Turns out Elsa Jean is literally African-American (video related)
Is everyone in the US mixed race?
Turns out Elsa Jean is literally African-American (video related)
Is everyone in the US mixed race?
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all americans are all mongrel cousin fucking interracial fetishist mutts
pls give exact time
>Porn director podcast
Wew lad
I must have gotten some taco bell or something in the kit on accident for that 0.1 %
Gee lemme take an hour and 30 mins to see which part the pig nosed cunt admits she's a nigger
No. Whites in the US are mostly pure European. Mixed race people tended to blend into the black population. And all those Americans who claim to have Indian ancestry turn out to be wrong or lying.
Negroes. All of yall
And even when they do have indian ancestry, they're usually 1/32 or less.
Say what you want you goddamn cunts. She's so pure white and beautiful I'd breed her
Why do you care about ANYTHING a porn star has to say dude?
t. Indio
>mongrel mutt
This is actually so true, but you know being short does have advantages
European-Americans are encouraged to just identify as American while the rest is told to hold on to their identity
And you all wonder why people like Shaun King and anyone even just 1% black identifies more with the black side.
I mean Americans have to do test to find out were in Europe their ancestors came from.
I have one Italian in my last 6 generations and Identify more with that little farmer from Apulia than Americans identify with their whole European heritage.
That is why you hear so many black Americans talk about how white people have no culture. That is just what they see from the white americans.
>However, since several thousand blacks have been crossing the color line each year, the phenomenon known as "passing for white", millions of white Americans have recent African ancestors. A statistical analysis done in 1958 estimated that 21 percent of the white population had African ancestors. The study concluded that the majority of Americans of African descent were actually white and not black.
hmm, really makes you think...
>brown people in the USA pretend they are white
>whitest motherfuckers think they are black
Stop posting this soulless piece of dogshit.
I'm a third generation Norwegian immigrant. My grandfather barely speaks fucking English and I have cousins in Oslo and Stavanger I've visited every summer since my birth.
It sucks though, because I'm a CompSci major and my cousin Birigtte makes more than me a year working at a fucking gas station. Damn oil money...
But Europeans laugh at white Americans who say they are European. So we just say American. And we try to make our own culture
>being a manlet is an advantage
You'd have retarded children who look like tyrone from blacked.com
But you are not encouraged to identify as European-American and Norwegian-American are you?
to me it feels like we are culturally estranged brothers and you have all decided to throw away the family name and disown the family.
of course she's not white, her hair is dyed and she has a nigger nose
>t. Kiken Goldensteinberg
Tbh she has a very fuckin hot voice. Even if she's actually not my type I'm gonna go fap to her taking black cock now just because of dat voice
well, there are a lot of poor and uneducated in the US so the nanny state leftists take in the children with the goodness of their own heart and brainwash and breed them until there is no race left in them. The latinos and neo nazis have seen this going on for years because they are victims of the institution. Meanwhile there are good civilized people in the world that homeschool and keep their kids from TV brainwashing.
You only hear about us when (((they))) the TV talks about the inbred white trash racists, because we are too busy doing important things in real life to be throwing a temper tantrum. We are also marginalized and called fake news and conspiracy theorists.
>elsa jean's father uses Sup Forums
I bet you regret molesting here now don't you, faggot?
Yeah but when most Americans says 'my mom was Egyptian' she actually means she's 1/32 Egyptian. 1 drop is too much, agreed, but Americans are so shameless in claiming heritage.
I'm not sure how trustworthy that study is. Most white people in America are just white. Or they may be a few percentage non-white (not even detectable to the naked eye. And what does it matter really if someone is 96% white. They're white)
No. In fact, I had a 5th grade teacher who yelled at me for trying to argue I was Norwegian and went on this autistic rant about how we're all Americans. Ironically, the following monday was MLK day and he congratulated "African-Americans".
>Talcum X
try again, Hans
you aren't norwegian
explains the stupidity and obesity....
I am Irish though
Did you do one of those mail in spit kits?
I felt weird about giving (((someone))) my DNA, but the Army already has it (in case they needed to identify remains) so fuck it.
Well. I know that now. But it was "international day" in 5th grade and I was a dumb kid.
We have ID's you know. Unless you're shitposting or you are a fine Bostonian """"Irish"""" man
No I feel that I am European - all whites in america came from Europe and brought their superior values and customs. I just feel unwanted by Europeans and mocked (maybe for good reason. Some Americans are embarrassing). But I feel that, yes, we are estranged brothers
Just shit posting how 95% of Americans claim Irish ancestory, norwigger.
She's got some fuckin fetal alcohol syndrome m8. Her face is a bit wonky.
>I just feel unwanted by Europeans and mocked
Oh come on.
Go through Sup Forums a day with a German proxy and tell me about feeling unwanted and mocked.
Its just that Americans often reduce heritage to just numbers. To just a percentage. It feels like your parents never told you about your ancestors.
>My mom is egyptian
I mean yeah but that's the point that German poster was making. We're damned if we do and damned if we don't. If we claim European heritage we're laughed at as wannabe mongrels and if we don't we're Jewish puppets giving into the bastardization of the white race, the scouring of Europe's history, and the progress of globalism.
