What is the worst ideology and why is it anarcho-capitalism?
What is the worst ideology and why is it anarcho-capitalism?
Salafist Islam
Honorable mentions: Stalinism, Maoism, Neoconservatism
anarcho primitivits is the worst of all the anarcho groups
>not the most autistic of all
Because retards love this ideology. Same with the black and red flag.
Libertarianism is a close second.
Atleast all those ideologies are applicable in real life. An anarcho-capitalist society would collapse the minute it was created
Sorry, I can't hear you over the sound of the rotor wash
What would now-feudalism be?
Traditionalist monarchy government which leaves peasants to grow turnips where they want and do their own thing beyond breaking the few laws?
Some kind of an-cap-monarchy?
Honestly can't into why these people think it's even nearly viable
Anything starting with anarcho-, also communism/marxism/socialism.
Let's not forget islam and judaism.
Here's your ((((((YOU))))))
Corporativism with a dash of ancap.
I can tell you by experience
What's the point? It's gonna happen anyway
I wish we could just throw all these anarcho fucks in an oven.
Well shit here's your you.
Fuck you
Guys let's just agree anarcho-primitivism is the worst.
The absence of any is worse than anything.
>same fucking thing though
I seriously hope you're not implying that any other anarcho-* meme is better. All of them are retarded shit.
only in burger land.
Fuck you
Ancap is the only ideology based on logic, and not feelz. As a man of science, I like that.
fuck you
More like no. It's goal IS collapse.
What's wrong? Too lazy to work?
not anarcho-vegan-primitivism
>he doesn't know about Hoppean Minarchism
Here's your (you)
God dammit
>tfwywn live in Ansnekistan
Cool idea would turn into warlords and feudalism in about seven seconds.
Communism is equally as silly, just turns into a totalitarian hellhole.
I'd just kill them and make it look like an accident
Goddamn cunt
All I see when someone is not a little bit libertarian (I don't mean anarcho capitalist) is a government cuck, who likes to suck balls to their superiors and be ruled and told to do and give your things to other stupid humans(with others I am impliyin that I am one, but I prefer being reponsible of my stupidity not the government taking charge of it). faggot
no i wont