How do you manage to live in a country that is barely 50% white?
I have realised that Sweden is literally aiming for the same colour-distribution and, since Sweden is still 90% white, I wonder what it would take to adapt to a 50% country, such as yours.
Should the still uncucked white Swedes just jump ship now?
USA, how do you do it?
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I hate it
I live in New England.
Come home, White Man.
>New England
Is it good there? I'd honestly like to leave Sweden unless something radically changes before 2020
Our cities and our country as a whole are big enough that we can avoid certain areas.
because asians and cubans pitched in and saved america
>How do you manage to live in a country that is barely 50% white?
Very badly, I would not reccomend it!
>I wonder what it would take to adapt to a 50% country, such as yours.
Get used to rape, robbery followed by murder, grand theft auto, stray bullets, generalized corruption and overall misery everywhere.
its really big and the POCs are concentrated in the cities. theres still plenty of white only territory to live in.
All the bad niggers seem to gravitate to the same areas and we live away from them.
Most leftists never even see niggers so they dont know why people hate them. If there were more around then you can guarentee the day of the rope would be the next day.
because we had forced people to assimilate into our culture. If a nigger with sub-70 iq is assimilated to our culture, we won't have as many issues because problems are mostly cultural and not racial. Even though light skinned people are much less likely to be violent.
Basically, for you to survive you have to become a fucking alphamale and slap those mudslimes into shape
Its very easy, you have to remove everything socialism, and have brutal survival of the fittest that they have in USA
the weak or bad people there will just rot alone , homeless, or executed
the weak and bad in Sweden will be a burden on society or a burden on society
people with Nobel price in economics have said the same thing.
also USA have been hand picking immigrants that are talented people. even the blacks there are handpicked at some point.
We sort of have that here in Sweden as well, but our cities are too few and too small for it to be effective..
Sounds bad, better not live in the designated murder districts
This is the downfall, honestly, its the same for most libs in Sweden too. It makes me very angry
Califag here, well you keep moving and moving until your in one of the last 80+ ℅ places left, then you just cry as even the palest girls start have last names like Chavez and Martinez
A dumb nigger with the same cultural values as you wont start shit.
A dumb nigger from sandnigger land will rape and kill you.
Niggers are like dogs you have to teach the to play nice.
Its still mostly christian unlike yr faghole
is this ironic???
Yep, look if you are too stupid to keep up, America will eat you up and spit you out. Look at the amount of Black on Black killings.
Nice unsourced macro, dumbass.
It's this kind of thread again!
there are a few of us Christians left in Sweden still, not nearly enough though
sounds nice
this is the truth, which is why america is GOAT except for the judicial system. a lot of places wont even hire you if you have a misdemeanor on your record. these safe spaces need to hit the fucking road. it's not really a problem though unless you hang with snitches though.
there is more spics than blacks dumbass
>barely 50% white
Fake news. Significantly higher.
In America, police have enough power to fucking arrest people for almost anything, all you gotta do is do a few laps around Chicago and you fill your prison.
Tbh just move to anywhere in northern half of the US that isnt a big city and youre golden, big majority white up there.
Down here in the south tho, we are just above 50% white, but as you know we southerners are very good at keeping minorities in check. Its assimilate to our culture or get shot.
We carry a gun at all times
Sorry Sven
Currently living in 96% white country. Feels like the world can only get better and that human potential Is infinite.
I assume this feeling fades away as the white majority shrinks?
We have guns where niggers live the most tho, so we will just shoot the rapists and unruly nigglets.
Don't talk shit if you've never been here, Ikea.
Numbers are skewed from giant nigger populations in big cities. 2nd tier cities have plenty too but it's not as noticeable. Cities below that and every small town in the country are white.
All the good beach towns are white. Florida keys are full of old white trash. The mountains are full of white hillbillies and rich white people. River cities are all white people.
Anywhere with active outdoor lifestyles are full of white people. All the nice areas are full of white people.
