Where will white Europeans run away to once their cities are overrun with muslims?
Eastern Europe?
Where will white Europeans run away to once their cities are overrun with muslims?
Eastern Europe?
North into the cold.
This. I will welcome them with open arms for our last stand.
Our countryside... until that gets overrun too.
I don't know about other countries but the Belgian government has a 'distribution plan' to allocate refugees to everyone of the 500-some municipalities in Belgium. Excuse being not to overload the cities.
You guys have a countryside? I thought it was just one city and that's it
Wallonia still has countryside, Flanders is turning into one giant suburbia
America. we will become the whitest nation on earth soon.
Why the hell flee?
Vote the cucks out of government.
Is that where islamic books come from? Canals?
Russia, I hope.
We need to counteract domestic idiots and waves of TB-infected illegals crossing over from Central Asia.
Educated, motivated and socially conscious europeans will make Russia great (for the first time since XIII century).
the locals are obviously attempting to convert the lady of the lake so as to use the power of Excalibur for jihad
I will come to you Hungury. I hope you will take us after we took you in during your Hungarian Revolution
Japan is being depopulated so that we may inhabit it and secure the existence of our race and a future for white children praise kek shadilay
There will either be coups across the nations of the EU or a balkanization followed by violent ethnic clensing.
It will get worse, unfortunately.
New Zealand would be nice place to seek refuge after muslims take over EU.
It will take more than going out to vote.
>westniggers, wholly due to their own choices, flood themselves with even more niggery niggers
Noooooo thank you.
I will stay in my country and i will fight for him.
We die
Fuck off we're full
Spics aren't nearly as bad as mudslimes
They won't run anywhere, they will ultimately embrace it
The frozen wastes in the north. At least for you eurofolk.
Us burgers will MAGA
>Eastern Europe?
They will fight back
>Western Europe?
Lost cause
Not a chance
Even smaller chance the America
race mixed into one peoples.
What if you just walked up and kicked a bunch of the books back into the water
They will probably suburbanize similarly to how we did in the 50s and 60s.
>I will welcome them with open
And your wife with open legs
You're in for a surprise
spics only want money
mudslimes want control of your country
you are going to go extinct hahahahqha
All three but SJWS go to all three too since they're usually financially stable. They'll try to spread the infection wherever they go while avoiding the mongrel hordes they bring.
Example: Japan. Maybe not russia since they don't tolerate them and SJWS are too scared to go there. Japan however... is another matter. America might not get as many, nor britain, if they uncuck themselves fully.
I thought blacks moved to new york in the late 1800s.
You would be murdered like the baconman
>you will never kill communist niggers with your mates defendig your homeland
They'll come to Eastern Canada. Eastern provinces are over 90% white.
We don't run. We impale.
Worst case scenario, we fortify the Carpathians and use it as crusade HQ.
We will never leave, fucktard. If we get a minority we will set up an Apartheit state eventually.
I might flee too if I get a decent income going and plan. Want to have kids and not have them raped by the mongrel horde and I want to be able to defend my kids without being sent to prison for it. For now.. stuck.
White flight/supremacists/pussies thread like this - literally the biggest cucks there are. O, the irony!!
Japan does not tolerate them at all, but Japan doesn't even allow whites that much
It's going to be hilarious when the best and brightest Europeans move to America.
>successful Europeans move to America
>only poor and immigrants left
>governments collapse
>immigrants and poor incapable of surviving on their own, so they all die
>successful Europeans re-colonize their own countries
>western civilization saved
Nice digits
>white Europeans
Dying is the best for us, to show the USA not to follow our path.
Australia is probably the safest predominantly white place with minimal minorities and jews - but you'll have to deal with spiders the size of a dinner plate in return.
>calling people coward
Move to northeast germany, no shitskins there.
The legend says if you impale enough roaches you become white.
not gonna happen shlomo, we will not come
>"How much wire you want, f.a.m?
>"Just keep going"
Which is why there's a bunch of white fucktards in Japan whining about whites being discriminated against. There's systems pushing whites ahead for no reason etc. We're arabs there basically. even if not to the same extent when it comes to crime the whining and free shit is there.
>Japan discriminates against weebs
But that's good.
>My wife owns a barbed wire factory...
>Say no more famm
for the most part it's just them not allowing gaijin to be officially japanese, and instead make them resident aliens. So technically they live there and can live normally but they.just aren't japanese (which is a breddy based way of doing it, kek on weebs wanting to be nips)
I wont be going any place i will fight and die for England
Who wants to change continent because he is afraid ?
