>get fired for bullying the President 10 years old son
>offered a better job immediately
Explain this Muricans
>get fired for bullying the President 10 years old son
>offered a better job immediately
Explain this Muricans
I think that nose explains it all.
The nose knows.
First explain why this is a better job.
I would be willing to bet that they were going to keep this quiet but some based user who works there ratted her out.
I can't wait for Rick and Morty to get cancelled after the next season when they stuff it full of impotent Trump hate and the ratings tank.
So now Rick&Morty will be less funny?
Hes the son of a raciosexaphobe, he deserves it unless he disavows his father and agrees to work for the LGBQTA* and Latinx community
I look forward to her bringing down the show with her god awful jokes
SNL hasn't been good in decades and rick and morty is meme tier.
But all that Aside, I garauntee you her salary has dropped substantially
I prefer Rick and Morty to SNL but how is the first a better job than the prior? Also the show is going to turn to shit next season because they're going to fill it with as much conservative hate as possible rather than write jokes.
Literally a Jew having to be propped up by other Jews.
As with the (((MSM))) when someone falls they are replaced by either Jew or some jewish tools like faggots and POC.
>Katie Rich
*first better than the latter
Rick and Morty is getting cancelled
Cartoon Network and Comedy Central have been taken over by SJW liberal faggots for like a decade now
This should shock no one
says who?
I know you're being sarcastic, but that term "Latinx" what the fuck does it mean? Does "Latino" now offend Hispanics?
>Rick and morty
Literally who?
Rick and morty has swallowed all the blue pills going and is now full SJW. Writers are being hired on the sole basis of their genitalia now
It's like how Debbie Wasserman-Schultz resigned in disgrace for using the DNC to prop up Hillary in the primary and then immediately got a job in HRC's campaign. This shit happens all the time.
rick and morty is a reddit tier show that wants more shitty writers.
not surprising.
says kek
Glad she lost her dream job. That's very satisfying.
the market is demanding it we're full of libshits...
ironic huh
This fine specimen of Jewry has evolved a particularly long, powerful beak, capable of cracking open the sturdiest bank vaults that less evolved sub-species would be unable to access. In this way, it is able to reach precious shekels with which to nourish itself and its political puppets.
the creators. they don't have new ideas
Latinx is an export
No, Americans with Hispanic heritage are latching onto the "we're not labelled" trend, while retaining defining and obvious labels.
Just another stupid nu wave of male cuck feminism
Some adult swim kike propaganda
>Rick and Morty
£100 bet that there will be an episode in the next season with an alien that looks like Trump and they'll force some really shit liberal jokes like "BUILD A SPACE WALL XDDDDDD!"
>Maybe people that create things aren't concerned with your delicate sensibilities, y'know
Sheeit, betting on this
>all major cable production companies are run by Jews
What else needs to be said
Jews and commies love helping their own.
If white people do it, it's racist.
I'd still watch it though. Redditors can take the cartoon as gospel, but it does have funny moments. Also, when was the last time that these type of memes haven't backfired on shitlibs, let them focus on Trump.
Seriously Rick&Morty had like 4 good episodes, the rest is either fucking annoying or straight up bad. Cannot understand how people hype this shit.
The nose is a dead giveaway
>delicate sensibilities
Its unfunny 'le randumb' reddit trash
And the animation is shit like most things these days
I'm calling it now. Season 3 of Rick and Morty is going to be complete and utter shit.
For liberals, the main priority is not the ability to perform your job properly. It's if you hold the same ideological agenda as them.
Questionable. Everybody knows about SNL, even if they don't watch it. Rick and Morty is very niche.
Still don't think that joke every made sense, as Barron never was or will be homeschooled.
Great. Now they'll add and I in LGBTQP+, for Incest.
So it will be an improvement?
> latinx
I'm white and what is this?
Fucking Frenchie. You forgot B for bestiality and N for necrophilia. Dont be such a racist
Was just about to point that out... fpbp
or the bitch just bragged about her new job on social media
>End of season 2
>Bunch of aliens came to Earth
>Season 3 starts
>"Not-Trump" wants to kill them all
>Builds a wall around his nation
It writes itself
What about zoophiles?
