Ok, lads, let's make it clear: Hitler is not a good guy. Yes, he exterminated jews, negroes and other untermenches, that's good. He killed a lot of commies which i cannot accept as russian but at least i can understand that cause communism is the completely opposite ideology of nazism. But, holy crap, he murdered a lot of white innocent slav civilians who weren't soldiers or commys. A lot of white russian soldiers (more than 50%) died in nazi prison, while there is only 15% of germans who died in stalin's prison. If you don't like slavs I would tell you that French and Brits were not completely white aswell (category B), so i believe it has to be clear for pol that Adolf is NOT a good guy.
Ok, lads, let's make it clear: Hitler is not a good guy. Yes, he exterminated jews, negroes and other untermenches...
>he exterminated jews
What if he just was an important step in the jews master plan to exterminate the white race? If so it would make sense.
There is no good or bad. There is doing what needs to be done and being a good goy.
The Holocaust never happend.
Such bullshit.
Think about it, what if he was a zionist or whatever and covered up as a nationalist that took over Germany and found reasons for hating the jews and created the powerful Wehrmacht, and got about 60 millionwhites killed in the process.
Communism is an infectious disease that can't be cured. Once the mindset takes hold there is little chance of redemption as evidenced by the left in the US. A disease without a cure can only be stopped by culling.
Kek is in here lads
It's not completely opposite.
Communism and National Socialism both put workers and farmers in front of the elite.
Difference is commies say that individual do not matter and individual only has to serve to the community but National Socialism give space to individual and asks individual what are his wishes and goals. That why nazism tries to find a compromise between individual's wishes and goals while communism discards individual's needs completely.
Yeah, lets all listen to (((You))). It's the 15th "GUYZ Hitler is bad!!" thread in a row, faggot.
Suck nigger and LGBT cock if fascism and NatSoc is too hard for you.
Communism isn't the opposite of National-Socialism. Of course Marxist teachers and """news""" outlets would like to have you believe that after they have trashtalked National-Socialism for soon 100 years. Change the Proletariat with race and it's almost the same.
>77 whilst checking 7s
Even a kikepedia understanding of marxism makes pretty clear what direction we're marching in.
i like how all the stormweenies say he was the savior of the white race
but hes responsible for the massive white guilt germany now faces made nationalism and white pride taboo
>idk he killed commies
and lost the war killing millions of whites
Holy fuck kek is here and demanding proof
national socialism has socialism in it the natsocs where socialists
not commies but still
Yeah, only because he had many great ideas (which were pretty mainstream at that time) and common sense doesn't mean he was some messianic force of good in Europe, quite the opposite if you look at the results. The commie hate was justifiable, the slav hate not and his racial policies an arbitrary clusterfuck. He preferred Indians over Anglos and Caucasus churkas over Russians, Ukrainians over Poles, etc.
He killed thousands of Roman catholic priests.
A scumbag
deliver proof to kek or stay eternally btfo
The Priests of Dachau
The Dachau concentration camp was used by the Nazis for many of its most hated enemies. Among them were Catholic priests. Indeed, of the 2,720 clergy sent to Dachau, 2,579 were Catholic priests, along with uncertain numbers of seminarians and lay brothers. Most were Polish priests, 1,748 in all; there were also 411 German priests. Of the 1,034 priests who died in the camp, 868 were Polish. The priests were housed in a special "priest block" and were targeted for especially brutal treatment by the SS guards.
It is estimated that at least 3,000 other Polish priests were sent to other concentration camps, including Auschwitz, while priests from across Europe were condemned to death and labor camps: 300 priests died at Sachsenhausen, 780 at Mauthausen, and 5,000 at Buchenwald. These numbers do not include the priests who were murdered en route to the camps or who died from diseases and exhaustion in the inhuman cattle cars used to transport victims. Several thousand nuns were also sent to camps or killed on the way.
The jews are responsible for WW2, they caused everything, stop blaming Hitler.
We must be prepared that in the near future such terrifying news will accumulate—that even here one religious house after another will be confiscated by the Gestapo and that its occupants, our brothers and sisters, children of our families, loyal German citizens, will be thrown on to the street like outlawed helots and hunted out of the country, like vermin.
—Bishop August von Galen, homily, 1941
Many times, and again quite recently, we have seen the Gestapo arresting blameless and highly respected German men and women without the judgment of any court or any opportunity for defense, depriving them of their freedom, taking them away from their homes interning them somewhere. In recent weeks even two members of my closest council, the chapter of our cathedral, have been suddenly seized from their homes by the Gestapo, removed from Münster and banished to distant places.