Not me...
It happened before and it will happen again.
I would swap our brown problem for yours at least Wetbacks have nice food and cool cars muslims are just cancer
The faggots should stay and fight and not turn into literal sandniggers and run off to other countries....
Sad times
Sweden is also overrun with muslims. Where will you flee ? Poland Estonia ?
Don't say that my cheddar bro, you break my heart.
Well said m8
Colonize antarctica. It's not even that bad there they just say that to scare you off.
If Moscow wasn't so fucking polarized with income inequality and the people a bit more welcoming I would consider moving there, but god, it's fucking depressing during winter. I would kill myself in 2 months.
Isn't this how we became the most powerful nation on earth? Letting in only the best and brightest Europeans fleeing Europe, funneling them in through Ellis Island? Telling the shitters to fuck off?
Then the Irish came.
Then Immigration Act of 1965.
It's been downhill since. I can't wait to BUILD WALL
WTF i love Romania now....
To quote Jimmie
"If i ride the subway in Tokyo, am I Japanese?"
Yes. But they get; ¨Ooh exotiq guy :>:>¨ treatment from the women. They get jobs based on being exotic, maybe not to the same extent now considering how many white people have gone there but you see my point.
Shit. Posting twice in a row now. Didn't see that you replied too. Yeah it's a based way of handling it desu. Wouldn't mind if we had the same system in the north. Got a job and can not chimp out or rape people, sure fine stick around. No job, expecting free shit, rapey? no dice.
It's a good way of going about it. People can live there and so on but there's a difference between the natives and the foreigners and the foreigners can still enter the system through various means if they're dedicated and actually want to.
continue moving further to the north where its much colder. look at the birthrate charts for USA. whites are all flocking north. the line is clearly visible. the same is happening in europe where the whitest countries are those furthest north. countries like italy and greece don't stand a chance against the hordes from africa and mid-east.
whites originally evolved in the harsh cold of the upper northern hemisphere. we're coming home lads.
Your "countriside" is about the size of an average Finnish village. I'm surprised such a thing even exists.
Northern Finland is still white.
We welcome white refugees.
>born too late to leave and create your own micronation on a polynesian island or on a square of african soil, and live off your plantations, keeping your slaves happy with cheap alcohol
>born too early to settle on a distant planet and create your own self-sustaining colony
>born just in time to be asked to apologize for Algeria
All I wanted was to put on my colonial helmet and have some fun.
Whats quality of living like in Finland looks a nice place desu m8
come home white boi
>Sweden is also overrun with muslims. Where will you flee ? Poland Estonia ?
He just said, to the north.
Sweden is 2500 km long, the temperature difference between North and South is quite substantial.
I ain't going nowhere, then again I'm rural and my local tightly-knit homogenous community is largely self-sufficient
there is no fucking way for any kind of nig with their nig way of life to enter my domain
Based Ruski
I have bad news for you vriend
they just want to go through your countries not live in them silly slavs
I would trade one of our muzzies for 100 mehicans
but it's the sad truth francois, We will perish and on top of that we will bring great shame upon our ancestors
I thought the gameplan was to take Tuvalu.
t..t,,thanks merchant
'Straya if you don't mind the wildlife, Russia if you don't mind the cold and the remnants of communism, Argentina if you're a faggot, Japan if you consider them honorary Aryans/are a weeaboo, and perhaps Britain if they're smart enough to close their borders.
We rank somewhere among top 5-10 in most of the quality of life rankings.
The thing is, Northern Finland is mostly very rural and the winters aren't for everyone. There are only 4 cities in all of Northern Finland. Oulu, Kemi, Tornio and Rovaniemi.
Pretty sure those quality of life studies were made only taking into account the southern parts as the vast majority of Finns live there.
There are about 600-700 thousand people here living in an area where you could fit entire countries including all the Baltic states and the Benelux countries.
If you're someone like me who enjoys the outdoors, open spaces, snow mobiles, fishing, hunting, midnight sun in the summer and the endless darkness of the winter then there is no place on earth that compares.
If not, well it's probably hell on earth for you.
there's a huge amount of tiny villages in between large cities where there's almost a 100% white populace tqbh
cities are overrun by niggers
Pretty much describes all of Europe west of Warsaw.
Save for a few places where the blacks are replaced by arabs or pakis.
>tfw literally Rohan and Germany is Mordor
Wait till they turn them into shitholes like their homes
They leave.
We come back.