If you're poor don't come
Yep, the states with high percentage of niggers are all red southern states, everyone packs heat so if anything goes fucky you just drop em
Praise Kek
>tfw lived most of my life in heavily hispanic areas
>tfw turn on tv and its filled with white and black people
its like i live in america but i dont...and the politics of the america on tv don't exist here
Wow. I can't even imagine being this pathetic.
>It's alright, because the spics cuck us more than the niggers
I'm Irish. Whenever i go back to Dublin i just see brown people everywhere. I'm 30 and the change ive seen in Ireland breaks my heart. So many Irish believe this multiculti bullshit and shut me down when i tell them how New Labour sytematically destroyed the UK with scientific socialism.
>since Sweden is still 90% white
Stopped reading there, good bait
Simple, walk up to them and ask them a question, if they have an african accent tell them to learn fucking english
get Merkel out of power or enjoy your muslims
There's basically niggers and spics everywhere. Like fucking everywhere, and a lot of the spics only speak speak spic.
Fucking bög, stanna och kämpa för ditt land istället din dumma hora
that's just major cities. and america is a big place, much bigger than your dick shaped shared piece of land. and "statistics" statistics say a lot of things.
the population is so segregated you hardly even notice it unless you are in a metro area.
for instance in my high school there was only one brown person
You got room for a 20 something conservative with a degree in accounting? Live in commiefornia, looking to move soon.
If you come here and you dont make a fucking effort to learn english and assimilate to our culture, consider yourself deported.
Yeah its strange knowing that Africa is whiter then america.
I guess you went to a private school or live somewhere like New Hampshire
This. OP calling himself uncucked is retarded.
western, nc
Tillsammans med vem? Att rösta SD 2018 räcker inte och det finns inte många som gör något annat
Pretty much this. It's so fucking obnoxious. Niggers wouldn't be a problem if they weren't well, niggers. Sadly, they behave the same everywhere and then wonder why white Nationalism is on the rise. We need to be more like Poland. We need a NATO level effort to shut our borders.
They're mostly contained to large cities. A lot of people here probably live in 95%+ white areas.
It's called white flight. We move and leave the poor behind
Hey Svenson, I wrote a few posts in another thread that is very similar to this topic.
If you are interested, click my ID and read what I wrote:
So rather than literally "stand and fight for your country" as the other swede suggested you'd run away? Disgusting cuck, I hope you get butchered by a somali
Just move your genes to our coast and live together with us Fennoswedes, brother.
Step 1: don't live with poor people
Step 2: profit
You see my Swedish friend there are a number of bastions of whiteness in America. Avoid big, big cities full of Jews and niggers and you'll do great. A guy I work with moved here from Sweden and I finally got him to admit that he moved because of the "tolerance" of your homeland. He seems to love it here in North (white) Florida.
also swede bro remember we're making America great again, so that's even more reason to come
people live in ethnic enclaves. I never meet a black person. Unless you are a citycuck that is.
Whites and blacks are pretty well segregated. I've basically met 10 black people in real life, total. Maybe the same will happen in Sweden, and the rest of Europe.
>We carry a gun at all times
This. Really nothing to worry about. With the number of veterans and gun carrying whites, we keep them in line.
Kansas recently passed a law allowing open and concealed carry without requiring a permit.
The only minorities here who dare to carry guns are military veterans from what i see.
I live in Florida, it's not white at all. Wtf are you talking about?
Are you guys just US government shills or does every white American that browses Sup Forums live in Nebraska or Iowa or some shit?
You underestimate the size of the USA and don't know about the concentrations of non-whites into major cities on the east and west coasts.
Also notice that it's blue areas that have niggers rioting and shit. They rarely try anything in the deep red south cuz that's how you get shot/lynched. Living in the south is pretty great because there are still some nigs that remember the lynchings we did. They passed that bit down to their kids and they behave.
Come to Norway. It's literally the last haven for Nords now. Abandond Swedistan and settle with a Norwegian lass. I won't even object as we're the same people.
