It would literally solve white genocide.
Lit trally.
It would literally solve white genocide.
Lit trally.
Other urls found in this thread:
*is the answer
You cannot just kill and deport 40% of population. Its utterly stupid?
Hi 89 IQ average. You're not white
You don't deport all of them at once, you incentivize them to leave over time while incentivizing white birthrates and immigration from white countries, steadily increasing the white majority over time.
Cut welfare state? Immigration of only whites?
With this paradigm no, it is impossible.
But, whites will become minorities in their own countries in the future.
Drastic times...
cause he is a jewish interracial fetishist
when it coems to life quality
America or Canada living on benefits > any 2nd world country working.
Okey. Thats very RADICAL.
I really wonder how would that play out.
Probably genocide.
white genocide isn't a thing
Serb give pointers. Your people do this.
Because even a brainwashed moron like him is probably aware that the "white genozide" is a paranoid fever dream.
Shill fuck offf
This is the only right answer. You can't trust Jews, because they are never truly on your side.
What's radical? Fixing this over a long period of time? Do you have the mind of a child?
I really hope, you enjoy becoming the minority in your homecountry, leftist scum. Because this is exactly the future every European country you will get!
user, to be fair to Milo, he hasn't made up his mind yet.
He is doing a double blind study into double nigger dicking. If, at the end of the study, he finds that white supremacy is the only cure for his degeneracy, then we'll know.
But Sup Forums give the man time. He's only 10 years into a 20 year study.
How can white men even compete?!
Yeah. Right.
Yes, he's right. Wake up Germanistan.
Your skin is the color of a ritter sport I bet.
>20 years
>whites only 50% of America
>35% brown and 40%muslim
>several small civil wars
In 20 years we are going to be in some trouble.
>english greek jew catholic
How does this even happen
But (((Milo))) thinks white nationalism isn't the answer GUISE
You know the old saying, surbe na vurbe?
Even fucking Pewdiepie knows this shit. Milo is a traitor. He has reasons to not like white nationalism so he will not rationally decide it is right. He knows but he denies it, like liberals do with facts.
Fuck off. I want more (you)'s.
>Milo is Jew
>Milo is Homosex
>Milo is Nigger-lover
Milo is clearly a plant. Nothing he says should be considered helpful to anyone but other manipulative Jews.
Yeah and Milo also thinks it's fun to let black dudes fuck and cum in his ass. The dude's brain isn't functioning correctly.
He;'s not a traitor. He's just selling his brand.
He makes more cash if he can't be described as a white nationalist.
More money = more nigger double dicking.
I think he thinks it in america.
in EU white nationalisam is the way to go.
who the fuck cares about that gay faggot thinks.
Why jews are pushing for white genocide.
Watch and learn.
Good speech.
He's Greek, just because he has an English accent does not make him English.
He doesn't speak Arabic for one... Allah ackbar!
Because he works for Breitbart
That's being a traitor. He has sold out his team for sex and money.
That's where you're wrong kiddo
I never paid attention to Milo much. Sargon is in the same boat. They're just anti-feminists going for the low hanging fruit.
just your daily reminder that even Ben "jewcuck" Shapiro is better than this memespouting dumbass
Seriously: are you fucking blind and dumb?
That fag controls a bunch of uneducated college kids. The only way they learn about problems like this is Milo and Reddit.
Also add
to this.
We need to get the alt right on the same page.
This civic nationalism shit WILL NOT FIX SHIT.
The alt right is an identitarian movement for white nationalism. It is not multiculturalism with shared values.
Marxism relies on multiculturalism so it can divide and conquer.
The altright members that are just looking at the symptoms (feminism, enlarged welfare state, white genocide, loss of family unit, loss of traditional values, degeneracy)
But they are not looking at the root problem, that multiculturalism doesn't work. Diversity is the cornerstone of all the problems really.
Once people go back to the identitarian movement things will move forward.
Ala Richard Spencer.
Sargon is mad because the left is losing. He wants them to drop identity politics so they can make a big welfare state.
The guy is a socialist.
But you could enforce state mandated sterilisation of non-whites. Gradually the non-white population would decline as the white population increases. All it would require is a background check and a sterilisation clinic. If someone doesn't show up for their forced sterilisation appointment they get welfare sanctions
"White nationalism is no better than SJWs" is a vastly more preferable position to "white nationalism is the most evil ideology in existence, white people need to be the minority BASH THE FASH" tho
Yeah but Richard specter does Nazi stuff infront of CNN. The exact crap that William pierce talk against.
The guy needs to get his act together too
>civic nationalism
It has been the status quo in the new world and what brought us here in the first place. Also real estate nationalism makes less sense that globalism.
>I plopped down a kid on this plot of land. Oh well, I guess he will have to fight and die for the landlords.
>thinking you can enforce that without a race war happening
I don't know about Sargon. He's not quite as liberal as he claims.
In fact, if it weren't for him saying it on occasion, one could be easily forgiven for mistaking him for a straight up conservative.
I like Sargon's shitposting channel a lot.
Are you denying the Holocaust?
They sterilise gyppos in Slovakia who want welfare and go past a certain child quota.
