I heard from a co worker that a lot of those epa guys are ratting on each other and admitting that a lot of their data was fugded
Daniel Green
Yeah a lot of the heavily liberal government posts are falling apart at the seams. The most public expression of this is how you see social media violations cropping up and those twitter accounts and the like being barred from access due to the employees breaking their own policies.
Daniel Hughes
Looks like Trump is going full China.
Eli Perez
They shouldn't not have fucked with americans now they will be fucked so hard and so deep they won't walk again .
Ryan Perez
Wait, I thought we had child labor laws
Christopher Robinson
They should hire us to replace them. I'd love to do nothing all day at the EPA.
Jayden Cox
Not enough, he needs to go full Cambodia. Until the traitors and jews and niggers and others parasites are morphed into a mountain of skulls, peace will not exist.
Mason Lewis
>EPA Employees ‘Coming to Work in Tears’ why don't they quit then?
Austin Adams
What do you mean with the twitter thing. I only go on it to read trumps posts
Evan Parker
They still love sucking on that government teet
Gabriel Hall
When did it become ok to openly cry in public, at work no less? Do people not have any self respect anymore ? Jfc
Camden King
I hate how liberals suddenly think the EPA is like some righteous organization that is responsible for saving the Earth and plants trees in people's yards and shit, and that Trump is like some dictator that's going to round them all up and gas them.
There was something going around social media - a message by an EPA employee saying how all their accounts, social media and research capabilities are being frozen, and that they will have to resort to posting data and research anonymously - like they're being targeted or something.
It's so childish, these people are so sheltered and think everything is like a movie where the big bad evil fights against the ragtag group of volunteers just trying to better the world.
Christian Allen
>“coming to work in tears” Yeah, but those fucks are still coming to work, aren't they? Gotta make that bread, yo. State department sr. management just up and quit.
Foreign policy will be renewed with fresh nationalist blood. This is going to be magnificent.
Asher Price
Things like the rogueNASA or altEPA accounts. You'd have to be an idiot to follow them but there are a lot of idiots. Which is why I doubt most of them are really disgruntled employees, more likely that David Brock and other corrupt dickwads in media are using them to say bullshit to idiots.
Owen Powell
I imagine the EPA is the perfect place for a formerly NEET shitposter.
Isaiah Lee
>shouldn't not have
Andrew Parker
>EPA is a bad thing We China now.
Nathaniel Hall
Nathan Perez
I'm not surprised by diplomats leaving. And the epa needs to be gutted
Austin Clark
I hate how cuckservatives think the EPA is some tyrannical organization that is responsible for killing jobs and factories and peoples livilyhoods and shit. And that Trump is like some savior that's going give everyone a job and a chicken in every pot
Noah Adams
This so much! It's like a badge of honor to act like a bitch ass faggot now
Evan Wilson
>Do people not have any self respect anymore ?
Leftist activist """scientists""" that knowingly fake data to sustain the (((narrative))) never had any self respect.
You aren't on reddit, nobody is buying your spin buddy.
Michael Smith
It's because the epa wastes money and makes up data to push agendas. If they stuck to montoring actual pollution then they wouldn't be hated
Brandon Murphy
>I hate how cuckservatives think the EPA is some tyrannical organization that is responsible for killing jobs and factories and peoples livilyhoods and shit.
but it is. It litterally killed all manufacturing and use of natural resources
Christopher Anderson
Josiah Gonzalez
The EPA was started and proposed by a Republican, just fyi
Anthony Turner
republicans freed the slaves fyi
Asher James
then there shouldn't be any complaints if a republican shuts it down.
Jace Martinez
It's music to my ears seeing environmentalists get fucked. I'm all for saving the environment, but it became too much of a business.
I remember about 15 years ago my parents were getting fucked trying to buy the building they were renting for the business. $5,000 to do an environmental inspection of the ground and they found nothing. So what do they do? They say they need another $5,000 to do another inspection. So my parents drop out of it and then the landlord gets pissed and starts charging my parents more for rent. Then some fucking guy from India comes and buys the building with no problems whatsoever.
Also I love how you pay for recycling even though they make money from it, and then they bitch about every little thing like taking the bottle caps off the bottles. I just throw all my shit right into the trash. Fuck environmentalists.
Cameron Evans
>It litterally killed all manufacturing and use of natural resources >What are unions and labor costs
Actually i've worked in manufacturing now for over 20 years. Labor costs have killed manufacturing.
I probably know more about manufacturing than all of you combined.
Gavin Perez
Sorry folks, I face hurts from smiling this much.
Jose Cox
Could this be the end of Trump?
Carter Myers
They are afraid that they will soon be out of a job and they don't have the ability to get a job doing anything other then them pissing around on the government dime. This is all true so their tears are justified.
Ayden Smith
And with automated machines, robotics, each employee output has skyrocketed. I can personally do more work than 1,000 men a century ago.
Owen Thomas
There is no end. Do not expect one.
David Cruz
>so their tears are justified. And so is my joy.
Easton Myers
The problem with the EPA is a lot like the problem that Greenpeace went through a very long time ago, where you have an organization whose goal is to "Bridge the gap between Humans and nature" so to speak, where the goal is to allow people to do things in a safe and sustainable way. And its no doubt that the contributions these organizations made to humanity should be appreciated.
Nowadays we look at them and they didn't know when to stop, many of the legitimate issues they solved have been replaced with increasingly smaller and smaller problems, to the point where entire places in the world are off-limits to humans for things like "endangered snails" or "important brid nesting areas". These organizations are too old and have started seeing humanity as the problem instead of trying to help humans not fuck up the environment, and there is ways to do things sustainable, but they don't want to hear any of that.
Andrew Adams
Blake Gomez
Well the EPA has become a tryanical organization that is responsabile for 800 billion lost revenue every year due to regulation.
Liam Moore
>ywn see the Farage-Trump-Putin triangle of anti-degeneracy in your life time
Jack Ward
I wasn't talking about that. I was referring to having to do 10 environment studies and not being able to use land in industrial parks because there is oil in the ground.
Jaxson Ward
>rust belt workers lose their jobs >haha you redneck racist retards! >your job gets threatened >have childish tantrums
I wonder if they'll have a moment of self-reflection.
Mason Sullivan
what is she doing in that gif?
Nathan King
>cause major eco disasters >W-why am I losing my job?
Thomas Murphy
>PETA cries about muh animals >40% of it's members (including Ingrid Newkirk and by "members" I mean actual employees, not hippies with a poster in their doss house) take insulin >Insulin which was discovered by experimentation on dogs >Meanwhile they ignore all of that (and ignore they put down more dogs in the USA annually than any other organisation because they're "undesirable") and accept donations from known left wing terrorist who, more than once, have detonated bombs to get their own way and are fully fledged members of Greenpeace >Pure coincidence
I guess when you're on the right side of history, hypocrisy doesn't really come into it. In fact it's pretty difficult to be on the wrong side of history when everything that makes you the "wrong side of history" are things you're completely immune to being called out on.
Elijah Nguyen
This is completely intolerable!
We need to get these people to stop coming in at all! soon I hope, before they get their tears on the furniture
Noah Smith
t. assembly line drone
William Morris
This, this by far.
John Cruz
He should waterboard the ones who refuse.
Carter Martin
damn caring this much about the fucking environment. Fucking fags
Easton Mitchell
They won't.
Ryder Garcia
the quality of the people working at most of these agencies always amazes me.