Americans, why did you elect an idiot as president? I haven't seen such moron in power since Yeltsin days
Did you feel that special needs president will be able to better represent your social group?
Americans, why did you elect an idiot as president? I haven't seen such moron in power since Yeltsin days
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Trump has achieved wealth, fame and power. If he's an idiot who can do all that, what does that make you?
He was a spoiled brat who was given shitloads of money and was able to pay people to invest it. That's how wealth works. His actual business ventures have all failed because they were terrible ideas. Because he's a spoiled brat.
He's enforcing current US law. How is that stupid?
Because the alternative was much worse.
why are americans answering to a russian animal?
its thats to these pinko fuckers who empowered communist tyrannical bandits where ever they had influence
jebane kacapy
ahahahah shortbus president.
This is what liberals actually believe.
thats what happens when you use the caseless meme
Sorry I'm drunk and posted wrong video
I mean this:
The interviewer literally treats Trump like a mentally retarded person
fuck you proksiblyad
yet these "animals" have accomplished far more than your country ever has. Not to mention a lot of what you're blaming wasn't even Russians.
Yes, precisely.
Because the other option was even worse.
Didn't you mean to put a picture of Obama?
It's what anyone who has looked into it actually believes.
Have you seen him speak in person (as opposed to edited videos of him)? He's a spoiled man child.
Is that why you identify with him so much? I'm surprised your mom lets you on Sup Forums.
>"Mr. Trump, you are president now"
>"Why did he write the report?"
Is it still real life?
Because the only other alternative was hitlery
what's so bad about hitlery remind me
trump ordered no fly zone over syria already, i.e. he did everything to start WW3 which hitlery was feared to do
True. Trump is actually an amusing little puppet for the jews bending over for Israel already...
>being drunk
>bitching about Yeltsin
He wasn't that bad initially.
>mfw drunk russo posting horrible rnb vids
o-Ok Russiabro.....
Бpaтюнь, иди в жoпy - paзбepиcь c
кoppyпциeй в Poccии cнaчaлa.
Пoтoм бyдeшь Aмepикy кpитикoвaть
>Americans, why did you elect an idiot as president?
Why are you asking dumb questions?
corruption is the only thing why Russia is remotely livable - imagine actually dealing with all those idiotic laws
his businesses have a 95+% success rate. looks like you haven't looked into shit. he doesn't sounds like a Manchild, while you do.
I swear I have no idea how that ended up on my crtl+c buffer, I meant that video:
I think I've been hacked but I rebooted windows 3 times so I must be ok now
First post says:
You STRIKE me as a BAFFLED person!
True that - that is why I live in US.
However, as I was told, if you are OK with bribing, it is easier to have and run business in Russian than in US
>He was a spoiled brat who was given shitloads of money and was able to pay people to invest it.
yes but his grandfather had no money, he's as new as new money can get unlike his competition who has been in a moneyed family for over 400 years
Did you get that cum-back while you were looking into shit yourself? It's all over your response.
95+% lol! You're funny. I have researched this. He's a terrible businessman. Most of his money came from investments (handled by other people). He's had a few real estate ventures do well but mostly failures. He's been bailed out because he was one of the "too big to fail" types.
Now go back to class before the hall monitor catches you on Sup Forums.
>le ussr was all jews meme
This meme desperately needs to fucking stop, it's such a gross revision of history that tries its best to shift away the blame for communist atrocities committed by ETHNIC RUSSIANS against ETHNIC RUSSIANS on le joooos
He's a shill for Israel. New money my ass.
It's hard to deny that he got elected when facebook adjusted the algorithm for displaying articles, i.e. israeli zuckerberg made him president
u retarded mang. I was born there. the whole ruling party was juice. the elite was juice. and they always complained how they have no wealth.
because in America just like the UK and Russia there are an awful lot of scared uneducated people that think brown people are more of a threat to the HUMAN race than climate change. they are the minority ,but Hillary was such a toe rag people couldn't get motivated behind her. pUSAys
>why did you elect an idiot as president?
Most of us didn't actually.
