daily reminder that drumpf lost the popular vote and most news on the world are taking sides with mexico and not you,drumpfkins
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Daily reminder we don't give a shit because /our guy/ is in the white house and no amount of butthurt from lefties, dirty wetbacks or the media can change that.
Sure are a lot of Argentinian posters right now. Or maybe just a few really productive posters.
Hahahahaha. The whole world getting BTFO by ONE. SINGLE. MAN.
Goddamn, being American is magical.
We don't even care what our news says about him why would we care about some non-white foreign news says about him?
daily reminder that you will NEVER EVER be white
I'm not a big Trump fan, truth be told I think he comes across stupid and petty and I didn't really want or think he was going to win. That said Hillary is a terrible human being so its not like she was a good alternative.
All that out of the way what you're saying really doesn't matter. The world can voice all the support for Mexico they want won't change the fact that the US is their biggest trade partner and they need us more than we need them. Honestly the only thing that could save Mexico from a trade war is Americas own politicians if they refuse to back Trump policies like taxing Mexican goods or whatever else he might try to do.
Best time line ever.
how much is drumpf paying to type this shit?
Because Trump cares... tremendously! SAD!
Only rural rednecks and suburban retards voted for Trump. All city people voted for Hillary.
>Putin gives orders to "undermine faith in American democracy"
>TrumpĀ® and comrade Bannon undermine faith in American democracy with incessant whining and lying.
Really makes you hmmmmmm.
Daily reminder that the Electoral College has existed for the past 230 years and that's how Presidents are elected.
Then why not just say that instead of harping on this made up thing about the popular vote?
Presidents have lost the popular vote before, but they never invented claims that it simply didn't happen.
>implying urban residents
What claims have been "invented"?
Just take a look at this map, though. The majority of the country voted for Trump. Big cities with high density population are blue. California alone, is probably the only reason Hillary won the popular vote.
California doesn't represent America. That's why the EC exists. Instead of preaching here, explain to the other Lefties.
Here's the map. I forgot to link it in my last reply.
>Only rural rednecks and suburban retards voted for Trump. All city people voted for Hillary.
If you think city people are not the most retarded I question if you have ever lived in a city, because I have.
>The biggest TV station on Brazil shilled for Hillary all election
>They keep running complete absurd commercials trying to make Trump look like the worst thing to ever happen to America and the world
Our current interim president was aligned with Hillary.
I wish Trump to stay 8 years in power.
My point is why not extol the function of the electoral college like you just did instead of claiming (without evidence) that conveniently enough the entire margin in the popular vote is made up of illegal votes, like trump is doing?
If there are suspicions of illegal voting, that's why investigations happen... To find evidence of wrongdoing.
In Detroit, there was more votes than people. Isn't that suspicious? Probably something that should be investigated, to y'know... Find evidence.
>(((most news on the world)))
Allegations and assertions are different things
>I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.
Not a question. A statement. An invention with no evidence.
He made that statement over a month ago and launched an investigation two days ago.
Globo? What commercials?
Lol russia, egypt, israel, and Syria are happy as fuck trump is president.