Wow, its settled then I guess
Wow, its settled then I guess
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>implying I have to listen to this heretic when he's not speaking ex cathedra
When was this ever an issue? I was raised Catholic and the only people I've met who believe this shit were protestants with their "muh literal interpretation of Genesis".
>God is not a magician with a magic wand
Is he implying the God is not almighty?
>When was this ever an issue?
Sounds like he's suggesting God isn't all powerful, which is kind of a core tenant
i think its enough prove that he is some sort of a fucking plant
this is fucking radicalous
This has been the official position of the Catholic Church for decades moron.
evolution has no evidence back it u---
So "God jumpstarted the universe and in doing so created its every facet at any given time" means God isn't almighty?
what does it mean?
>Proteins created by mitochondria and chloroplasts use N-formylmethionine as the initiating amino acid, as do proteins created by bacteria but not proteins created by eukaryotic nuclear genes or archaea
what did God mean by this?
>not a magician
isn't that the whole point
why even pretend to believe in that shit then
>The only way to be almighty is to have a magic wand
Not really. Proper comprehension of science and religion don't contradict each other.
It's pretty simple really, God made the big bang (let their be light etc) setting the course for life to come from that.
In terms of an afterlife, energy can't be created or destroyed in the natural laws of physics so when we die our energy carries on somewhere else.
Why is it so hard for you retards to accept well established science? You guys pretend to be these intellectual political people but you seriously believe that the earth is only 6000 years old. Like, we have actual human records older than that.
Just cause evolution is real and the big bang theory makes sense doesn't make god less powerful.
i think its the "magic wand" comment thats doing it
YHWH was the science dork in the Plane of the Gods, and he managed to create life in our universe by tinkering with his chemistry set
Literally just moral decrees and a structure to think/live by with the alternative being to realize that you wasted a lot of your life investing huge amounts of time and mental energy in to something that isn't real and has no tangible impact on reality.
yes, it's not almighty no matter how much you rephrase it. almighty means can do anything
if in theory there was a god that created the universe but then had absolutely no power over it past that point, they would not be all powerful.
No of course not, having magic and a wand is totally different from just telepathically being able to make and control anything and everything, that's not magic at all, it's just divine and supernatural.
>Wow, its settled then I guess
What, that Catholics are the most retarded sheep who ever lived?
Ok, people, I just got a memo from God, so listen up. What we've been claiming for 2000 years was apparently a crock of shit, but this time we have the actual facts.
Not entirely, most people hold on to religion because they grew up with it and/or struggle to cope with nihilism.
Sounds like a "Do not take me for some conjurer of cheap tricks." kind of comment.
Almighty means CAN do everything. Not DID do everything.
kek. we can only hope
>Almighty means CAN do everything
yes, like sitting up there on a cloud laughing his ass off for 2000 years before he decides to send the pope a memo saying "PSYCH!".
religion. proof that humans are in general retarded.
Well there's literally no discernable or meaningful difference between doing that and being an extremely powerful magician with a magic wand, really, what he's saying isn't an argument, it's just that magic and a magic wand seem obviously not effectual or serious in the real world context but for some reason religion and theology are taken serious as having an impact on the physical world by some people for some reason, so he's just using that prior situational different understanding of context by most people to basically make it seem like a ridiculous comparison when really, it's no different.
Actual christian here. God made the wprld in 7 days. He is all powerful so had no need for evolution or the big bang. Anyone saying otherwise lacks faith.
The bible is a perfect document written by men inspired by God. It doesnt surprise me that the catholic "church" which is hemmoraging the european members it needs to pay for their extravagant lifestyle, would turn to this to save their world material wealth.
Catholcism is a house built upon the shifting sands witj 0 basis In scripture, mired in this world and terrified of their dwindling temporal power.
>autistic screeching from catties
The only good thing about this Pope is the eternal assblasting he causes the Catholic Cult followers.
You need to read some Saint Augustine, m9.
