Alien Disclosure // Project Bluebeam when?
Seriously getting tired of this "muh drones" shit.
Alien Disclosure // Project Bluebeam when?
Seriously getting tired of this "muh drones" shit.
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I still find it weird everyone stopped talking about the Chilean UFO which was only visible in day time using infared
Those are drones getting ready to put down the finger of god on some spic savages
>muh drones
explain why they would put lights on them then.
>Drone with 5000 watt LED
>Libtards larping
>DRUMPF BTFO even aliens are against him
>They gonna save wetbacks
>HAHA we startrek now
Oh great, more aliens.
>mexican aliens
That's the advanced energy weaponry charging up from the thunder clouds
fear, it's looks far too real to comprehend and far too real to address. I can't get my head around it
ayyy lmaos realized immigrant smuggling business will be more profitable than ever
maybe it's because getting old but i don't care about shit like this anyomore
i wouldn't even care if a fucking star destroyer landed in front of my house
obviously their are aliens at the mexican border op and they are all illegal
And guess which country is now literally burning up.
ok but what is it
Fuck Trump.
Fuck the Women's March.
Fuck the Super Bowl.
Why in the HELL is this not front page news??
News that makes everyone stay home from work?
From school?
From the bar?
News that makes everyone question literally EVERYTHING they've ever known?
>oh yeah, because nobody gives a shit about anything
Russians probably hacked few mexicans and now they are flying and glowing.
I think the reason is because nobody takes UFOs serious anymore.
Today there is multiple unexplained sightings each year, nothing ever happened from them and there were no consequences in any way, so people stopped caring.
Together with the ability to fake videos it is like it never happened, even though it did.
More like drones lol
>lights of unknown origin in the sky
just lol
did you even read the link I provided you faggot?
Just drones taking aerial shots to mark where the concrete needs to be delivered for the wall
>why would they put lights in them
because they're easier to track from the ground dummy.
To scare them. They will think they are UFOs, and we gain plossible denyability