He literally says that if we get into identity politics we'll win.
What did he mean by this?
Milo reaches the same conclusion at a slower pace.
>commies: whites die out in 60 years
>Milo: whites die out in 120 years
Same end, different means. Milo isn't defending us. We are trying to defend us.
>I like Sargon's shitposting channel a lot.
He's literally taking care of his wife's son. I wouldn't trust the guy. Nigs are his sacred cow.
Because he is not retarded. He knows USA and UK isn't white countries. He knows whites own fucking dick.
white nationalism is a good vehicle towards change, but its not the final solution
It's an untenable position in this country anymore. We have to rally around the founding ideals rather than race. The demographic decline of whites in the country means we have to bring as many based minorities to the ideal of Liberty rather than bank on ID politics. The left is seeing colored groups gaining ground demographically and pairing it with the millennial vice of inclusion and white guilt and doubling down on racism in the hopes of creating an unassailable leftist voting bloc. We can't place the race game we have to play to the founding ideals
>Australia never change
Also great point. Serb are you denying the holocaust????
Mother fucker.
Is he racist too? Does his words make your butthole pucker?
White nationalism SHOULD NOT OFFEND YOU
if you understand there are forces and people in this world that openly say and want the white race to be exterminated.
Here is a compiliation of people saying it for proof. People in high positions that lobby and influence govt.
I'm pretty sure you could play it off as being necessary due to 'overpopulation'. You could even have some poor and disabled white stooges to even the playing field so the minorities don't get suspicious
>He knows whites own fucking dick.
They own Vermont and Maine. Ethno-nationalism applied in the USA would (at first) simply be a push back against forced integration. For example, they wanted plop down Syrians in Vermont because it's too white.
>they wanted
they wanted to
The only thing that will change anything is an immediate repeal of Hart-Cellar, and if that got put up for vote it's hard to see Milo or BB shilling against it.
Yes we need some sort of final solution.
>good thinking leaf.
Ever heard of the law of diminishing returns?
It is a FACT that lower IQ peoples are breeding at a higher rate than higher IQ peoples because we reached a pinnacle in civiliazation in food production, medicine and technology.
>an immediate repeal of Hart-Cellar,
Jus Soli should be amended as well.
The only realistic chance you have is a seperation of the country, break out a chunk of it and keep it white. But even that is highly unrealistic. The power structure will never allow you to do that.
You simply can't take in the best immigrants from all over the world for a century, then get an immigration act that favors non-European immigrants 50 years ago and now, that a great deal of your CEOs are Jews and Asians, think that you can make the country white again.
Hitler warned you, you destroyed the country that stood for ethno-nationalism with convinction, the USA fought for this future. It's time to man up and accept the consquences.
lol OK cletus
Yes, I did hear of it and I'm for ethno-nationalism if I wasn't being clear enough.
He shouldn't do Nazi salutes and scream 1488 in front of cameras. It turns off normal people. He should effectively and civilly present our case and destroy the enemies arguments.
>there can be no reference to hitler and the Nazis when 99% of the population have been taught to despise Nazis.
Do you want to win this or just LARP as some SS troopers faggot. Because LARPing won't win. If that's what you want go hangout with the fucking skin heads while real adults try to save the white race.
Sargon already said in a long conversation with Millenial Woes that he would prefer the alt-right future to the SJW future, because he would not be persecuted for his white skin. But he sitll wants a classical liberal future. Surprinsingly, of all the liberals out there, he is the least cucked.
How would that be possible? All whites need to know about it and also keep the minorities from finding out, that's impossible to do.
>a great deal of your CEOs are Jews and Asians, think that you can make the country white again.
I keep saying that "based skilled immigrants" turn into a foreign elite and a powerful fifth column.
Watch his latest interview
Welcome to the black pill, my friend.
>We have to rally around the founding ideals rather than race
Once you realise that multiculturalism and diversity destroys community trust, you're forced to accept that multiculturalism can and will never work in practice. Imagine being a minority white person in a town or city of blacks. Do you really think they're going to treat you with the same dignity and respect once they are in the majority?
Sorry pal but it ain't happening. Either we agree to separate our countries into ethnostates or we'll be forced to start shooting. There really is no peaceful solution.
I disagree with you. It's better to have to have Milos and Richard Spencers out there saying different things but moving in the same direction, instead of pinning your hopes on one perfect messenger who'd just be a big target for the left + media.
>It has been the status quo in the new world and what brought us here in the first place.
No, it really fucking wasn't leave. Racial nationalism was alive and well in the old world, and they bought it to the new world.
>THE ELITES ruling America today, and the Jews prime among them, have replaced the traditional definition of America as a White people’s country with the peculiar notion that it is a “propositional nation.” This pipe-dream holds that that anyone, from anywhere in the world and of whatever race or ethnicity, can become an American if they agree with certain sugary platitudes about racial equality, equal opportunity, democracy, and so forth, and if they embrace some version of the capitalist fantasy in which everyone can theoretically become a millionaire if they just work hard enough. (ILLUSTRATION: Washington Enthroned by Horatio Greenough)
>But the indisputable historical reality is that America was not founded as a “propositional nation” open to everyone in the world, but as a White people’s republic.
