How do we solve the manchild epidemic?
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Boy Scouts mandatory, followed by teen and man scouts. Lifelong patches to earn. Things to build and fix, etc.
just uhh, dont get molested by the scout master
Is this a real show? Burgers are fucking weird man
yes it's hilarious visual comedy
It's only an epidemic because men have no reason to improve themselves any more. Women are huge whores who will fuck you anyway, there's literally no need to do anything any more.
Strong positive male role models.
Get kids into shit where they can build things, fix things, accomplish things.
More male teachers (that give a fuck).
Less single mothers.
Boy scouts will just teach a boy how to take dick in the ass from a 45 year old scoutmaster and enjoy it. Rampant molestation occurs in the boy scouts.. only group worse than scoutmaster for molestation is US catholic priests.
Literally just described Boy Scouts.
Yeah not Boy Scouts, lots of kiddie diddlers in there, how about to spend time with And raise your own sons teach them hard work, outdoor skills, hunting, fishing, self defense.
Ban all forms of participation rewards.
Noticed how these rewards started 10 years ago, when most millennials were 8 to 12?
Yea, I was in the scouts. Didn't get molested but we never did anything useful and everyone in the troop was an aspie, especially the scoutmasters. Total fucking weirdos
As to the manchild question, I think men don't really grow up until they have families to provide for. However, no one wants to start families anymore, as the role of men has been reduced to resource providers who may be discarded whenever women see fit, and the role of women has been reduced to personal fleshlights who bring nothing more to the table than sex, which can now be easily had without marriage. So why would anyone really want to get married anymore? There is nothing that can be gained by marriage that can't be gained outside of it. Other than companionship, but out of the marriages that don't end in divorce only 1/3 are classified as happy.
I was a teacher for a few months and even though I had no teaching experience, my class scored really well on their standardized tests (even though I personally disagree with those as a concept) and they LOVED coming to school because they got to see me. Kids respond really well to male teachers.
I'm a male teacher, I give a fuck, but my male students don't. They whine more than girls. To be honest, I'd kick most of them out of the class.
it's skit of MAD TV show
It's an old mad TV sketch in the late 90s. Why do you care? Hit to close to home ya fucking neet?
Look what I can do!
Oh and also guys, don't equate manhood to settling for reformed sluts and paying their bills. Or having a kid with some random slut. Or the amount of sluts you've banged.
>co-ed classes
Never going to work once puberty kicks in.
Kinda makes me sad that Nicole Sullivan's career never took off. Her and Phil LaMarr were legitimately good on that show even if some of the skits were retarded and way too focused on "wacky" recurring characters.
>highest rate of family dysfunction in recorded history
>highest rates of yoof mental distress in recorded history
>highest rates of male children raised solely by mothers, outside wartime periods
yep, its breddy fucked up.
there's a good line in fight club about this:
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.
It did kick in, I teach 15-18 year olds.
>Strong positive male role models.
>posts on Sup Forums
>wants to solve the manchild problem
A civil war or another global conflict. Physical battles will make men great again.
Coach: Stuart what do you hate?
If you make it less gay and rapey, sure.
It's an exaggerated problem.
It's often tempting to complain about people enjoying childish things, so you'd get people making fun of others for being into trains or too many sci fi novels years ago.
The real underlying problem that we now associate with 'manchildren' is people not seeing a reason to go out and socialize. There are a few reasons for this though:
1) Maybe the person isn't attractive so few would want to deal with him?
2) Maybe the person lacks the money to go out and socialize?
3) They haven't socialized for so long that they've grown petrified of trying.
To complain about people needing to be more masculine/mature to deal with the problem of manchildren just seems like it's missing the point. People don't become mature just because they're older or sane, it's because they socialize, partly out of necessity, and realize the social cues that make them appear to others as normal.
>Boy Scouts mandatory
really no
holy fuck is this jew shit supposed to be funny?
what do they gas the audience up with?
Part 1, Stop denigrating successful men and women.
Part 2, have an educational system that actually fucking prepares citizens for real fucking life.
The Ancient Greeks had a beautiful balance between developing their mind and their bodies.
I would kindly call everyone's attention to the wisdom of the Ancients...
Have teens have sex with post menopausal women. I can't remember which society did that. It would build up their T.
National service
It was probably the /SS/
>making fun of foreigners and NEETs
Are you implying that this isn't funny Hans?
Get the parents to attend, as long as one parent is there to pay attention the abusers will be scared to act.
That was my point.
People blame technology but I think the major reason for that is the change in male culture from a hundred years ago.
perhaps stop teaching that masculinity is toxic.
>be south american
>give all my rights away
>act cool
make them into your project master race playing up to their psychology
>be kid
>learn about socialism and the virtue of socialist ideas at school
>go on the internet
>learn about reality and the dark nature of a society misled
>decide not to hang out with the idiots who believe everything the teacher says without verifying it
>few years later
>employed and self-studying
>read statistics
>"young men are having 60% less sex than their parents when they were young"
>"this is a mystery explained by Dr. Goldstein (PhD gender studies) as inherent male misogyny that must be rooted out through education"
>look outside
>all around me are familiar faces
Show was ahead of it's time.
Don't elect people like Trump.
Stop playing videogames !
Oh fucking Stewart is hilarious.
Bongs humor is cancerous