—Bishop August von Galen, homily, 1941
>white innocent slav
One such prominent Catholic victim was the president of Catholic Action in Germany, Erich Klausener. The devout Catholic German delivered a speech in June 1934 against the regime at the Catholic Congress in Berlin. He was shot to death in his office on June 30, during the so-called Night of the Long Knives when Hitler annihilated more of his political opposition, including the leadership of the SA (that had outlived its usefulness), and many conservative politicians. Klausener’s entire staff was sent to concentration camps.
Perhaps because they were jew supporting lefties poisoning the minds of a nation?
B-But they would never do that.
Pic related
Says the guy whos countrys arsenal is aimed at whites.
Take your sob story sasha and stuff it up your ass
öh I know what I'm having for lunch today
I am sure that the Japanese, the Chinese and the peoples of Islam will always be closer to us than, for example, France, in spite of the fact that we are related by blood.
But, holy crap, he murdered a lot of white innocent slav civilians who weren't soldiers or commys. A lot of white russian soldiers (more than 50%) died in nazi prison,
But that isn't true, over 100,000 Russians served in the Russian Liberation Army as well as 40,000 Ukrainians in the SS Galicia legion, the Russian Corps, XVth SS Cossack Cavalry Corps of General Helmuth von Pannwitz, and the Cossack Camp of Ataman
Pic related, Ukrainians celebrating the Germans liberating them.
The Catholic Church in Poland was especially hard hit by the Nazis. In 1939, 80 percent of the Catholic clergy and five of the bishops of the Warthegau region had been deported to concentration camps. In Wroclaw, 49.2 percent of the clergy were dead; in Chelmno, 47.8 percent; in Lodz, 36.8 percent; in Poznan, 31.1. In the Warsaw diocese, 212 priests were killed; 92 were murdered in Wilno, 81 in Lwow, 30 in Cracow, thirteen in Kielce. Seminarians who were not killed were shipped off to Germany as forced labor.
Of 690 priests in the Polish province of West Prussia, at least 460 were arrested. The remaining priests of the region fled their parishes. Of the arrested priests, 214 were executed, including the entire cathedral chapter of Pelplin. The rest were deported to the newly created General Government district in Central Poland. By 1940, only 20 priests were still serving their parishes in West Prussia.
Of the city of Poznan's 30 churches and 47 chapels, the Nazis left two open to serve some 200,000 souls. Thirteen churches were simply locked and abandoned; six became warehouses; four, including the cathedral, were used as furniture storage centers. In Lodz, only four churches were allowed to remain open to serve 700,000 Catholics.
Cardinal Augustine Hlond, Archbishop of Gniezno-Poznan, wrote to the Holy See on December 10, 1939: "The Cathedral has been turned into a garage at Pelplin; the Bishop's palace into a restaurant; the chapel into a ballroom. Hundreds of churches have been closed. The whole patrimony of the Church has been confiscated, and the most eminent Catholics executed."
hitler invaded poland the allies put an ultimatum on him that if he invaded the would declare WAR
also hitler broke the non aggresion pact with the soviet union (operation barbosa)
the usa was japans foult pearl harbor
Lmao retarded american. Leftism and marxism in general infiltrated the church only after the war, and mostly in south america. Read about liberation theology.
>Perhaps because they were jew supporting lefties poisoning the minds of a nation?
>B-But they would never do that.
>Pic related
Nor were the small Evangelical churches of Poland spared. All the Protestant clergy of the Cieszyn region of Silesia were arrested and sent to the death camps at Mauthausen, Buchenwald, Dachau and Oranienburg.
Among the Protestant martyrs were Karol Kulisz, director of the Evangelical Church's largest charitable organization, who died in Buchenwald in November 1939; Professor Edmund Bursche, a member of the Evangelical Faculty of Theology at the University of Warsaw, who died in the stone quarries of Mauthausen; and the 79-year-old Bishop of the Evangelical Church, Juliusz Bursche, who died in solitary confinement in Berlin.
>the only thing hitler did wrong was attack the slavs
>could have used them to achieve infinite soligers and infinite workers
Christianity is a sandnigger religion, following any sandnigger religion for any X amount of yours automatically makes you non-white.
Dachau is a paradox among the Nazi concentration camps. It was the Calvary of at least 2,600 Catholic priests from 24 nations. Yet it was also the only concentration camp to have a Catholic chapel where Mass was celebrated regularly and where the Blessed Sacrament was reserved.