>some degenerate fuck says something
>big bang THEORY is real
New observations with red shifts debunks the big bang THEORY
So God can't microwave a burrito so hot he can't eat it?
kek, maybe, though it wouldn't surprise me if it was straight heresy out of this pope
Literally the opposite is true.
Better not be wearing mixed fabrics m8 or you're gonna burn.
How did noah get 2 of every animal in such a small space? There are about 8.7 million+ species of animal on earth.
What did they eat? Why didn't the lions eat the zebra's? You literal interpretation faggots are the dumbest motherfuckers on earth, including the goatfuckers who blow themselves up.
>I don't understand the word theory
This tbqh, I dont like francis but this is nothing new
All powerful doesnt mean he's a cartoon god
this is why people think americans are stupid
>All powerful doesnt mean he's a cartoon god
>all powerful
>but not really
Theory doesn't mean what you think it means.
provide info
If god exist and world he created seems to work on logic and science, then it is probably intended to work that way. Accepting this is a way more productive way to think then denying the reality to justify one's narrow-mindness
All is possible throught the power of God. Why are you atheiests always so angry?
>but then had absolutely no power over it past that point, they would not be all powerful.
But what if he doesn't want to interfere? What if our God is in fact anarcho-capitalist?
It was an untenable position. We know too much about physics and biology now. Science is discovering how complex and wonderful existence is. Why not credit these phenomenom to god if you are that way inclined?
The reason to believe in God is to have universal standards for beauty, good, evil, and so on.
With no god, there'd be no universal standards, and things would be subjective and relative.
Also with no god, the human life isn't inherantly valuable, which is a corner stone of western law and tradition.
Basically a safe guard against nihilism, until we figure out secular logic.
There's a distinction between anger and mockery.
It means we have symbiotic bacteria powering all our cells. It's bretty cool.
this is also true, I never figured out where atheists get their morals from.
Kant is basically God.
“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?
Is this the worst pope ever or what. Like what the flying fuck.
Wouldn't that statement in the image imply that God is not omnipotent? Is he trying to undermine the most fundamental tenets of Catholic theology and metaphysics?
>he's able but wants us to do it ourselves
i think he's pretty much based
wow we have our first atheist pope
What a time to be alive
He's not wrong about this position, but his backing among the Vatican and conservative Catholics is at a low.
When protestants took the bible seriously and literally believed what was in it to be true rather than just a story with some half truths and somewhat of a moral to the story.
This is u rite now.
New age atheism is like a rebel cult of christianity, it gets most of its liberal ethics from it.
For real, actual atheism, look at the chinese or USSR communist parties. If there is no god, people have no inherent value. So a rapist is completely useless, and worse than useless actually. He should be experimented on, and when broken, his organs used for transplants, his bone for fertilizer, his brain for tanning leather, his sinew for glue, and the rest for pig feed.
I mean, anything else would be a complete waste, irrational, and why would you act in a different way?
Can god make a stone that is too heavy for him to lift?
Also What he said.
Alsokek is on my side.
>Roman Catholicism
Just fucking lol
I was raised RC btw
If god created the big bang and evolution, universe wide that would still be so much more powerful than what was imagined by desert coons in their book that it's not even funny.
If anything this is massive power creep.
Nerf god nao pls. OP since the science patch.
It's like Europe is entering a constant perpetual cycle of being cucked at every turn.
>i think he's pretty much based
*kisses muslim feet*
Free will isn't an excuse. Free will or not, God still permits evil.
The christian philosophical response is "good means whatever god wants", thus if something occurs, it must be good by default. Evil cannot occur and doesn't exist, since if it did occur, God would know about it, and would be able to stop it, and would want to stop it.
Its a shitty argument, and christianity as a whole is a flawed doctrine, but it works for the masses who don't think much about it.
Well, fuck Francis.
>in the natural laws of physics so when we die our energy carries on somewhere else.