>comparing Yeltsin to Trump
>forgetting that the CIA and the Clintons elected Yeltsin
>not knowing who Yeltsin is, what he did, and why he was so bad but knowing he is bad due to memes so compare him to Donald Trump
Stalin was about to purge most slavic jews if not all since slavic jews sided with US
Even crazier than that...
Bannon has been giving hand jobs to them for ages:
And Trump has been selecting people who are aggressively trying to expand Israeli territory:
did I make you buttmad? reading through BuzzFeed and huffgay doesn't count as research. you'd neber claim that if you've seen a complete list of his ventures.
>m-muh $100mil loan from daddy
>he bankrupt sonuvabish lost all his money in the 90s
>current year net worth in billions
>he lives off his daddy's wealth and is a failure reeeeeeee
pretty much. wait what?
fuck off gypsy, nobody elected trump
i, Russian, hacked him into office because Russians wanted this
and you know what they say...
Russian will is God's will expression.
You guys remember when climate change shot all those fags in Orlando?
He's the son of a billionaire you fuckwit. Also it seems people want a president they can identify with so for Americans thats a moronic loudmouth that blames everybody else for their problems.
>And Trump has been selecting people who are aggressively trying to expand Israeli territory
ussr was not only jews
it was all the minorities, starting with pooblacks
jebanie gniluki
Hey... There there. It's OK little buddy. You don't have to prove yourself to me. I love you just the way you are. When you get out of class I'll take you to get some ice cream. We can even swing by the pharmacy and pick up your pimple cream. You be you little man. Keep doing your thing.
You're telling me you were born in the USSR and it was all jews who ran the Communist Party?
Do you even have a single fact to back that up? Or are you going to post memes about Vladimir Lenin being a Jew and infographs from stormfront?
I can almost guarantee with 99% certainty that there were more Russians than Jews in the ruling class, for the entirety of the USSR's existence.
nope that's not the case entirely, but now they try to push this agenda. most of those those casualties were just Slavs. there was a region established where to move all the Jews but somehow the 100% authoritarian Stalin never went through with that. lenin himself was part Jew, just like all communist revolutionaries. as a matter of fact synagogues always had a place in the Soviet Union, while Orthodox churches were demolished or repurposed. can confirm.
> stalin lenin trotsky freud tito
this moustached faggot "humble son of shepherd from nowhere" was at the root of the whole shitshow
he introduced korenization to Russians in USSR after mannerheim and pilsudski introduced korenization ti Russians in finland and pooland
poolack general Tukhachevsky gassed whole Russian towns for not being happy enough with commie regime
>out of class
lel you can try and offend again. freebie.
He's just perpetuating the zionist jews instead of actually doing anything cool...
I think it's all a big prank.
Of course he is an idiot who knows nothing about politics, international relations, foreign countries etc etc. but who cares? At least it's not the status quo.
It will be hilarious.
american exceptionalism is kill already they are not fixing it
Whoa. Dude... Who the fuck are you? I'm not trying to offend anyone.
Hey everyone, this fool is over here trying to start shit on Sup Forums!
This is Sup Forums mayn. Stop trying to troll people. And quit popping your zits in front of your laptop, it's jamming up your keyboard.
Good. I hope those hook nosed sheenies line up every one those fucking Palestinian animals in front of trenches.
> trump sends people who will find best deals for him
There is simple key to Trumps actions. He never makes enemies. And he does not tries to reach a fruit, that is inaccessible.
nice Sup Forums o&m manual. thanks. upvote.
>using godiva truffles as rounds
>elect an idiot
He's no idiot. You're just failing for his game.
Hillary deleted 33, 000 classified emails. I don't trust that old bird for shit!
>New money my ass.
Trump's great grandfather had no money, the family fortune was made by his grandfather during the klondike gold rush, this Trump guy is about as close to the common man as you could expect in American politics
whatever his positions are you have to admit that he is not from one of the founding political dynasties and he is not part of the European aristocracy
this is either a proxy or you are really REALLY stupid
Hi! Schlomo everything good?