>21 percent of the white population had African ancestors
>56% white
more like 35%
Europeans quite often mention how Americans always say "I'm 1/64th German and 1/8 Irish and so on" I understand that sounds silly, however, euros are mistaken that Americans actually identify with those ethnicities. We don't. For us, because America is just a melting pot, we just think it's fun to trace our ancestry and the migration that made us up. However, we just identify as white Americans. I don't actually identify as English/polish/Irish/etc
So your IQ is under 95 then? lol
most porn is made in the LA area
and LA is full of nonwhites and jews
>mom is Egyptian
>Says the nigger of europe
Egyptians aren't black, retard
And who even cares, this whore fucks niggers for money. I'd sooner execute her than fuck her
Good brothers, we will join forces when the EU is destroyed and we become uncucked.
Well no shit. I've been saying that for months. You can see it in her face.
A lot of the stories of our ancestors are sadly lost. What remains is the values they brought (for example, the constitution being based on enlightenment From Europe). I know it's easy to say Americans don't have European values, but they are echoing in our culture,
Ones as this pic are not common, they get snatched up quick by nig nogs. Ones that are smart an stick to blonde white males are doing the white race in America a favor. Most Americans are dark eye'd, brown nipped
Who is this cock dock?
>everyone on earth has FAS
best new maymay Sup Forums 2012
Germany Was cool
>Be me
>Go to a screening to sign up for police force
>Height requirement of 167cm
>Watch as manlets get rejected left and right
>Mfw 182cm
She got the same nose as miss Helsinki but a bit smaller.
Pls respond
I am 185 and I feel small in Germany.
Is that considered big on the rest of the planet?
lol have sex and gain height
I feel that I'm European and I love Europe. I am pure European stock.
But everytime I say that, some native European faggot shits on me about "muh heritage" and calls me an American.
All women prefer black men. All you have to do is watch porn to see how eagerly they want to fuck black guys.
28 - minutes... whoa.
I read most German men are actually manlets nowadays, like 5'9-5'10
177cm in U.S. and am short compared to most white men my age. Most white men my age are over 185. Older white men are shorter than me.
Not here in northern germany.
And that probably includes turks
I am a head taller than most turks.
I am just saying most germans here are bigger than me.
Also it doesn't help that my best friend is a 215 croat.
Well white guy here. Mom's side is mostly german. Dad's side is about 1/3 Irish, 1/4 german, and the rest is from a border town in northern France with Germany. So Saxon?
>deport all blacks.
because you are vastly outnumbered by guys like
Germans are diminutive in size in my experiences. Not necessarily short but definitely thinly built.
>Second generation immigrant from England
>Have to live among mongrels
Wake me up
Sorry I need to clarify. As a white American, I mean that I am European American, in that my ancestors came from Europe and brought their customs. However, I don't identify as "1/64 polish and 1/32 German and 1/8 Irish," as I never grew up in those distinct ethnic neighborhoods, and I am a such a mutt of different European groups that it would be impossible to identify with them all, I just feel that white Americans are a blend of different Europeans values.
>Does America even have any white women?
Depends what you consider white.
>Is everyone in the US mixed race?
>meanwhile in europe
still higher than your Ivan
Don't listen to what most Americans tell you though, most Americans are mixed. Just look at the heritage threads. Every other "white" American I know is like 1/16h Cherokee Indian or some shit.
A lot of Americans are mixed with Irish DNA as well which probably explains why there's so much white trash here.
I would say PURE European Americans are such a minority now, they are probably only 25-35% of the population at most.
But it doesn't matter what the white percentage is. Every single white person I know now has some shitskin mixed into the family tree through their brother, sister, nieces, or nephews. America won't be a white country at all in 20 years or so.
Again that's the term for the Irish.
I'm 181cm and definitely felt like a manlet when I visited Hamburg. Thats supposed to be average there right? I guess the turks are lagging the average.
Mines 136, so no.
Well would you consider someone minimally mixed to not be white? Like if someone was 96% white and looked white and nobody could ever guess . . . You would really say they aren't white? Because by that reasoning would you consider spaniards and its.ians to not be white?
>thinking your height literally matters in the current year
Maybe if you're a nigger and have to run from lions and jump high to reach fruit.
>I can't say 3 words in front of a female without stuttering but I'm 6'1 so I'm cool r-right guys?
Its not so much the mixing that annoys me.
Its that the other races completely overwrite any european identity.
European identity seems to "weigh" nothing in america.
That's exactly what Marxists want, to create a blend so there are no definitive races anymore. Everything is a grey blur.
No, you're no longer European. You're a mixed American. If every "white" American is mixed 5-10% then the face of the people has been changed permanently such that is no longer what it was before.
So no, I don't consider it European. Stay in America.
Honestly I'm always shocked by how so many Americans on Sup Forums of all places are so mixed. As a person from Nebraska I don't think I know a single white person at all who has any non-white relatives. In fact as far as I know literally all of my parents and grandparents going back like 3 generations were from Germany except one who was Swedish. Must be the least mixed state. Feels good meng.
Most Germans are from the middle east nowadays, so that makes sense.
You believe that shit?
this is all bullshit but
>american girls
>claim to be racist
that one made me laugh
>But I feel that, yes, we are estranged brothers
Agreed, there are a lot of good, perfetctly white people in the US. Obviously the amount of idiots and non whites make them look bad but I think the US shouldn't be mocked all the time. At the end of the day we're brothers.
Your civil war era ancestor fugged a quarter Indian. Big whoop.
Once light eyes are back it no longer counts. Mind, that usually takes 5 generations with nigs as opposed to two for natives and Asians.
I agree that is very strange. i once met someone who was white for all intents and purposes who identified as white because her grandfather was black. When she showed me her grandfathers picture, he was obviously only part black. She must have been like 5% black. I couldn't believe she identified as black