In December 1940, Berlin ordered the commandants of all the concentration camps to send their priest prisoners to Dachau in Bavaria. The priests were assigned to a barracks separate from the camp's other prisoners. Inexplicably, the priests were to have a chapel in Dachau where Mass could be celebrated every day. To this day, no one can say for certain what prompted the Nazis to make this extraordinary concession to their priest prisoners.
The first Mass in Dachau was offered on January 22, 1941. Father Paul Prabutzky of Poland was the celebrant for the nearly 1,000 priests in attendance. (Father Prabutzky died a year later of starvation.) When the Mass concluded, the priests sang the hymn which became their anthem in Dachau, Christus vincit!
Camp guards saw Fr. Johann Schroffner greet a Polish priest, Fr. Schulcz, with a blessing on Easter morning 1940. They were both brutally beaten and then left in Dachau's punishment bunker without food. Several days later, a meal was brought to Fr. Schulcz in his cell. The poor man wolfed down the food. It was poisoned.
Father Schulcz died within minutes. Not long afterward, the camp doctor killed Fr. Schroffner with a lethal injection.
Monsignor Karl Lampert, Pro-Vicar of Innsbruck, was arrested for publishing an announcement of Fr. Otto Neururer's death in Buchenwald. The Gestapo interpreted the obituary as "inciting the people." Monsignor Lampert was incarcerated in Dachau before being executed in Torgau on November 13,1944.
On October 29, 1941, about 530 Polish priests, most of them elderly, arrived in Dachau. Although the weather was already bitterly cold, the priests were given no coats or hats. They worked outdoors in light summer clothing with open wooden clogs as their only footwear. Only eight of the 530 survived that winter.
On November 10, 1942, Heinrich Himmler visited Dachau. He selected 20 young, relatively fit Polish priests for medical experiments. Another 120 were selected later for experiments in which they were deliberately infected with malaria. One of these victims was Fr. Leo Miechalowski. He survived and testified at the Nuremberg Trials in December 1946. As part of the malaria experiment, he was given injections of a drug called perifer. "All of a sudden my heart felt like it was going to be torn out," Fr. Miechalowski said. "I became insane. I completely lost my language—my ability to speak."
A small sample of other Catholic priests martyred in Dachau:
* Dom Ernst Vykoukal, Czech, Abbot of Emmaus Monastery in Prague, starved to death
* Msgr. Heinrich Feuerstein, German, writer and art historian, starved to death
* Agnello von der Bosch, OFM, Belgian, founder and director of the Belgian association for the blind, died of ill treatment
* Giuseppe Girotti, OP, Italian, biblical scholar, died of ill treatment
* Henrik Zwaans, SJ, Dutch, schoolteacher and chaplain in the Dutch Army, died of dysentery
* Joseph Regout, SJ, Dutch, professor of international law, starved to death
* Stanislaw Bednarski, SJ, Pole, editor of Cracow's The Sacred Heart Messenger, tortured to death
* Jacques Magnee, SJ, Belgian, teacher, died of ill treatment.
Yep this
Christmas tree plz...
Bashar's dad should've just sell you to kikes. Or occupy you to this day.
the had a non aggression pact but hitler broke it like a moron
if he waited and let the soviets invade first the uk and france would declare war on them
if he wanted he could even allie with fance and the uk to take down communism
Tell the truth about Hitler, how he kicked out the bankers and destroyed degeneracy. The economic miracle of Germany while the world was impoverished, and why Germany was destroyed because of its success.
Where is the proof of this.
Sure. I guess jews werent already a problem long before Hitler came along either.
The eternal anglojew is far much worse than slavs to be very extremely honest.
t. someone who is honest
>Yes, he exterminated jews, negroes and other untermenches
Yes, such as slavs
>hitler invaded poland
After the Poles started ethnically cleansing the German population in the Danzig corridor and after the British pressured the Polish government to refuse the favorable deal with Germany
>also hitler broke the non aggresion pact with the soviet union (operation barbosa)
The USSR was preparing a massive invasion of Europe, they thought the Germans and French would wear each other out, hence all the technology transfers and training offered to Germany in the 1920s
Once both sides were exhausted, Soviet troops would "liberate" all of Europe from Warsaw to London
>destroyed degeneracy
Executed thousands of nuns and priests, destroyed churches.
