The Simplest and Most Perfect Explanation of Privilege I’ve Ever Seen

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maybe gordita's parents shouldn't have been lazy degenerates

Honestly agree with this to some degree. Glad I have good parents that would do anything for me. Feel bad for people with bad circumstances but I really believe that if you work super hard you can get wherever you want to be in America.

Why did the artist draw babies as fucking old people?

>be poor
>breed anyway
really activates the ol' almonds


White privilege is apparently just a nicer way of saying white supremacy

>books lying like that so they can be pulled off shelves easily

Richard's parents are trying to kills him.

To be fair, it's the right thing to do. A fucking baby grandpa

fuck poor people lol, it's not her fault she was raised like that it was the fault of dumb life decisions from her parents

That's funny, why don't post entire strip where it's clear that girl slacked school and parents didn't give a fuck about good grades?

>her house is full of people
That's an advantage dumbass. You don't know how much I wish my parents ever had people over for parties or whatever. Maybe I'd be better at socializing.

Everyone knows this is true. If you believe in the concept of a self-made man and the American Dream, you literally have college tier cognitive functioning.

This. Her parents shouldn't have had a kid in the first place if they knew these were the conditions they would be living in. It is solely their fault and punishing the first kid's parents for being prepared is insane and retarded. Even if you tax the first couple and give half of their income to the second, there's no reason to believe they're going to put it to good use and not just enrich themselves instead, especially given their past record of decision making.

Honestly, the cartoon has a lot of truth to it. Parental wealth is one of the best indicators for future success.

But if your think about it... is that really a problem? Of course rich people invest in their kids, and do everything they can to get them ahead. Any decent parent would do that, regardless of wealth. It's a natural parental instinct. If you removed the ability to provide for your children, you'd be attacking a very crucial foundation to society. Not to mention, you'd be removing an incentive to create wealth - most people are motivated to become wealthy for the primary reason of providing for their families, more than anything else.

every race has their own privilege; strengths and weaknesses

liberal whites are self-hating pussies

These. Basically this comic is saying:
"Don't blame that retard's parents for VERY poor life choices, be mad at the kid who's doing well and whose parents were imbeciles! Privilege!!"

The cartoon has a half-truth in it. It should have started when the girl's parent decided to have a kid without being educated/having a good income.

I live in a house with 4 siblings and 2 parents. It's constantly busy and noisy, and never empty. I'm still an autistic fuck

Yeah but I don't get to validate my self-worth that way
>62% of US billionaires are entirely self-made
Really fires those neurons.

I don't think that the point of the comic was to blame those that are fortunate or come from fortunate backgrounds.

The point is to be aware of inequalities before castigating those in lower social status for being "losers" or wanting "handouts". If we are aware that there are some inequalities that are almost impossible, if not completely impossible to overcome, then we will better be able to gauge success and give appropriate interventions when necessary.

>castigating those in lower social status for being "losers" or wanting "handouts".

Nobody is picking on the poor kid. We are castigating her degenerate parents whose fault her life is.

>inequalities that are almost impossible, if not completely impossible to overcome
Yes, there are inequalities that will never be overcome. But the comic assumes the boy worked less than the girl, or put in less effort so somehow he is a bad guy and the girl is a heroine for... nothing really except coming from a poor family.

have you been paying attention to anything is the last 10 years? they're trying to shit on white people for being successful in life. t. non white guy

>’There is no such thing as a "self-made man". We are made up of thousands of others.
This is wrong though. Have you ever seen twins have entirely different lives despite growing in absolutely similar conditions?

Also westerners have no idea how different people react to being serviced and project their own thought to people they have no clue about. I.e. they think if someone pays their bills and offers education they are supposed to be grateful and work hard, while actually they think "wow my karma is good, I'm getting rewarded for my past life" and "allah made infidels insane so they just pay me, I should pray more" to "wow whites are really weak and stupid, they pay me cause they fear me".

People are nothing more than an amalgamation of their parents' genes and the environment that those parents created for them. In a way, people are more often than not born into circumstances that they would have inevitably created for themselves.

Just look at black Americans. They are among the poorest people in the country and have been for decades, and yet they have consumed welfare at a higher rate than any other group since it was first introduced in 1964. That's trillions of dollars invested into the black community with virtually no change in their collective level of poverty at all. The environment that they live in is entirely self inflicted and fully unrelated to the amount of resources they have on hand. The same goes for responsible people, who still raise their children properly regardless of how much they are taxed.

>what if

Bullshit ass story some broad threw together because she got dissed by a popular guy in school.

People get helped by their families all the fucking time in all walks of life.

I see what you are saying. But I really don't think that the comic is painting him as a bad guy for being more fortunate, just being an ignorant guy for putting down others as "asking for handouts".

My story is far more similar to his. I have involved, educated parents. Went to one of the best public school districts in my state. Had most of my way paid for college. I see a lot more of myself in him than in Paula.

Despite that, I don't feel the blame or guilt at all. I know that all of my advantages have made me a successful person. I put a lot of my own hard work into it as well, but I know that my background made me who I am today. And there is nothing wrong with that! It is okay that I am privileged.

But as the comic points out, there is nothing wrong or evil about being privileged in and of itself. You are just working with the advantages you were born with. No one can blame you. But the privileged individual does become the "bad guy" if they let their privilege blind them to the hardships that others go through. That is why he is painted unfavorably.

wtf i'm agefluid now

Moral of the story:

If you live in a world of good schools, good community, and good parents, then you should probably be ready to defend that to the death.

Also, the last thing Richard should say is "we really need to help those less fortunate, I hope the Government does something about it, oh, did I tell you I'm taking the family to the Bahamas for Christmas?

t. my family is full of affluent liberals.

No shit sherlock
Billionaires are self made, they find their success and get rich. Their children are not billionaires, they may never even see a billion dollars that doesnt have daddy's name attached.

But they get to grow up with the benefits of a rich dad.