Will he make Greece great again?
Will he make Greece great again?
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I like this guy better
it looks slightly turkish
Whoops, forgot the pic
This happens when the enrichement go to far
will he pay debt?
He's pretty based youtube.com
Golden Dawn is the only real NatSoc party left in Europe.
I support them.
Left in the world you mean
Lol hardly,after finally they got their seats in parliament,like the retards they are they got themselves in prison.Plus the greek people got slaugthered all around by the nazis during ww2,there's no way the majority will fall for them,and the one's that do are mostly subhuman double digit trash.
Greece is just fucked with or without em,they are irrelevant.
They will never achieve anything more than the third place.
I personally would never vote for them, not because of the nazism meme, but because even if they were ever elected, nothing would ever change.
The political system in Greece, is not Greek. It's controlled by banks, both Greek and foreign, with help from politicians, both Greek and foreign, and other influential people, who promote globalist and destructive for our nation agendas.
so you just explained that it's either voting for a nazi party, or dying, and you prefer death.
they all pay denbts so far, right-left or otherwise
Greeces problem is that all their genetic capital left en masse in the early 1900s. They're only now starting to experience the effects of a low trust and lowered IQ population.
Greeks in America are ( for the most part ) in academia and the upper middle class, the same upper castes greeece is mjssing.
That faggot? Nope
Jesus fucking christ your vocabulary is fucked
Suck a paki dick then and praise merkel, because that's the alternative.
faggots like you need to die
i really, really want to believe that greeks are white
but he is one swarthy motherfucker
greeks are the original master race
No the alternative is people standing up for their rights.
Greece is not America, we will not stand for the least shitty person.
Am i wrong though?
Too much tetris
I rest my case
Solid 3
I hate baldfucks