>Making the cement needed for a 1,000-mile concrete wall would emit nearly two million tons of carbon dioxide and cut off endangered animals from part of their territory
Wew lads. Good thing climate change isn't real anyway ;)
>Making the cement needed for a 1,000-mile concrete wall would emit nearly two million tons of carbon dioxide and cut off endangered animals from part of their territory
Wew lads. Good thing climate change isn't real anyway ;)
Other urls found in this thread:
>their territory
fucking animals, stay in your own country
Has this been the same based Jap making these posts for the past two days?
See all those trees in your image? That's where the carbon from the wall went.
its just an american high school english teecher larping as jap
Who said it would be made of cement?
Animals that cannot crawl a 50 feet high wall do not deserve to live anway.
Fuck off.
We've been shipping China cement for years and nothing has happened.
Like climate change is even a thing. Remember how we were all supposed to be either underwater or burnt to a crisp with skin cancer due to global warming? Al Gore predicted that we would have no polar ice by January 2016. Meanwhile the penguins and polar bears are doing just fine.
This isn't even fake news, it's just shitty, lazy, butthurt writing.
>make wall to stop illegal immigrants
>wreck Mexican economy
>make Mexico an even worse place to live and make even more people desperate to illegally immigrate
Probably a marine stationed at a military base.
I need to move to japan.
your google translate broke m8
Moscow had the coldest winter in 35 years.
Siberia was +15celcius higher than Moscow this year.
Greece had freak snowstorms, snow in Attica for the first time in 10 years.
Yeah climate change is real.
>desperate to illegally immigrate
Not our problem
With Americans I can never really tell if they are trolling or actually that retarded
>muh animals
Nobody gives a fuck. Go live with your precious animals on the other side of the wall if you so love them,
>two million tonnes
About as much CO2 released in twenty minutes from burning fossil fuel.
Put coast Guard on each coast by the wall...
Fix ur own country lol.
I read an account of a bean who said Mexicans have been sending undesirables basically to US. Most light skinned Mexicans are middle to upper class that's why u hardly see any in US. Mexico is more racist internally than what they experience here lmao. Also Mexico deportation policies are fucked towards other South n Central America countries
I always thought pol just liked the meme aspect of Trump, I didn't think you were actually that ignorant about basic scientific facts, Jesus...
I mean, you are literally sitting at a computer. The internet is right there. Maybe use it for something besides loli porn for once
>Americans can barely do 1/13 of what Chinese has done 2500 years ago.
truly a sign of a master race superpower xDDDDDDD
He probably does when he gets shore leave. Or whatever they call it when they can go into town and rape Japanese qts.
I've always wondered how easy it would be to get laid as a marine stationed there. On one hand, them women probably like tall blond guys but on the other, the Marines I hear are all unwelcome because they basically go and get drunk and shit everything up and the locals hate them. Seems like it'd one extreme or the other, no middle ground.
How is that our responsibility? They should fix their own country instead of shitting up ours.
Yes, now go vote Vasemmistoliitto somewhere else.
TIL making cement produces carbon dioxide. Looks like we will be pouring that patio in the back yard after all!
That's not a nip. It's a fucking Marine. You guys really need some culture.
whats a TIL?
Lol unless we use our citizens to death or beaners, and take centuries building it. Also wall of China is disjointed AF
Yeah I don't doubt that.
lel at those signs though.
Yeah I'd protest too desu
kill yourself malaysia. being this new to the internet should be ban worthy
Reddit abbreviation for Today I Learned
>endangered animals
do we really still give a fuck about animals?
furries need not apply
[T R I G G E R W A R N I N G]
Although surely Nasa's combined knowledge can not compete against your degree in memeology
>and cut off endangered animals from part of their territory
i knew mexican were animals
pay denbts
>Northern Union
>Includes Quebec, SoCal,
So china can do it but we cant? Whats with the double standard, bro?
China's wall is made out of inferior materials and isn't even close to being up to code.
less of an environmental impact than admitting hundreds of thousands of brown spics yearly
just look at Brazil or India if you 'care' about the environment, brown people don't know how to take care of their environment for the most part
plastic bags everywhere, rivers full of shit, etc...
He would've only known that by browsing reddit...
climate science has to be the most broke dick shit you can get into.
All the good scientists are taken doing lasers and atom smashing...they can prove their theories.
>atom smash watch
Climate scientists are like the teachers unionof scientists.
>we better all agree or we are out of a job!
That's all I have to say about that.
>All that weak excuses for being inferior than Chinese.
pls start a petition to have the wall painted like an American flag
Would look cool and create more jobs for the shitload of paint and painters you're gonna need
Nasa is a hebrew word that means 'to deceive'. Also run by masons and kikes.
>would emit nearly two million tons of carbon dioxide
Sounds scary until you find out that the US emits ~6,870 million metric tons worth of carbon dioxide and equivalents every year.
The cement is already being made.
All types of cement are byproducts that are recycled.
>t.concrete plant manager
>Although surely Nasa's combined knowledge can not compete against your degree in memeology
big reason why you lost and continue losing.
