I refuse to believe that pol is more diverse than Shia's liberal death cult. what fucking timeline am i living in?
I refuse to believe that pol is more diverse than Shia's liberal death cult. what fucking timeline am i living in?
It's not diverse, it's only shitskins.
Shit skins are the last red pill.
That Asian guy is my favorite thing to watch on this stream.
Watching the leftists unable to process, can't call him out, can't ignore him, is best keks
Are we all shitskins?
Asian guy is truly cementing his history in the great halls of pol
Perhaps intelligent people are just drawn to eachother? Surely it would be reasonable to assume that the intelligent are a minority in all ethnic groups?
>le 60% face
It's New York City and the 60% meme is real, what did you expect?
One thing we can all agree on is that we hate someone else.
Had a long talk with a jap about how much he hates Koreans and Flips on the Sup Forums backchannel and was laughing the entire time because I can't even tell the difference between them.
Of course he couldn't really see the difference between us and our hated enemy the Dane either.
We've always been like this. United against Globalism and the kikes.
Plus the cities tend to have high non European populations.
and they will carry the legacy after white man's death
Lalafell is the final redpill
If you travelled around the world a bit you'd realize there are tons of good people everywhere and that it's just a few retards and the media that fuck everything up.
Sup Forums is very diverse because good people everywhere enjoy memes, justice and truth, which is what this board really is about.
Wouldn't be surprised if half of us were nonwhite/mostly white.
Whites are too successful to give a shit or waste their time in some anime chat site. Only uncle toms wishing to be born white regulars here.
Why is it surprising? Antifa is mostly white. The Anti-German hardcore block driven by racial hatred for ethnic Germans is EXCLUSIVELY ethnic German.
AfD used to be the strongest party...among Turks in Germany.
The hatred of the jew is a world wide thing
You sound pretty gay mate.
I am sure you are, leaf.
what's this song
thanks mate
Intelligent or unfathomably lonely. Either or buddy.
Shitposting and banter is fun, even if you're 60%, a goatfucker, or a streetshitter
Being able to take a joke makes you a lot stronger than liberal college students who need safe spaces.
Kikes are 100 times worse than any one type of shitskin
White nationalism has been appropriated by the brown-folk, m8. Just like Hamilton, except with less choreography.
The true redpill is that whites rarely get angry or waste their time "shitposting" on the internet.
Almost all whites that I know focus on their jobs or education. They're smart people thats too busy to give a fuck about some random posts online.
Friendly reminder he is /ourguy/ why is NYC so full of hidden redpills with secret power levels?
>the campaign to fight for respect of white culture and rights is fought by brown people against whites who claim that whites are racist and only brown people are good
my head hurts
of course, Li.
This stings a bit volksgenossenbro
Honoraries will help hoist the coalburners on the day of the rope
TFW you reveal you're hispanic but want to see your former gang mates deported because they never outgrew the stupid high school bullshit and they don't contribute to society now
feels good man
Pretty likely, actually
Every flag is seen on Sup Forums.
Sup Forums is made up of anyone who is a critical thinker and a race realist. Hell just look at the vids going around lately. Library Asian? Big "fat man" Joe dropping truth bombs on Niggasaki?
The other Sup Forumsacks I know in real life are a half pakistani guy, two black guys I work with, several asians, and my own family is pretty damn Sup Forumsitical, and we're ojibwe.
The hilarious truth is that Sup Forums and the alt-right are more diverse than the left, and if they knew it, it would probably short circuit their little CPUs.
I know I love bringing politics up with white liberals, because they trip over themselves to try to reconcile what you are saying with what they've been told. They cannot just dismiss you, but they cannot accept what you are saying.
Exactly THIS.
>mfw thanks to Trump Sup Forums is now civic nationalist
>that picture
I'm amazed that these people don't have molotovs thrown through their windows.
That person, to believe that, is insane.....they're not just suicidally insane but they want everybody else to die with them.
>that pic
Jesus fucking Christ I just think I burst a blood vessel. This isn't even about being disliking the nazis or not, that cunt is not only ok with leveling an entire city and killing tens of thousands of civilians in her own fucking country - she celebrates it and wants it to happen again. My blood is fucking boiling, you cannot redeem these fucks.
The majority of hispanic gang members are supporters of white supremacy. Swastika tattoos are pretty common on the bodies of these thugs
>the Shia supporters and Drumpf protestors are mostly White
>the Sup Forumscucks are mostly nonwhite
Gets your noodle joggin'...