Hitler WAS the degenerate.
they were jews pretending to be catholic, like the commies in the US during the 1950's
Hitler was actually a bad guy in every possible way. What the fuck was Hitler thinking when he ordered the Wehrmacht to attack at Kursk? Hitler was only a bad gambler.
Hitler's ancestors came out of Africa you idiot! You obviously know nothing about Hitler. People like you are the reason why I thank God for Israel, even though I am an atheist!
Hitler lost because the USA and Soviet Union are superior in every possible way! Suck it you losers.
It seems reading comprehension is not your strong suit.
the german economy was based on milatery complex he had to expand and annex country's
to keep it stable
this is where the national SOCIALIST part comes in
>his economy screwed him
Wow. A sandnigger explaining why all the Europeans are inferior.
>Executed thousands of nuns and priests, destroyed churches.
Do you also believe in Santa Claus?
they supported those that impoverished Germany
Sorry dont speak gypo beeds belly dancing camel following sand monkey
Something about cous cous???
>wants to get rid of the Jews
>instead gets a generation of the best whites killed
>Jews are now stronger than ever because all the virile white genes were killed off
Bravo mein Fuhrer, bravo.
>Where is the proof of this.
For five years, Konzentrationslager Dachau, a short bicycle ride across the sodden moors northwest of Munich, was the sight of the largest religious community in the world. Because many records were hurriedly burned as the American tanks approached in April 1945, the best estimate, based on clandestine lists kept by priest-prisoners in the work office, is that 2,771 clergymen were interned at KZ Dachau-----of whom at least 1,034 died in the camp.
In the first 16 months of the war, 700 Polish
priests died at the hands of the Nazis
The 2,579 Catholic priests, lay brothers and seminarians came from 38 nations, from 134 dioceses and 29 religious orders and congregations. Their community included 109 Protestant, 30 Orthodox, and 2 Moslem clergymen.
That figure, surprising as it might be, does not include the clergy or nuns shot or beheaded or tortured to death in squares and alleys and jails all over Europe. In the first 16 months of the war, 700 Polish priests died at the hands of the Nazis and 3,000 more were sent to concentration camps; more than half did not return. In Dachau, 868 Polish priests perished, 300 of them in medical experiments or by torture in the prison showers. In France, too, by February 1944, the Gestapo had arrested 162 priests, of whom 123 were shot or decapitated before ever reaching any camp. According to the International Tribunal at Nuremberg, 780 priests died of exhaustion at Mauthausen and 300 at Sachsenhausen, and there were hundreds of other camps and satellites in the network. Nor does the total figure of 2,771 take into consideration that one-quarter to one-third of those shipped to any camp often arrived dead.
citation for the soviet invasion plans?
>hitler could have struck an agreement with the poles like a reverse haavara agreement
not fucking invade them
If you read the post carefuly you'll realize that I called no one inferior, I just called christcucks on what they are. But oh well, what else can you expect of an Amerishart?
The Roman Catholic church has quite complete records.
>was based on milatery complex
Lies. Hitler renegotiated contracts between unions and the factory owners, dictating price and wages. It worked.
like how he kicked einstein out
got a genaration of germans killed in his retarded war
The Rev. Andreas Reiser, a German, was crowned with barbed wire and a group of Jewish prisoners was forced to hail him as their king, and the Rev. Stansilaus Bednarski, a Pole, was hanged on a cross.
Thanks, exactly the response I expected. Next time quote me holocaust memoirs from Vad Yashem while you're at it.
>non-whites = inferior
You're the one that thought that, not me. I think non-whites can be extremely cunning and smart. Isn't that why the west is Israel's cum dump? Because the jooz are smart and cunning and managed to buttfuck whites into becoming cucks?
>the white race will be extinct in your lifetime
Feels good mang.
Viktor Surovov: "chief culprit"
>not fucking invade them
The Germans offered a multitude of plans, even to just have a railline from Germany to Danzig, but the Poles refused due to British influence/control in their government
False, Germany didn't even begin major rearmament until the late 30s
During the war they were technologically inferior to literally everyone, save maybe the American Army in '42, and that was because the burgers basically didn't have an army
>search Hjalmar Schacht policies
The easiest way to make a military pay for itself is to use it as an invasion force. Thus, the big military goes into another country, and that other country's wealth is raided. This economic model is called raubwirtschaft, which is a word of German origin that literally translates to "theft economy." Barring massive foreign aid getting piped in from abroad,raubwirtschaft is the only way of making a military-first policy a long-term viable
Here's the thing: the Nazi economic recovery was mostly a sham. During the late 1930's, such materials as butter and wood routinely ran short in Germany. Why? Because Germany was pursuing a military-first strategy
The German economy, like those of many other western nations, suffered the effects of the Great Depression with unemployment soaring around the Wall Street Crash of 1929.[1] When Hitler became Chancellor in 1933, he introduced policies aimed at improving the economy. The changes included privatization of state industries, autarky, and tariffs on imports. Wages increased by 10.9% in real terms during this period.[2] However, reduced foreign trade meant rationing in consumer goods like poultry, fruit, and clothing for many Germans.
