That scotch tape is beyond pathetic.
A man who can't properly maintain a tie is unfit to be President.
That scotch tape is beyond pathetic.
A man who can't properly maintain a tie is unfit to be President.
Other urls found in this thread:
We can't let him have the nuclear codes, seriously guys
>Nukes doesn't work
> Trump: " Try putting scotch tape on it ! "
Τies are for cucks anyway, showing disrespect to the tie is like showing disrespect to them
I never understood the purpose of ties.
wtf I hate Trump now!
they were originally for cleaning your glasses
stop appropriating my culture
krawata for kurwata
The modern necktie traces back to the time of the Thirty Years' War (1618-1648) when Croatian mercenaries fighting on the side of the French wore small neckerchiefs that aroused the interest of Parisians.
Due to the slight difference in the Croatian word Hrvati and the French word, Croates, both referring to Croatians, the word "cravat" was born. Louis XIV began wearing cravats in 1646 when he was seven and set a new fashion for French nobility. A fashion firestorm ensued in which both men and women began wearing decorative fabric around their necks.
The cravat would evolve over the next several hundred years, into Steinkirks, stocks, solitaires, neckcloths, scarves, bandanas, bowties, neckerchiefs, ascots, and eventually long ties.
A thread like this would get a witty reply back in the old days or even better: SAGE.
Ruff criticism, proxy friend.
literally EVERYTHING Trump does will be celebrated by his dumbass retard minions
he could be squatting naked in front of the white house, defecating in a cup and then drinking from it, his followers would continue to worship him
there is NOTHING he could do to make his worshippers waver from him
it's literally a personality cult. also probably paid pro-trump shill infesting this board
So there's 0 legit reason to wear one.
>Liberals complaining about Trump's tie.
They really have run out of things to complain about.
He should be impeached for his wayward ties, they are out of control.
>Implying i'm using a proxy
You are a man, and you're judging another mans character and political ambition based on his clothes? You know what you are right?
You have other things to worry about atm, Hans
I mean, the more you guys nitpick at literally everything, the less fucks we give because you sound like a nagging housewife
that argument could be made for most articles of clothing.
whats wrong with men wearing skirts again? panties?
when was the last time you were running around naked in the summer / on the inside?
I'm not judging him on his clothes specifically. I'm judging him on the fact that he's retarded enough to use fucking SCOTCH tape to secure his tie.
I have given up on this country. worrying about it would be too much at this point
Having the smaller end of your tie flop around is annoying as shit
>No tape
>Better fabric of tie
>Majestic photo
I miss him already
>Greek bitching about work attire
>German rebutting Greek
>properly maintain a tie
Oh shit, I forgot that mine is overdue for an oil change.
You should be worried once Trump disbands NATO and Erdogan takes Greece and no one will help you because Putin is friends with Erdogan
distressful, I use the stapler gun on my chest for mine.
>muh maymayz
Just because greeks work long hours doesnt mean they work in the first place.
Proofs for your claims, Ahmed?
>plebs in this thread don't realize Trump does all of this on purpose and is cultivating a persona
Get fucked shills.
Wow just saw this. Why so assblasted? Trump likes those who pay their share at NATO. Maybe we should invade your country to pillage it and pay our debts?
Well, when half of your main working force are living at their parents, that tells you something.
at least we werent enriched by ahmeds for 600 years, and now shitskins are considered white
Is that all you can fault him for?
Or are you just LARPing as a libtard?Poes law at work
I;m waiting for an argument any time now >25% unemployment
>still working more hours than you
lay down the weed
>brags about working more hours then developed nations
>doesnt make even half of the average income of developed nations
you're a funny guy
>Muhammad rapes his sis in the next room
>He goes on Sup Forums for bantz to cope with sad reality
You know what to do, Sven. Also how come you suicide so often since you are so rich? :^)
Forgot pic
11 people per 100k isn't a lot its really tiny.
>Mental gymnastics
Still almost 3 times as much as poor Greekfags
For men in these kind of offices, it is kind of inexcusable. Especially when products like this exist.
Pretty sure they'll work even over body armor.
