>canadian values
losing? being a cuck? weed? fucking animals?
Russia has had one of the best militaries for the past 80 years
When is the last time any of these "uniformed professionals" didn't come groveling to the USA to learn joint combat techniques?
I don't see the issue with that.
>Canadian (((Military)))
This is a great example for what I call the context-gap
Torture is a universally hated concept in white nations so of course everyone is going to be shocked. But none of the normies actually realize what ISIS fighters actually do to their captive, how much primitive brutality they're willing to commit etc. This is the context normies are missing, and this is why our beliefs seem so alien to them; they're being shielded from that context by our government-apologist media. If the media was doing its job we'd be mainstream moderates now.
I'm actually waiting for when Trudeau blocks the pipeline deal in Alberta because the idea of bringing money and jobs to Canada sickens him.
Trudeau will also never legalize weed and his cuck voters will apologize for ever expecting him to.
>I'm actually waiting for when Trudeau blocks the pipeline deal in Alberta because the idea of bringing money and jobs to Canada sickens him.
You do know Trudeau has taken so much shit from his own supporters for accepting the pipeline? Yet he is sticking by it.