Still missing N for necrophilia
Rick and morty sucks
I knew this show was reddit incarnate and i didnt even watch a second of it.
Remember that one episode where Summer and Rick start punching "nazis" who are minding their own business?
I forgot necrophiles. I'd like to apologuse to my N comrades for anu offence caused by my undcious bigotry. Obviously i cant speak for you or your oppressions, but i am trying to be an ally to the corpse fucking community.
What is Rick & Morty about? I see liberals obsessing over it all the time but have never bothered to look into it
rick and morty is run by jews
they stick together
Plz see
Sorry for the offence caused
Isn't Rick and Morty the show where they stutter and burps?
>Go from writing for a show that is watched by hundreds of millions around the world for over 3 decades
>To a show that is a niche cartoon for redditors
Yeah so much "better"
I thought Justin Roiland was cool since he's friends with the bestgamers who are cool, but now that I'm reading his recent tweets, he seems like a cuck.
all I know is the two main characters are parodies of Marty McFly and the Doc Brown from Back to the Future
Rick and Morty had its moments. But now it's going to be insufferable garbage of low quality anti-Trump jokes. Thankfully, we all know what happens to people that attack Trump.
>crazy scientist is the smartest man in the world
>also is an alcoholic
>has a gun that lets him create portals to any world/dimension
>takes his grandson on adventures
2nd season is so mediocre that this shit should write itself. R&M is entirely derivative and while I liked some of the episodes very much I don't remember it being good for some awesome ideas but because of unexpected violence/gore and being 'edgy'.
Top kek op.fpbp
Fuck. Rip rick and morty
Left ideological privilege.
She's jewish so of course her people are able to find her a job somewhere else. She will ruin Rick and Morty though
I loved rick and morty
Imagine Futurma with a reddit feel and 80% of the wit drained from it. Also an art style similar to Adventure Time.
>>offered a better job immediately
Rick and Morty is not a better job you mong. Late night adult swim stoner cable show VS Network NBC money.
How much you wanna bet it goes like this.
>world goes to shit
>rick and morty flee
>enter a dimension that's much like their own but everything is perfect
>find out at the end of the episode it's the dimension in which hillary clinton won the election
Screencap this, it will happen.
Since Spanish is a gendered language, and Latino is a male-gendered word, feminists now want nouns to be neutral in gender. Funny thing is that this only applies in the US ( English doesn't have gendered nouns), since Latinx would still have a gender in Spanish-speaking countries.
>c'mon Morty *braaaap* let's go back to the past and kill the orange Dorito-eating monster who has inflicted ruin on this planet
Our words are gendered. Latina is a word for females and latino is a word for males. Putting an x at the end of the word makes it ~~inclusive~~ because it doesn`t specify the gender. Liberals do this all the time here in spicland. Annoying as fuck.
Wish i could abuse prepubescents and get a raise instead of actually doing you know work.
>This show full of rape and pedophile jokes is feministic liberal crap, because in one scene they beat up a nazi
Really makes me think
Is this a word to be used on gay latino people?
St-st-stuttering like ma-makes dialogue sound very natural th. Though.
kek perfect.
Free market
pls no, I like Rick and Morty
I think the official message here from Hollywood is that it is okay to mock disabled children without any consequences. And the left won't care because they are more interested in getting a new series of this retarded show.
Wasn't there an article or image about them hiring more women?
Great so this cunt is gonna ruin rick and morty (((((((wonder how she got the job)))))))))
>M-my mature show for adults is totally not kike propaganda guys!
>I like Rick and Morty
If we extrapolate this, you probably like throbbing nigger dicks in your asshole too.
Season 2 was shit anyway
Rick and Morty hasn't really had much to say about politcs in the past. I don't see why they would start now. I don't anything about her, but I can't imagine one person of her influence has the power to fuck up an entire show.
become a Catholic Priest, or a Private School PE Teacher.
>Everything is a jewish propaganda to undermine the proud white race as a revenge for the Holocaust that didn't happen!
>I don't see why they would start now.
Really now, you don't?
The entire left wing in the USA has declared war on him and his supporters.
Rick and Morty is Reddit: The Show, so I'm not surprised by this
>I can't imagine one person
They've hired a bunch of female writers for the new season.