>He's the son of a billionaire you fuckwit.
papa Fred Trump wasn't a billionaire, his wealth was in the millions, Fred never wanted to leave the boroughs, it was Donald who was willing to take on the Manhattan people and they never liked him ever
Trump's great grandfather was a penniless bum, Trump's grandpa Fred Trump made the family fortune what it is with brothels during the klondike gold rush.
it is what it is. But Trump does not come from money the same way that Clinton does or even Bush for that matter,
i got something you can operate manually
WTF I love hillary and her nuclear war with russia now
He has Russian wife. This is as close as a man can be in american politics to any european aristocracy of any worth.
>butthurt shill speak
Hillary, not anyone's president
he is an anglo
>He's no idiot. You're just failing for his game.
this, acting like a moron is all part of the act of being president, Trump is no moron the same way Dubya was no moron, but they both act retarded, but retarded people can't fly fighter jews like Dubya can and retarded people certainly can't run for president and make money in the process like Trump did. these are very smart people who behave stupidly to appease the general public
proxy confirmed
1. That's not true. Check your alt-facts bro.
B. You could say that about shitloads of people. Most of which aren't zionist tax-raising Russia-puppets. How does that justify him in any way?
>He has Russian wife.
both the wives are Canadian, the Russian thing is a front
>This is as close as a man can be in american politics to any european aristocracy of any worth.
hardly, you can usually pick the president by determining at Burke's peerage which is more closely related to Queen Elizabeth, this election included, so while Trump may have a more direct lineage to her majesty that does not mean he came from means
he's a loudmouth kid from queens who marries hookers, we have Ivanka's rap sheet from Ontario, still looking into Melania
sincerely, FBI user
>1. That's not true. Check your alt-facts bro.
I've got his file on my desk, look into it yourself, Trump family were German immigrants who didn't have any money until grandpa Fred opened a whorehouse during the klondike gold rush, thats verified and all that stuff is in Trump dossier. Along with the fact that the Mob tried to kill him in the 1980s, his helicopter exploded right off the landing pad and he was supposed to have been inside but wasn't
verified shit but nobody talks about it
OMG. I remember you! You're that guy that was trying to convince everyone on here that he wasn't a fag just because he jerks it to shemales. wow, small world. Anyway, I agree, there are some shemales out there that do it for me too. Nobody has any hate here bro. Wanna cuddle after this? I'll wear that wig you said reminded you of your mom...
>ou're that guy that was trying to convince everyone on here that he wasn't a fag just because he jerks it to shemales.
nope, different guy, just interested in the truth, no matter what it is
>Americans, why did you elect an idiot as president?
Because we didn't want to go to war with your asses but now you're making me reconsider
Slavboo BTFO
No way. That was totally you. Hold on, I saved a capture of that thread somewhere...
Man, that's so wild. What did he say when you texted him back???
id R6 losing control of his own body itt
You talking shit again?
>papa Fred Trump wasn't a billionaire,
who cares since that's 1000 times easier to become successful if your daddy is a billionare
and regarding clinton, no sane person claims she is better than him
in fact they both are awful
You put him there so don't look at us.
>I haven't seen such moron in power since Yeltsin days
Are you 50 years old?
if it wasnt for the 100s of miles seperating us ivan i would punch you in the face for this blastphemy.
It's 2017, no one cares now.
We are more focused on the troubles Trump is causing since he, like all presidents, must be held accountable for his actions.
I was shit talking obama over the drones and not doing shit in the past, so i'll shit talk trump over is blatant ethics violations in regards to conflicts of interest and trying to make the US government more opaque.
Winning means fuck all if it isn't followed by a president who actually does good for the country and I don't see how someone who will use my tax money for corporate welfare is going to help anyone.
Yeah. We should of voted for the old communist nigger lover right? Fuck off cuck.
Between Trump an Clinton, maybe since he has some okay policies and probably would be obstructed to death by the GOP anyways.
>ok policies
He is a communist.
No butthurt here. Actually, I thought you were really gentle. I've never been kissed so sweetly like that before... Call me again sometime. ;)
>spoiled brat
don't you have shit to post on Facebook, grandma?
don't worry we're going to be best friends soon
How is using loans to support small businesses communist?
Communist is working endlessly without much pay while the government uses the nation's wealth on whatever the autocrat wants.