Well, I'm a Slav (which is white!), one of my best friends is Asian, another Muslim, and we all use Sup Forums more or less.
Still better than fucking France!
Also this:
A brown guy I know sends me stuff about the Rothschilds like, daily.
That's Nazi Low Riders. If I would have been in prison I would've had to join them because I'm half white half Mexican and can't speak Spanish.
Google NLR
Sup Forums and especially America has always been multiracial. The reason why libshits and (((others))) are afraid of us is that we stand for a multiculturalism among the nondegenerate peoples, where we appreciate our differences and root for mutual prosperity. The Brexit threads proved this. People from around the world cheered the leave campaign on. The fact is that (((they))) are afraid of us because we disprove that multiculturalism demands forced homogenization with mudslimes with our international brotherhood.
We want to be white.
Mixed race NLR says fuck the leftists.
These shitskins just want whites to stop being so absorbed with gays and muh fweelings, and to start building rockets and shit again. To actually contribute to humanity again.
>you cannot redeem these fucks.
They're savages, you don't reason with them.
They just get put down continually until they and the rest of their savage kind realize that civlization is better than them wanting to live in MadMax 2.0 (no racism edition) with tire fires everywhere and a life expectancy of 25.
d e g e n e r a c y
My great-grandfather's name is Ahmed, am I still considered white?
Someone's gotta continue the white man's legacy. Might as well be the chinks.
It's almost as if being politically unaware and at once self-hating and arrogant were the (((privilege))) of rich suburban whites or something.
>the 60% meme is true
Even the """"""white""""" Americans on the stream look more Turkish than most Bulgarians.
Where did it all go so wrong lads?
kiwikid is that u
Whiteness is a state of mind.
sup mellow
dude it's NYC
NYC is AT MOST 20% white, that's including jews, arabs, etc.
Chechen? ___stan?
Pol is a hateful melting pot that helps progress muticulturisim
have ironic memes gone too far
Here's the US as a whole
Skewed survey
The normal white people on Sup Forums wouldn't be caught dead on that shit cam
Only retards and people who don't care about their reputation are there. Most happen to be shitskins.
I'm 6'4 220lbs white guy with blonde hair. I'd love to go there and push around hippies but I'm popular IRL and don't want to show my power level.
Yes. Yes we are.
And here is Brazil
If you are non white you can say whatever racist shit you want and the only consequence is white cucks going "omg you are leik racist!!!"
pol is the board of diversity
I'm a swede so
> hey aryans make me something so I can claim muh progress works
no fuck you anglo
i think you're idolizing the white man
You're okay as long as you aren't some filthy churka from the Caucasus.
Anyone have the picture that says something like
"you will find more diversity on Sup Forums than at your next liberal interracial gangbang"
Diversity in my Sup Forums ???
>If you are non white you can say whatever racist shit you want and the only consequence is white cucks going "omg you are leik racist!!!"
Also this
I don't want to have to defend myself against 12" black dildo toting communists just because I'm a white guy.
As usual, politics make life more difficult for a white man in the public eye.
The people most disenchanted with the liberal system is those who have seen it first hand.
I was always a civic nationalist, jokes on you, and just means I was right
>1 post by this idea
But not busy enough to not participate in anti trump protests
Remember the full board title. Politically incorrect. I see the Nazi stuff as an affirmation that this is a truly free space. Nothing is forbidden.
I found it.
Who better to understand what the consequences are?
I lived in a all Latino area overrun with illegals. They fucking destroyed that town and they hated us legal Latinos as much as we hated them.
But who I really hated where thier kids. Little gangster pieces of shit.
Even the shittiest white neighborhoods aren't like that.
>the nondegenerate peoples
Excuse me while I masturbate to shota and futa
I'm white as snow but there is no fucking way I'm putting my face up here, stakes too high for a white guy like me
I could get fired.
He did say smart people, m8.
I didn't say that they shouldn't be gassed all the same, but that's their rational ruskie.
Whitecucks are the only people in this world who are really guilt stricken. Look at any other place in the world -we don't have anyone looking over our shoulder telling us that blacks aren't bad.
he seems like the racist gay-hating type, i wonder if I'm his type...
no homo
We are all shitlords.
We call them Honorary aryans for a reason.
White power is always plastered here, it's because of our want to respect our each different races without forcing 'enrichment' to others.
only Sami are white.
>t. mister cucked byalotofnigs
It isn't that hard to understand. I am not white but I support white culture. A lot of us nonwhites admire European history and want whites to uncuck themselves.
If you're non white you can shitpost in public without any consequence