The original United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provided the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and later Asians. It also provided for citizenship for the children of U.S. citizens born abroad, stating that such children "shall be considered as natural born citizens," the only US statute ever to use the term. It specified that the right of citizenship did "not descend to persons whose fathers have never been resident in the United States."
Yeah civic nationalism is a useful political tool, I can see why people support it insomuch as it's a good vehicle for stopping immigration and getting rid of a lot of the Poz. There's nothing wrong with civic nationalism in that regard but as an actual philosophy it's dumb and not worth fighting for anyway.
You can see that the AfD has no clue what they are doing and are so powerless when they propose Canadian/Austrial immigration models as the saving model. It's ridiculous! Just look at Canada: the chinks are not on welfare and commit crime, sure. But they are actually smart and play power politics. With 1,4 billion chinese, they can easily export 30 million into your country and basically conquer it step by step.
It's still better than a caliphate though, I guess...
It's really simple: people are will driven animals. Have many people in the country who are not of your tribe: they will control the future by majority rule.
>Because LARPing won't win.
Yes, public figures should have an actual agenda instead of just whining about Jews and niggers (it's fun but we can do it here).
Western countries should:
* Amend immigration acts
* Amend Jus Soli
* Prevent forced integration
* Eliminate affirmative action
Milo is moving us in a wrong direction. Milo's future will still see the end of the white race.
Did you know that the people that started throwing up the Nazi salute at Richard Spencer's conference were Jews?
I think there's nothing wrong with pointing out the ways in which race WAS part of the founding ideals.
My bad, I was thinking of the latter part of the 20th century. Jus Soli is definitely a New World aberration.
Because he's a coalburning kike faggot?
>Government introduces sterilisation programme to combat overpopulation
>Government decides who shouldn't be allowed to have kids
>Pretend that policy is non-discriminatory
>Progressively sterilise non-whites and some poor/ disabled whites to avoid suspicion
>Problem solved
Yes leaf that sounds great. Also:
>end all immigration
>lose the right to vote if your on welfare
Gas the fuckers.
And white nationalism will fix THIS.
Like you said, they are not committing crimes, yet exploiting your power structure because you haven't FUNDAMENTALLY defined your country as a WHITE COUNTRY.
Hence. WHITE NATIONALISM IS THE ANSWER to this, and so many other problems.
True white nationalism will always mean attacking Jew's directly for their crimes against humanity.
Jew's know this, thus they smartly serve their best interest. The 4th Reich will probably be successful in extermination if it ever comes to fruition.
They are actively trying to destroy us with soft immigration and ideologically based genocide.
Non-whites will just claim the founding fathers were racist. White nationalism is the only path. It's going to be extremely violent and bloody (and potentially lead to WW3) but you can't fight human nature.
Literally impossible, because the left reigned for decades unopposed, thanks to Hitler's defeat in WW2. They, along with the capitalist pigs and traitors, brainwashed the minds of Germans AND created the demographic facts on the ground. In West German cities 55-70% of the below 6 year olds have an immigraiton background now. AND the elite are determined as all hell to replace the Germans and change them irreversibly. This month the president of our parliament gave a big interview in the FAZ seriously declaring that the German people does not exist and he despises the Volkish-reactionary protests.
After the allies won WW2 for world Jewry and marxism, defeated the last determined ethno-state in Europe - Nazi Germany - everything else was and is a consequence of history.
You made the choice: support nationalism and racism, or internationalism and multi-culturalism. Nazi-Germany or World Jewry. You made that choice, maybe because it promised to become the world hegemon, but making the choice you did nonetheless.
Because he campaigns against toxic feminism, not against white genocide. Stormfags gtfo.
Obviously. It's cut and dry; there is no argument against it. Indoctrination starts as soon as you can leave your mothers tit, and continues passively after (((school))) from stopping dissent on all fronts.
It's the largest conspiracy that has ever been created by mankind.
>>Non-whites will just claim the founding fathers were racist.
They already do that, in public schools even. Just post stuff they said on race that sounds reasonable and won't trigger people, but still white nationalist.
It will break down eventually into civil war. Do you really think white people are going to hand over the political, social, and economic reigns of power to non-whites? It just isn't going to happen.
The more likely scenario is that you'll have street violence, military intervention, and the issuance of an 'emergency decree'. Non whites and undesirables will be rounded up for execution/sterilisation.
It's basically 1933 repeating itself all over again, only this time in all Western countries
Because Civic Nationalism would work just as well, and not remove/kill 40% of the population. If everyone was civic nationalist, They would work too hard building their country up to want to accept welfare and handouts. They would love their nation too much to want to see it crumble. They would have more respect for their fellow man, which breeds more respect within their inner community circles when they see each other doing well. Instead of nogs being like crabs in a pot, they would lift each other up. This in turn would result in having smarter and more wellrounded sheboons, while nogs would be faced with societal pressure to do their part and grow a singular family that will help elevate the country.
White nationalism is an unrealistic goal. Civic Nationalism is the answer.
>Captcha, "STOP 2010"