Why didn't he save her?

Why didn't he save her?

the west is doomed
this is what we celebrate now
this weakness, this feminization of our males
this will be the death of us

The overwhelming look of disappointment in his face.

execution is the only option

"my lovely daughter and i" is that sarcastic? seems like it is.

It looks so awkward on how he typed it.

yeah the, "..." on the end kek.


This isn't any less weird to him just because he virtue signals about "tolerating and supporting" it. Not even that deep down he thinks it's insanely fucked up as does everyone who sees this person.
It's just that he tries to cover it up with a layer of tolerance so you get this disgenuine sort of acceptance.

You just know he hates what's happening to his kid but he can't say shit because it would ruin him

The fucking kikes need to burn

he has a manlier chin and jawline than me.

I'm pretty sure he's not disappointed, at least not anymore. I lost a lot of respect for the guy after reading about this.

>tfw too hairy and muscular to change to the winning team

No wonder these people kill themselves at such a high rate, Jesus Christ

Why can't you just be an effeminate male or something? You will still have some form of dignity

You would think that if he really supported his son, he would be one of those people that post a picture of them hugging and saying how his son is a transgender and supports him/her with love. Not a link to an article.

Seroiusly, how have we become so brainwashed as to celebrate this?

Hormones fix body hair and muscles after a year or two

He also needs to learn makeup - it looks like he ate some lipstick

>he breaks away from gender norms
>is urged to take up female gender norms

is this what they want?

yes, turn all our white men into women, then have all the women desire to import (((foreign))) men

Poor Colin Mockery...

He's one of those real-life Wojaks

Yeah, that's a direct result about it. He doesn't actually want to like his son/daughter hybrid car, he wants everyone to know that he does.

i see no other way than to separate ourselves from such degeneracy.



>comes out as a girl
>Doesn't even shave his fucking face

He might be a feminist.

you know Sup Forumsacks MtF transgenders have the same promiscuity patterns as gay men. not a single straight man, woman or lesbian woman comes close to the promiscuity patterns of gay men, exept for MtF transgender """women""". so therefore i believe these transgenders are really just gay men.
ive read articles where MtF transgenders say it is not okay for anybody to ask about the past life of a transgender woman because they have a big history of prostitution, porn and other promiscuous behavior. they are also ridden with AIDS, HPV and other diseases, coincidentally just like gay men. therefore i conclude that MtF transgenders are just gay men.

how can we solve this? well if we make it okay to be gay, but wrong to be a tranny then its all good or not?

thank you non-country bro


Male pattern baldness?

dude its better for gays to remain gays than for them to attempt to try and become women dont you think? provide alternate solutions?

nothing like seeing a balding old man with a pair of tits and wearing a skirt
It's fucking sickening, especially in the heartland of America

Some lipstick and earrings, and i can be a daughter too?. Damn the world is becoming too easy.

male pattern baldness cannot be reversed by the removal of androgens, it can only be prevented when you are not bald yet. but castration is not needed, just rogaine will do.

Should I dumb my colin pictures



Really sparks my noggin.



It's "can't wake up"
Stop appropriating our culture


i'd rather my son just be a flaming homo