I agree that genociding all of Mexico would be the more environmentally friendly option but alas, it's not possible in the current geopolitical environment.
quick, how painful would it be if i got a concrete enema?
USA already emits 5 billion+ tons of carbon dioxide every year. An additional 2 million (which is probably a liberal exaggeration) wouldn't be so bad.
>cut off endangered animals from part of their territory
No after the Mexican-American war the territory was sold as part of the peace agreement. It is by international law no longer theirs.
Is that meme from reddit?
The fuck are you doing here son
fuck of reddit.
Unless you're asian, you really don't. Japs are incredibly racist
You have to go back
>Muh temperatures
Not a valid argument
>and cut off endangered animals from part of their territory
>Illegal mexicans already classified as an endangered species, and Trump has held office a week today
Best timeline
Good to see Black Science Man's autism cuts both ways.
>tfw Greeks are too stupid to recognize the denbts meme that they have been mocked with for half a decade
two millions tons
That's equal to 2 weeks of emissions in LA alone.
Force mexico to fix their shit country or die
mark of shame
Animals are a part of the country they inhabit. Killing a wild animal is like destroying a monument - it's an act of vandalism.
please do go to Chyna to protest about carbon emissions, Im sure they welcome you with a hearthy hello and the planet is saved immediately
>and cut off endangered animals from part of their territory
EPA vs. Trump
This is the battle I've been waiting for.
The Reagan admin did not fare particularly well when it went to war with the EPA, nor did W, who engaged in lesser skirmishes.
The EPA, with strong help from the msm, was able to paint Reagan and Bush as anti-science, if not crazy.
I think things will play out differently this time.
I think Bannon understand how the media game is played, and will take steps to counter-act and diffuse that game before it can control the narrative.
I think, too, Team Trump will be more sophisticated in dealing with subversion from the administrative state, which was such a thorn in the side for both Reagan and W (the CIA's Plame nonsense, in particular).
The administrative state is out of control.
But it appears that Trump, along with the current Congress, is going to finally put some reins and spurs to the anti-constitutional beast that calls itself "the deep state."
Very heartening in this regard is passage through the House of a bill ending "Chevron deference," a statutory decision by the Supreme Court under Scalia that invested tremendous power with federal agencies. Because it was a statutory, rather than a constitutional decision, it can be overturned by Congress, and Congress is already halfway towards overturning it.
This is very good news indeed, and will de-fang the kind of aggressive moves the EPA is likely to make against The Donald to forestall the wall.
Why are you so worked up about soviet forces illegally crossing into your territory then?
>de-fang the kind of aggressive moves the EPA
What power do they have now? They've been powerless for decades.
The EPA has tremendous power over any and all development affecting water or air or land.
>Calling whites inferior
Whatever you say Mehmet
Except they're not
Digits confirm
Wall will be made of dead mexicans
it's one of the most powerful branches of the federal government when it comes to real life development involving land. the EPA can fuck over projects like there's no tomorrow.
true but in our defence there lived like 100000 people in Norway during the iron age which was 3 times less than just Athens during their hayday. Also 100000 people spread over a large territory, still we managed to cuck the English. And look at Greece vs Norway now lolwhite
prove Nasa means decieve, google translate doesn't show hebrew with english phonetics
>Wew lads. Good thing climate change isn't real anyway ;)
Come 2030 everyone will know it's a hoax anyway.
You do realize that global warming is a global issue, you fucking monkey chink.
Fun fact: China produces 100 (hundred) times more per single year.
>stop you industry, goys!
>leave planet to China, goys!
More like a global trick
we are not plebs, we use concrete
wtf I love science nigger now
>Making the cement needed for a 1,000-mile concrete wall would emit nearly two million tons of carbon dioxide
For concrete to 'set' it sucks in carbon dioxide.
>endangered animals
another hoax just like climate change
>ameri-lard education
What do you think concrete is made of? I give you a hint:
>cement emits carbon-dioxide
This is why no one believes this crap. Trump confirmed on Hannity that it was mostly fence.
>i never believed
because you are exactly as stupid as cnn and the left.
>cut off endangered (not self-sufficient) animals
That was the plan, idiot
Might as well let illegals in.
>not retarded
Since when are Mexicans endangered?
Cement is very very polluting to create
You burn clay+minerals in giant rotating kilns, often using coal as the main source of heat.
Several tons of coal an hour worth of heat that is.
t. rotating kiln specialist
The earth isn't static, dumbass. This is a blip in time. Shit changes, sometimes a little, sometimes a lot. That you're trying definitively pin it in progress makes you look retarded, but you'll hide behind social proof as if it dictates reality. Fuck you, redditor.
it is good work
Honestly this is kinda sad.
>Making the cement needed for a 1,000-mile concrete wall would emit nearly two million tons of carbon dioxide and cut off endangered animals from part of their territory
Don't care, not even a little bit.
Good thing fucking animals aren't really all that important. May as well never build anything with that leftist self-hating rethoric.