Reminder that Sup Forums stands with israel. Sjw redditors can fuck off

Reminder that Sup Forums stands with israel. Sjw redditors can fuck off

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Fuck off kike.

Fuck off ahmed

you don't decide, kike

Take a hike kike

>Sup Forums not hating jews
Fuck off JIDF, still not going to fall for your tricks.



I don't support white nationalist ethno-states, no.

Niggers still at it. Still at niggers.

fuck off kike
kill all jews and niggers as well as faggots
and fuck leftists

Shabbat Shalom soon Sup Forums!


hahahahahahahaha this is why i stick to 8pol

You guys get this thread a lot here. That's fucking weird.

It doesn't look like pol likes u filthy kikes

Daily reminder that thunderfoot is a virgin


I stand with palestinian people aswell. What do?

go stand with them physically

But that would mean to stand agains israeli people. I stand with israeli people aswell. What do?

Daily reminder that pol is not one person

Your probably not even white

Fuck Palestine and fuck Israel too.

We need to fucking glass the entire middle east.


Israel is an enormous burden. The epitome of a one sided, parasitic relationship. And what do you expect? It's literally a country made of Jews.

I don't have to support Muslim causes in order to want my country to wash its hands of Israel.


>tells kikes to take a hike
>votes for Trump
>gets drafted for wars in middle east
>kikes tell him to march

The fact that the brainwashing actually worked and it has now become acceptable among American """"patriots"""" to be pro-Israel is nothing less than disgusting.

You have to go back....

Take a hike kike