Also, I am Norweigan
>hurr it's only the major cities
>over 300 cities with a population of 100,000+
>somehow this is not representative of America
Where do you retards come up with this shit?
Montana, actually. Hardly any blacks here. Biggest minority is Native American, but they stay on their reservations for the most part.
Dont worry guys, once you guys get down to 30% white it starts getting better again.
Please tell me where you live that you've only met 10 backs
This is deceptive. If you want to live anywhere with any type of development and opportunity, youre going to have to tolerate niggers. Especially the further south you go. I live in VA and this feels like ground zero nigger. I live in one the the top 20 most predominantly nigger cities in the country. Theres no such thing as a black man as these other uncultured weebs like to meme. Speaking from experience all nigs will nog.
I said in north Florida. Dont really have many colored folks around. When I lived in Tampa it was full of Cubans and Indians. It just depends on the area
Aren't you guys like 10% white
I live in the Dakotas
We don't have many nogs
yes, thus its going great!
Good posts man. Totally agree.
Side note. Its hilarious that the "white supremacist" that Shi Lepoof gets in the face of looks like a kike. In Europe we would say he has something in him. Looks foreign. American media call him a white supremacist! lol
How many times per week do you get stabbed and burned by niggers?
Enjoy it while you still can. I've been all over the country. Montana and Wyoming are two of the whitest states left. Even Colorado is filled with beaners now. Idaho too. North Dakota has a shit ton of Somalis running around it.
I heard Florida is full of race mixing
I don't see any blacks or hispanics in my city. It's like this for a lot of people. Many such cases!
Western New England is full of junkies while the Eastern sea side will most likely be unaffordable for you.
It is, that's where I live. Mongrels everywhere.
De facto apartheid. My town has like 1 black person.
It doesn't work but we are 75% white, not 50%. If we were 50% white then the country would be having a civil war.
Dude uk is like 4% black and pretty much everyone has met at least 1 black person
well if you mean 50% muzzies then you just wouldn't. Especially Swede cucks. You'd be lining up for your own stonings to clear you of your white guilt sins.
We've concentrated all our blacks into shithole ghettoes where they kill each other all day.
OK, have you met Zyklon Ben?
>is literally aiming
>How do you manage to live in a country that is barely 50% white?
>90 percent white
lmao nice fanfic sven
yep, they serve well as minimum wage workers
60% white
and it's because we aren't being cucks over it
We have guns as well
Our shitskins just kill each other all day and starve to death. They have tons of babies but it doesn't matter because tons of them end up dying. They were also completely wiped of their fucking evil African-Islamic ideologies when they were slaves so they're much more integrated than Somalians in Europe.
And we have guns so we just spot them ourselves if we have to.
>should uncucked swedes jump ship now
Don't. Like you said you're still 90% white, Swedish dems are doing good if I'm not mistaken, and there's still NordicFront.
How are things over there? Honestly.
USA is a dead nation, our culture and history has been replaced with materialism and hedonism by (((them))) Trump is great, but I fear he's too little to late, I only see sedition and Balkanization in our Future, debating whether or not I should jump ship to a white Nation like Australia and help preserve it tbqh
>pic related, tfw you wake up in America and are told that white people are responsible for all social ills
Only Yankee faggots think of America as one big country. I have nothing--nothing--in common with, say, some liberal Jew from Massachusetts. I don't even consider us countrymen. My Homeland is only 34% minority.
New England is full of cuck holds and libshits, this place is a shit hole, the people are shitty.
t. Southern ex-pat
This faggot nigger is lying to you New England is one of the objectively shittier parts of the Cuntry, I know I've lives here for 3 years now
Yankees need to be gassed and everything north of the Mason Dixon line needs to be GLASSED
This is also true, I literally don't view 99% of the people in this country as my countrymen, I view them as complete foreigners. Every man for himself.
Do you understand how fucking huge this state is?
He's a 6 or 7 hour drive away from me, so no