The Mexican people protest our embassies with insulting depictions of our president...

The Mexican people protest our embassies with insulting depictions of our president. This is a pinata they made during a protest last Friday which they proceeded to destroy.

We should have no sympathy for our neighbors. They are disgusting, hateful creatures. We desperately need a wall to contain them.

How can they possibly expect us not to hate them when they do shit like this?

It's hilarious watching him crash and burn. But seriously, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

He already has them you stupid fucking beaner.

Oh shit, were fucked then

No, you and the rest of south america is fucked. Not us.

>tfw special relationship

Just wait.

>tfw american but mexican heritage
>whiter than anyone in that picture

c-can i stay guys?

At this point I'm fine with dropping airstrikes on Mexico City

Former Trump supporter here and I agree. This is the final BTFO of Drumpf, he's finished!

How about you pay your fucking bills.

If you're American, you're American. Of course you can stay. How is that even a question?

Just don't start flying the Mexican flag and burning the American one is all I ask.

I bet them beaners reconsider when we stop hiring their dumb asses and send them back home. Then they can't send US money down to mexico to make their families wealthy. We don't need your cheap labor anymore. We have enough to take up the slack. Pretty soon we will start to kill them.
It will be ours again.

Build the wall, we don't care.
Just don't expect us to pay for it.


Should we burn effigies of your president too, and burn the Mexican flag?

Nah man. U.K. Is front in line. They're trying to break free from the globalist Jew agenda. Trump is following the nationalist Jew agenda. Which is the better option.

A world without Jews is the dream we must chase, but for now we must inch towards it by taking the nationalist path and opposing the globalist open border meme

My kid beat piñatas of Micky mouse does not mean we hate Micky mouse.

If you fuck up the brexit expect a nuclear exchange

No we should just drone strike every Mexican city near the border. Put a 100% tax on all remittances to Mexico. And have the right wing death squats lynch any illegal Mexican they find.

Because all the leftists in this country SUPPORT them doing it.

Do you really think those degenerates who marched would be offended by this? They were doing the same shit in California whenever Trump went to speak incase you forgot.

second mexican-american war when?

Why do I give a fuck?

We mock Mexicans non-stop.
And everyone else.

And rightfully so.
But stop crying about meaningless shit.
Like anyone cares what a bunch of 4'8" Indios think about anything. The smartest among them died or got bread out as soon as the conquistadors landed.

Fuck mexico. Fucking impotent little manlet country full of drug dealing murdering rapists.

They're in panic mode because their reality is crashing down all around them and they know they won't be able to sell their drugs as easily now and they won't be getting to fuck over the u.s. on trade and jobs anymore

unironically this

would be fun af

Is this bait?
What did you expect would happen?
You get radical other react.
Mexico may doesn't have a strong enough democracy and the US will cause a dictatorship there.
You tread them like we did with the jews, blaming them for your problems.

We don't want to kill, or harm them in any way (I don't at least). We just don't want them destroying our country while they destroy their own as well.

It is extremely disrespectful of our country and of all Americans to destroy effigies of our president. You don't see us building effigies of beaner presidents and destroying them, or burning the Mexican flag. Should we?

Mexicans are not a race

we dont have to. thats what people who cant do anything else do. they burn flags we burn countries.

Can anyone explain how a 20% tax increase means Mexico paying the wall? all it's doing is making tax paying americans pay for the wall since the cost will be transferred to the final customer.

>insulting depictions of our president
what are you 12? Well come planet protest. man up.

It forces their goods to compete with ours, either lowering their profits by forcing them to lower their prices to compete while still retaining the 20% tax, or strengthening our economy by buying competitive american goods.

It may not be 1:1 on every purchase, but overall adding a tariff to Mexican goods will mean they are paying for the wall, indirectly as most things in economics are.

The situation here seems similar to that of the Austrio-Hungarian Empire on the eve of war. I guess all multi-ethnic empires face the same fate eventually.

It's the next step.
Relations will get worse.
You will hurt your econemy aswell as the whole worlds.
Life and international relations aren't as easy as the GOP tells you.

See, Trump tells you you have a trade deficit with mexico.
They tell you its a bad thing and as if Mexico kind of tricked the US.

We also pay way more for EU than we get out but does anybody think we aren't one of the biggest winners of it?

Louie CK pls leave

That would be racist


hello nigger

Aren't mexican goods american good at all?
Produced by american companies in Mexico?
If I want to buy an BMW X3 in germany it is produced in the USA.

Yeah, you're winners alright. Nothing like an unrelenting flow of Muzzie men to crown a champion.

Wow, the pretend outrage. Yawn.

With money?

>Relations will get worse.
>You will hurt your econemy aswell as the whole worlds.

Maybe we don't care as much about the economy as we do having a white country?

Maybe the economy doesn't matter that much if you're ruled over by foreigners who don't like you.

> if you're ruled over by foreigners who don't like you

So mexicans are like our turks?
But at least they wörk and don't just take wellfare?

damn, trump looking alpha af in that piñata

From where? Wallstreet sucked us dry.

Why? it isn't Americans sneaking into Mexico. Handle your shit, Pablo.

30% of latinos voted for Trump, so essentially one in three arent the bad guys.. the others well yeah you can hate them, the same way you can hate 50% of your women so...

Dammit. My sweet sugary fruit drinks are going to cost more now fucko. Pay for the fucking wall already holmes.

Nah they're massively on welfare.

Basically tons of them come into the country to have babies at hospitals for free and then disappear and never pay the bill.

oh you will pay for it beaner

pay up pako

Simple just ask them for proof of citizenship

Welcome to the USA Paco. You have a truckload of Pinatas? That will be 5260 pesos. Enjoy your drive.

You have to come back.

"Together, we will make love and tolerance prevalent throughout the world." Thump

>You have a truckload of Pinatas? That will be 5260 pesos.

Except that's like 3 dollars U.S.

oh hey that is basically a soda tax isn't it?
>liberals are now against healthier eating