This is profoundly stupid. We are made of atoms and the atoms persist after we die.
What's your soul made of? Your consciousness?
Which is pretty damn retarded. Why speak the same way to you and some middle eastern sheep fuckers way back when?
This guy is an idiot. Pandering to people that don't go to church what a cuck. Can we steal the the Dalai Lama and have him be the pope or something?
>Old god
I'll just micro manage this little planet. Some light here, a mountain there. Eww pigs are icky. Sprinkle some humans everywhere I HATE THEM SO MUCH!!!
>New god
Lol what's a human?
Who is this guy?
I don't remember a Pope being so goddamn cucked. Like, by everything - Muslims, atheists, homos, trannys, whatever. How the fuck did he get the Papacy?
How do you know we have a soul?
Didn't the Lama say he won't choose a successor, thus will kill his religion? Thats even worse.
>Francis goes against B16 apparent support for intelligent design
but big bang and evolution are supposed to be manifestations of God's intelligent design
is it 'overly impulsive MSM interpret francis rambling before he finishes speaking' episode again
Entropy means meaningful energy that can carry information (DNA, lasers, you soul, etc) are doomed to disperse and break down till they are too spread out to carry information.
Physics certainly does contradict the idea of an immortal soul. You are trolling though so whatever.
>make self happy
>recognize others are motivated by this
>recognize our brains evolved to reward us for certain behaviors
>recognize we feel sad when we act like assholes
That's pretty much it. Works pretty good.
That implies God is in control of the material world
he's saying God doesn't use a spell focus
No, because it suggests he does not have control afterwards
Is a parent almighty to their child? No.
They jumpstarted the new person, they influence the new person, but ultimately are not almighty when it comes to them.
Im not even a fucking Christian or Catholic or what have you, and Pope Francis disgusts the fuck out of me. If you are going to call yourself the head of your religion, the divine spokesman for fucking God, then dont you dare slander what you should believe to be his own words! What the fuck!
Baffles me that there isnt mass outrage amongst you all, you should be marching. This man pisses and shits all over your religion, daily, simply by retaining his office after the things hes said.
I like how the church said all of a sudden pergatory was not real and unbaptized babies don't go to it lol
Imagine the millions of people thinking their children were stuck forever in a depressing damnation without gods love forever
Virtue signaling.
He's the first non-European Pope.
If a man is stuck in a hole and there is a ladder you can lower to him is it reasonable to walk away because you want him to figure it out himself?
>sky daddy
Well, we have Lord Kek so who really cares.
Praise Kek
I dont think that the Big Bang and evolution is in any way incongruent with God
Perhaps days mean to him differently than what they mean to us, which would make sense considering the fact hed be a fucking eternal being.
But the statement
"God does not have a magic wand"
Is blasphemous and a disgusting simplification/degrading of God
How long until the pope says that god isn't real?
We're almost there.
Not necessarily. I'm not religious, but this sounds like a perfectly plausible account to me:
>god exists unconstrained by space and time
>creates the universe to be deterministic
>sets it in perfect motion so that from the moment of creation it unfolds according to his design without any further intervention
>big bang, evolution, etc, all happen in the way he knew they would at the moment he created the universe
Unless you're insisting on a literal interpretation of genesis I don't think an all-powerful god can't have created the world through a long and hand-off process of evolution.
'God is not magic' has been standard catholic doctrine for a millennia.
A better example is a man in a hole with a ladder out of it. Goodness is climbing the ladder and evil is refusing to use the ladder.
How exactly can you force someone to climb a ladder?
Bad analogy, the parent is having a child not knowing what will come out of it, same can't be said about God.
Who is better: the guy who fills in a spreadsheet manually, or the guy who writes a script to do it for him?
The left has gotten so desperate they think the Pope is an authority on science. They think we work the same way they do, and that we worship some fucking man wearing a dress.
Pope Francis is the worst pope to ever grace the office of the pontiff.
I'd rather he raped kids.