>Stab a cop
>Get sentenced to four years
>Claim to be 17
>Get your sentence lowered to 3 months
>Stab a cop
>Get sentenced to four years
>Claim to be 17
>Get your sentence lowered to 3 months
we can't keep putting our children behind bars like this, he needs to be free
I've started to hate Americans as much as Arabs and Jews. Congrats.
So... You're slowly turning into an arab
jävla skit jävla negrer varför är det svenska rättsystemet ett liberalt böghål hela skiten
>Swedes get mad at the Americans and not at their politicians
The last panel should read 56% not 65% btw
i dont care
Mega Kek
>Straffet sänks därför till sluten ungdomsvård i två år och tre månader, uppger lokala medier. Den dömde ska också utvisas ur landet på livstid
It says nothing about 3 months. It says 2.5 years in a "youth" prison. And then he'll get sendt out of the county for life.
Sweden is messed up enough as it is. No need to make up stories.