Me too
I'm a Trump supporter, but man i have to admit its hilarious watching him crash and burn. But seriously, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
Signaling that wearier does no manual jobs and belongs to "i do my job with my brains" caste.
>Τies are for cucks anyway
What a retarded opinion, Gyro.
if I ever caught one of my employees wearing that, they would be fired immediately without cause.
>whats wrong with men wearing skirts again?
It's not thermodynamically efficient.
Too much pressure on the balls resulting in potential fertility loss.
>when was the last time you were running around naked in the summer / on the inside?
If you include the underpants I was wearing for hygienic reasons; last summer.
Absolutely presidential, unlike the Cheeto-in-Chief.
I'll back you up a little, Gybro. I spent to.e in Corfu back in 01-02.
Socialist govt makes city expansions tough. Common in Mediterranean areas to renovate houses and have 2-3 generations. Same shit in NYC really (most houses in Queen's have furnished basements and attics.)
And the girls are hot. They expire a little early but they got that weird obsessive devotion to their family thing going on.
If you could reform your govt, Greece would be our bro again.
And you've been cool with renting out Crete to NATO military.
Fix yo shit.
Just because your mom does everything for you she doesn't count as one of your "employees."
>distressful, I use the stapler gun on my chest for mine.
Try a framing nailer. Holds much better.
I franchise local dominos, I have plenty of employees! My mom and dad are both dead, and thank god because they were abusive pieces of shit!
What's it like being a shift manager at Men's Wearhouse?
idk there are tie clips or even a safety pin but tape in a pinch seems innovative
who cares its a fuckin tie get out fa
This is a life hack that redditors are ashamed they didn't think of to get those karma points for posting.
>Ties are not for cucks
What a retarded opinion, Schnitzel
>I franchise local dominos
I kek'd out loud.
why do all trump's ties look like they cost a quid at asda?
Not sure what you're laughing about. It's a great living.
shows he gives a fuck about the people and not his damn tie
>It's a great living.
He's rich, he can do what he wants
>Dat Scotch tape
He has them Scottish roots.
>when was the last time you were running around naked in the summer / on the inside?
Last summer. And if by "on the inside" you mean indoors, then right now.
Ignore him. He's probably a communist.
I wish he'd wear a vest or at least use a tie clip, that looks so goofy
Using nothing would be better
>Too much pressure on the balls resulting in potential fertility loss.
Don't you Euros force people to wear speedoes in your public pools?
I love this man.
The guy is running not one but multiple restaurants, user. Please explain what's there to laugh about.
post feminine penis
>Don't you Euros force people to wear speedoes in your public pools?
Is that really true Tojo, or are you memeing?
>it's a jungle monkey can't into context episode
Good goy wear the cucksuit complete with cucktie to show your submission to the implanted ideas of "professionalism" and "manliness", you don't want to feel like an outsider do you?
>caring about a tie
more proof this place is fucking autistic
Tie clips are a pain in the ass. When you sit down and lean forward the tie loops out right in front of you. If you're moving around at a desk it's just a pain to dick with it. I use the scotch tape method as well. Easier and less of a pain.
even retards know the tape was there to hold a mic in place
in which context do you wear panties?
Why isn't he using duct tape? I thought he was supposed to be a man of the people.
Keeping your tie nice on a windy day is a bitch that's a nice trick but looks ugly
Well, tell us what Trump did already, that his supporters defended irrationally.
A restaurant is an establishment serving food and drinks, something that Dominos does. Now answer my question, what's there to laugh about, especially when you consider the potential success a fast food chain could have in the land of the obese?
In none, I answered what's wrong with men wearing them.
This is pretty much peculiar to France btw. Now a lot of pools at tourist destinations permit more standard swimwear as well.
Ok thanks faggot
Trump is like a white trash that won the powerball.
Huh, I always wondered how ties came to be. The more ya know!
he's worse
Thought this was a toupee thread..his hair is holding up well in the wind.
I'm getting really tired of you Piefkes as of late. I think it's time that you get fed into the warmachine again.
[delet this in amerifat]