Fr. Titus was interned at Scheveningen and Amersfoort in Holland before being sent to Dachau, where he arrived on June 19, 1942. His constitution quickly deteriorated under the harsh regime, forcing him to enter the camp hospital in the third week of July. There he became the subject of biological experimentation, before being killed by lethal injection on July 26, 1942.
Hezbollah invasion of Israel when?
Quite the opposite. I just accept that history is always 1 sided and that actual events or motivations fall somewhere in the middle. The winner's propaganda material become the historical narrative.
>Thanks, exactly the response I expected. Next time quote me holocaust memoirs from Vad Yashem while you're at it.
You know you are in a cult when you deny complete records of the deaths of ordained priest and nuns.
>Viktor Surovov: "chief culprit"
Viktor Suvorov (Russian: Bи́ктop Cyвópoв, real name Vladimir Bogdanovich Rezun, Russian: Bлaди́миp Бoгдáнoвич Peзýн, born April 20, 1947 in Barabash, Primorsky Krai) is a Russian writer, an amateur historian regularly accused of historical revisionism and a former Soviet military intelligence officer who defected to the United Kingdom. Suvorov made his name writing Icebreaker and several follow-up books on history of World War II.[1]
You're wrong kike nigger. The fairy-tales you learned in school are inaccurate.
He was the right goy in the right timeline, that's all. It would have happened under someone else too.
arguments not ad hominems please
if my argument is wrong what makes you'res right ?
In May 1941, Fr. Jean Bernard was arrested for denouncing the Nazis and imprisoned in Dachau's "Priest Block," a barracks that housed more than 3,000 clergy (the vast majority Roman Catholic priests).
Priestblock 25487 tells the gripping true story of one remarkable priest's survival amid the inhuman brutality and torture of a Nazi concentration camp.
how did nobody fuckin check this
Last one.
Only idiots or bitter germcucks enable this slav hating faggot and by doing so they wipe their ass with european peace and solidarity.
OP is gay. 1 post
No time today. Maybe someone else can give you a lesson muhammed nigger.
lets check if there soviet uniforms ok?
Maximilian Kolbe was a Polish priest who died as prisoner 16670 in Auschwitz, on August 14, 1941. When a prisoner escaped from the camp, the Nazis selected 10 others to be killed by starvation in reprisal for the escape.
One of the 10 selected to die, Franciszek Gajowniczek, began to cry: "My wife! My children! I will never see them again!" At this Father Kolbe stepped forward and asked to die in his place - his request was granted.
As the ten condemned men were led off to the death Block of Building 13, Father Kolbe supported a fellow prisoner who could hardly walk. No one would emerge alive - Father Kolbe was the last to die ..
so you are admitting you have no argument so u use ad hominims ?
Stalin was preparing approximately one million men to invade germany when they go to war with england.
Your leader wanted to annex finnland and the countries on the east of germany while the reich declined his wishes to enslave them.
Hitler never expected to successfully annex russia but to stop their troops as long as they are in the first phase of arming their soldiers and make it impossible for them to join the war again.
Feel free to do research on the sponsors that helped russia to arm and mobilize that many people after stalingrad and you'll find some interesting connections to britain, america and of course the (((banks)))
Einstein didn't create the bomb, he merely encouraged Roosevelt to invest in the program to use the bomb on Germany. That said the bomb was partly designed two likes, Oppenheimer (who was a communist) and Teller, who would betray the US and give nuclear secrets to Israel. Oppenheimer assisted the Israeli nuclear program freely as well, which shows that both of their involvement in the Manhattan project was merely to access US resources in order to make them accessible to Israel. And it isn't that the Jews are so intelligent as much as their nepotistic, over half of Oppenheimer's chosen students, Bohm, Frankel, Anderson, etc. we're Jews.
You're all morons.
>Hitler is not a good guy. Yes, he exterminated jews, negroes and other untermenches, that's good.