Are non-whites just a result of white breeding with some animal, like ape or something?
Are non-whites just a result of white breeding with some animal, like ape or something?
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No. They are the apes.
In the bible they are reffered as "the beast of the field"
There are men and there are beasts.
End of story.
I don't know is some Jew book good source
Here's a list:
Homo nalendi
Denisov man
Neanderthal man
Homo Erectus
Homo pekinensis
Parts of their DNA in modern humanity (mostly in colored races)
White man (cromanid, nordic type, alpine, medditerian type) = human with little neanderthal admixture
Colored crap = human with big non-cromagnon admixture
Jews want you to think it's a "jew book".
Don't fall for this trap my fellow white man.
Christianity is the only thing that can save Europa from the non-whites.
No where does it say that hahaha
redpill yourself.
KEK! That is one of the funniest things I've ever seen.
>Doesn't include Japanese or Vietnamese
Actually whites and asians are the result of breeding with "animals" called neanderthals. blacks are the result of interbreeding with homo erectus.
"Oriental" used to mean "Chinese," ignoramus.
In common usage, I mean.
What is Human History for 300 Alex?
>There are men and there are beasts
Is this a man or a beast?
We all share a common ancestor (homo sapiens) while every race each has admixture from another hominid group. The difference with whites though, is that the hominid group we mixed with (Neanderthals) were actually smarter than homo sapiens, thus advancing us.
Plants are made by god to serve both the human and the beast
If Neanderthals are so smart, why are they all dead?